Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Interview with Jenna Van Mourik

I am thrilled that my last post of the year is featuring author Jenna Van Mourik! Jenna took the time to answer some of my questions and I am excited to introduce her to The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction community. She also has a new release coming out next month that we can't wait to share with you!!

Here's a little bit about Jenna:

Jenna Van Mourik graduated magna cum laude from California Baptist University with a B.A. in English, and received a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology. Her debut novel, Jerusalem’s Daughter, was published in 2021 and is the first book in the Generations of Faith series.​

When she’s not reading, writing, or sharing her favorite books on social media, she’s spending time with her husband, Brandon, and toy Australian shepherd, Piper. She strives to live every day according to God’s purpose with what she calls a “Now go!” mindset, in reference to her favorite passage of scripture, Exodus 4:11-12.​

Connect with her at or on social media at @jennavanmourik.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me Jenna! Can you tell us how you got started on the author journey? When did you know that you wanted to be an author?

Jenna: I was always a very creative child, so I would say it was never a question that I would do something creative later in life; the question was really, which creative avenue would I settle on? I was enrolled in college as a film major, but found my favorite parts of that program were actually the writing assignments and English classes. At a certain point in my college journey, I remember asking myself, “Wait a minute—why can’t I just write?” I changed my major, transferred colleges, and it ended up being the best decision I ever made.

You are clearly on the path you should be on! Why did you choose to write Christian Fiction?

Jenna: I grew up with a majority of my family members being involved in some sort of ministry. I had a lot of strong influences on my life who embodied a Colossians 3:15-17 way of living and demonstrated what it means to make Jesus the center of everything, whether that meant leading others in worship, pastoring churches, volunteering, or even pursuing mission work. I’m so grateful that they passed on their love of Jesus to me and when I got older and started figuring out what I wanted to do in my own life and career, it felt very natural to write Christian fiction. In many ways, it would be harder for me to write a book without faith elements in it.

Yes! When something is ingrained so deeply in you, it seeps into everything in your life. As you are getting ready to release the next book in the Generations of Faith series, Daughter of the Most High, can you share any highlights or key challenges you faced while writing and getting ready to publish this book?

Jenna: Every book is so different and comes with its own set of challenges. Writing my first book was just “for fun.” Writing my second book was overwhelming as I felt like I had to “prove myself” now that I had readers looking forward to the sequel. Writing the third book has felt like the end of a chapter in many ways. I didn’t feel like a debut or “newbie” author anymore, and the writing process felt a lot more free in that way. It was a lot like returning to my roots of writing for fun and just enjoying the craft of storytelling!

When you have readers looking forward to your stories, the imposter syndrome can definitely come out sometimes, but it's so rewarding to see how your stories can impact readers. How do you connect with your audience? What ways have you found are the most effective for reaching new readers with your stories?

Jenna: I’ve been doing #bookstagram since 2017. I started my account by posting book reviews and with absolutely no intention of ever self-publishing a book, let alone an ancient historical Christian fiction book. It was my favorite genre to read, but I never thought I could write it successfully. I was very scared to approach it, but when I did, I already had a built-in audience from my book reviewing days. I no longer review books as often, but I still use Instagram and YouTube to connect with readers. My husband and I will often film reels together where we dress up as my characters and re-enact scenes or lip-sync to audios inspired by my books. It’s become a really fun tradition for us, and while people always say that my husband is such a good sport, I have to give him credit and say he really does love doing it with me! I’m so thankful to have his support.

Since you read and write Christian Fiction, do you have a favorite Bible verse or life verse that inspires you?

Jenna: Always, always, always, my answer will be the account of Moses and the Burning Bush in the book of Exodus. Specifically in Exodus 4:11-12, which reads, “Then the LORD asked Moses, ‘Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say’” (NLT). I try to live everyday with a “Now go!” mindset, and just keep stepping into every new opportunity, knowing that the Lord will be with me. 

I love that Jenna! And I needed a reminder of that conversation between the Lord and Moses. So we both know writing can give you the munchies! Do you have a favorite writing snack or drink?

Jenna: BBQ potato chips and coffee, though typically not at the same time! 

I think not at the same time is smart! I really enjoy white cheddar cheetos and I also love tea, but having them together is a dangerous combination. So I know you have a new release coming out on November 12th! Can you tell us a little more about Daughter of the Most High and what inspired you to write this story?

Jenna: Daughter of the Most High is book three in my Generations of Faith series, and focuses on the character of Rut, who appeared in both previous novels. In DOTMH, Rut has become a skilled weaver who can craft extraordinary tapestries with her own hands, but struggles with control and trust in her personal life. I’ve been wanting to write Rut’s story since I first came up with her character. As someone who has struggled with grief and anxiety in the past, I was inspired to write this story to show that God truly can take any broken thread and turn it into His masterpiece.

