Hello, Donna. Thanks for joining us today! I've been reading your newest release Tumbleweed Weddings, which I love, and I'm excited to help you give away a copy!.
Tell the readers a
little bit about yourself and your writing journey.
I’m not one of those writers who was born
with a pen in her hand! I didn’t think about writing for publication until a
friend of my husband mentioned that he was writing a book, which in turn
interested me in writing. I thought I could just dash off a book, and it would
be accepted right away. (Little did I know!) It took about 16 years before I
received my first book contract.
Now I feel that the Lord has called me to write Christian fiction. He
put the desire in my heart many years ago, and I’m trying to write the stories
He wants me to write.
What made you decide
on contemporary romance?
I write contemporary romance and historical romance, both for the
Christian market. Right now, I’m concentrating my energies on writing
contemporaries. I love stories set in a small town with one prominent family whom
the reader gets to know. That’s the setting for Tumbleweed Weddings. I also love Christian romance. That spark of
attraction between a man and a woman is one of God’s mysteries, and He’s the
one who creates a Happily Ever After for them.
What do you enjoy
Some authors think you should read everything out there—the
classics, literary fiction, science fiction, medical thrillers, legal
thrillers. I prefer Christian contemporary and historical romance books, and
that’s basically all I read. I must say also, I’m thankful for my Kindle! I’ve
loaded quite a few books on it, which has turned into my “To Be Read Pile.” Now
if only I had more time…
What's your favorite
part of the writing process?
As one writer said, “I don’t like to write, but I enjoy having
written.” Getting the book out of my head and onto the computer is not my
favorite part, but that’s the only way the book will get written. Actually the
thing I enjoy the most is editing my manuscript. I like to tinker with the
sentences until they shine.
For Tumbleweed
Weddings, how did you decide on Wyoming as the setting?
This book is a 3-in-1 collection, with three stories that were published separately by Barbour Publishing in their Heartsong Presents line. At the time, Barbour was putting all their Heartsong books into a series called “Romancing America.” They would put three books together that were set in the same state, and they covered all 50 states. Wyoming was open—no one had written a set for it, but while I was writing the first book, the editor collected three other books for Wyoming. She accepted my books as a “Wild Card” set. I really didn’t think my books would be put in a collection, but I asked the editor anyway. It took a couple years, but she finally gave me a nod, and Tumbleweed Weddings was published!
What do you hope
readers take away from your books?
I want to write interesting, entertaining stories that edify
Christians—books that build up, not tear down. Also, as I say on my website, I
want my readers’ faith to be strengthened in the God who loves them.
What are you
currently working on?
My next book is The Ballad of Steffie Mae, a contemporary Christian romance.
A West Virginia gal who moves to New York
City tries to hide her uncultured family roots, especially from the
sophisticated hero who has secrets of his own.
It’s slated to come out in the fall of 2014.
Thank you for having me on your blog,
Amryn! I really appreciate this opportunity.
Do you have questions or comments for Donna? Comment below to be entered in a random drawing for a copy of Donna's book! Make sure you leave an email address to be notified of winning. The winner will be contacted on July 2.
Here’s a short
summary of Tumbleweed Weddings:
In Tumbleweed Weddings,
you’ll meet the Brandt siblings—Callie, Tonya, and Derek—who live on a sheep
ranch with their parents near Fort Lob, Wyoming. That part of the country has
rolling hills, a sparse population, and tumbling tumbleweeds when the wind
blows. Callie Brandt thinks she’ll be single all her life until Lane Hutchins
comes to town. But what secret is he hiding? Tonya Brandt wants to marry a
handsome man, but who is her secret admirer? Derek Brandt doesn’t want to marry
until he’s forty. That’s a problem for Cheyenne Wilkins who needs to get
married right away to fulfill the stipulations in her grandmother’s will.
This is a collection of three contemporary romances under
one cover, previously published separately by Barbour Publishing.
To read the first chapter, visit Donna’s website:

To learn more about Donna and her books, visit her website (www.DonnaRobinsonBooks.com) or her Amazon page (http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00J43HJKI)
Welcome Donna! We're so excited to have you here at the mine. I love getting to know writers and learning more about their projects. I especially love 3 in 1 collections. Are these novellas, or full novels?
I live in west Texas where we have LOTS of tumbleweeds. This sounds like a great book. I like the 3in1 books.
Thank you, Peggy! And thanks to the Diamond Mine for showcasing my book! Tumbleweed Weddings is a collection of 3 small books I wrote for Heartsong Presents. At 50,000 words each, they are considered full novels.
Thanks for your comment, Susan! There's sagebrush in Wyoming too -- like Texas. And of course, the big open spaces.
I love how your characters how true-blue principles with a touch of humor thrown in. I enjoyed this interview and have enjoyed reading everything you have had published!
Ooo! I'm so excited that I went right over to Amazon and ordered my copy just now. I like how fun your characters are, and your writing style is easy-going like a modern-day Jeanette Oke. Congratulations, Donna! Great interview. :)
Donna, so excited for your new book! I cannot wait yo read it! I would love yo win it!!
Thank you, Paula! I'm so thankful for JOY Writers, our critique group, that helped me learned how to write!
Wow, Jeanne! Thanks so much! Enjoy reading.
Thanks for your comment, Lisa!
So cool to see your three Heartsong Presents stories in this collection, Donna! I love that I got to critique them as part of JOY Writers. I look forward to seeing your Steffie May story published as well.
Tumbling tumbleweeds. :) Yes, Wyoming's full of them and plenty of wind to send them on their merry way. LOL Welcome to the Mine, Donna. It's great to have you here.
Thanks, Margie! I'll let you know when Steffie Mae is ready to edit (lol)!
Thank you so much, Renee. I love your blog!
I've been out of town, but I just wanted to say again how nice it was to have you with us, Donna. Love your work!
I can tell everyone Donna is a wonderful author. And Donna, I'm excited to read your next book!!
Thanks again, Amryn, for hosting me!
Aww, thanks, Misty! You were always a faithful reader when I had my blog, and I enjoyed your comments.
Thanks, Donna. And we love having you here! :)
Hi Donna! Great to have you on the Mine. I'm new to all this blog/website stuff and am still feeling my way around it. I noticed you mentioned your blog in past tense. Did you have it before you got published and don't have time now?
Hi Nancy, thanks for your comment! I had a blog for about 6 months. Even though I loved doing it, I felt it didn't have enough traffic for all the time I put into it. So now I'm putting that time into writing books. Hopefully my new book will be out this fall!
Thank you for sharing this lovely interview. TUMBLEWEED WEDDINGS sounds like a delightful collection!
texaggs2000 at gmail dot com
Thank you, Britney!
Congratulations to our book drawing winner, Britney Adams! (Britney, you commented just in time!)
Thanks to all of you for your comments and support. God bless!
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