Brrr…It’s a chilly here at the Diamond Mine! Grab a
mug of something warm. I’ve got my hands wrapped around a cup of green tea.
Help yourself to the virtual buffet of hot chocolate, tea (black, green, or
Earl Grey), coffee (decaf or regular), or Russian Tea (Yum, recipe link below!) I hope
you’ve got your tree up, artificial or real, with all of its ornaments and
lights to usher in a blessed season of peace and joy. A time of celebrating the
birth of the Christ Child. The Savior of the Universe.
Let me add some sugar to my tea and introduce
something sweet for you readers to enjoy. An interview with author, Anita
Klumpers! And she has a Christmasy treat for us! So grab an afghan, a good
fuzzy one that smells like Heaven, and snuggle up and meet my author!
Anita is giving away an e-book copy of Christmas Passed!
PT: Welcome Anita! So excited that you are joining
us on the Mine. Let’s stir up the important questions first. What launched you
into writing?
AK: I’d written a lot of skits but wanted to
challenge myself to try to develop a plot in a full-length novel. It only took
five years and a zillion rewrites, but Winter
Watch was finally published in 2014.
PT: What about books turns your crank?
AK: Huh. Good question. Like a lot of women my age I
enjoy nearly-bloodless mysteries and suspense novels with a little romance and
not too much creepiness. Books that stay with me are the ones with deep, rich
plots, lots of character development and something to make me think.
“Fahrenheit 451” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Frankenstein” stick with
me. Mary Stewart, Agatha Christie,
Louise Penney, Patricia Wentworth are perennial favorites.
PT: I simply
love the cover of your book. What genre is Christmas Passed?
AK: Suspense/romance
And a quick blurb:
Dinah loves Christmas. She loves history, the old
Wagner House, and the elderly women working to preserve its heritage. She loves
almost everything except Mick Wagner, her childhood nemesis.
But if they want to save the Wagner House and solve
a mystery that's been hiding in the attic for almost eighty years, they'll have
to join forces. And they have to do it quickly, before one of them dies trying.
PT: I love the thought of the attic holding old crimes. Intriguing. And I'm intrigued to know if you have your tree up yet?
AK: Yes! Whew! Just waiting for my youngest (now age
26) to put the angel on top. It’s a tradition. Since he is now 6’4” my husband
no longer has to lift him far to do it.
PT: Wow, I would say not! Now tell us, what keeps you
writing books?
AK: Good question. Hmmm. It usually starts as a challenge
to myself, and to keep up appearances with my writers’ group. Then I get to
genuinely love the people and locations in the stories and I want to spend time
getting to know them and “living” with them.
PT: Uh-huh. (sip) Where are you steering towards
next with your writing?
AK: Towards completion! I am such a pokey writer! I
have several manuscripts in the works, all sort of in the suspense/romance/mystery
category. It would be nice to get some submitted soon, and hopefully accepted.
PT: Tell me 5 things fast about Anita Klumpers that
have nothing to do with writing.
1) Coffee and water are the world’s greatest
2) I have 3 sons, 5 grandsons, 1 granddaughter and
SIX (count ‘em. six) American Girl dolls
3) We were a homeschooling family, not because I had
issues with traditional education or school systems, but because I really
enjoyed having my boys around. They are all grown up and successful and we’re
all still close. Praise God!
4) Want to know anything about Perry Mason? Feel
free to ask me!
5) (This is hard. I’m getting paranoid that I must
be incredibly dull.) One daughter-in law is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and I
adore her parents. So, I have been slowly, painfully trying to teach myself
sign language for years now. It is a beautiful language!
PT: Ah, yes. The coffee. Need some more, Anita? And
you most certainly are not dull! Tell us what Bible verse is dear to your
heart right now?
AK: Lamentations 3: 22-23. Through the Lord’s mercies we
are not consumed, because His compassions
fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness.”
PT: Ahhh. What a lovely verse! That might be handy in this rush-rush of Christmas preparations. Thanks for being with us today, Anita. It's been a delight to chat with you. Here are the links to find Anita's book: Pssst: it's only $.99 right
now, so grab you a deal!
But, of course, Anita is giving away one free book to a lucky reader. Please leave your email in the comments to be entered.
Thanks for hanging out with us today and tell all your friends where to find us. Please subscribe by clicking on the top right corner on "Subscribe. . ." May the merry bells keep ringing! Click here for the Russian Tea Recipe.