Yes he can! What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a Christian Fiction writer?

Jenna: Now go! Whatever opportunities or gifts or talents God has given you, He has given them to you for a reason. Follow His lead and trust that He will be with you, leading you and guiding you at every step. Pray about everything, be faithful with what He gives you, and leave the outcome in His hands.

Amen. After your next release, do you have any upcoming projects you’d like to tell us about?

Jenna: Daughter of the Most High is the third book in my Generations of Faith series. The fourth book in this series is already written and currently being edited for release in 2025. Beyond that, I’m planning a spin-off series that will feature some of the same characters whose stories aren’t quite finished yet. In August I went on a “research road trip” to places like the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Museum of the Bible, and I learned a lot about Paul’s letter-writing years, the Great Fire of Rome, and the Fall of Jerusalem. I’m excited to continue researching those events and incorporate them into my next series!

Jenna, thank you so much for joining us today! I always like to end my interviews with authors on one final question. What do you hope Christian Readers take away from your writing?

Jenna: Each book has its own special quote or theme that I associate it with. With Jerusalem’s Daughter, it was the idea that words have power, not just to hurt, but to build up, encourage, speak life, and share the Gospel. With Antioch’s Daughter, I wanted readers to walk away in awe of grace and our Redeemer who truly makes all things new. With Daughter of the Most High, I hope readers see from Rut and Hektor’s story that even in times of chaos or hardship or confusion, God truly can weave every broken, tangled thread of our lives together. We can rely on Him in any and every circumstance, and if we ever find ourselves straying from His path, we can always return to Him as a child returns to a loving father.

Thank you for taking the time to share with our Christian readers a little about you and your work, Jenna! Wishing you the BEST release for Daughter of The Most High!

You can learn more about Jenna and her upcoming new release on her website, youtube channel, instagram, or her amazon page!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

#Interview with Julie Arduini #smalltown #romance #Christian


1.     Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m Julie Arduini, Are-due-we-knee, and I write small-town romances with Christian surrender themes and chocolate mentions. I am from Upstate NY, so I base my romances in those places to highlight the gems that are often overlooked. I’ve been married for 28 years to Tom, and we now live in Ohio. We have four adult children and five grandchildren.


2.     This November you celebrate a decade as a published author. What was that first book and the process?

That’s a great question! Entrusted was a story I wrote soon after visiting the Adirondack Mountains for the first time. As I walked around the real Speculator village, I pictured the characters and built the story. I shelved it as I married and had kids. About 2007 I felt the nudge to write again. I participated in the Jerry Jenkins Christian Writers Guild and wrote flash fiction. My work then started appearing in anthologies. Then I knew it was time to return to that first story. I believe it took 12 drafts from that first one years before, but I kept working on it. It first published in November 2014 with a small press, and then in 2016 I went indie and re-released it.


3.     What were your goals with that first release? Have they changed with subsequent books?

I was probably the most shocked Entrusted was a published book. My heart was to share my writing with friends and encourage and entertain them. I never cared about bestseller lists or big media interviews. When I finished Entrusted, I realized the set-up for book two, Entangled, was already there. That first book launched my first series. I never thought I’d keep writing. I’m definitely not an author with a quick turnaround, but in those ten years I’ve published ten books. I now treat my work as a ministry. I love when I can entertain and encourage, but I want readers to know they can find freedom in Christ when they surrender.


4.     What has changed in the industry in the last ten years?

I think a lot has changed. Self-publishing carried a bit of a negative reputation, and I understand. To this day there are books out there where there is little editing or quality writing. However, a lot of great authors who chose indie publishing are producing amazing content and readers see that. Social media has changed. Facebook was the big one back then. Now there’s Instagram and TikTok to consider for marketing. YouTube is big.


5.     What has been the most challenging thing about writing in the decade you have been active?

Marketing. When I mentor new authors they believe you write a draft or two and once published, readers find you. That’s rarely how it works. Marketing probably takes me as much time as writing does. As an indie author, I’m on a low-to-no budget. Finding opportunities to meet new readers and convince them my work is worth buying is time consuming, but necessary.


6.     You mentioned you have ten releases. What are they?

It all started with the Surrendering Time series. That included Entrusted, Entangled, and Engaged. There are two stand-alone novellas, Restoring Christmas and Match Made in Heaven. I then co-authored a women’s fiction/YA series with my daughter, Hannah. Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’ features You’re Beautiful, You’re Amazin 

Here is the blurb for Repairing Hearts:  What if a reality show creates a blight on sextuplet Ryan Hart’s life harsher than his dump of a home?

Ryan, the independent, brooding second oldest of the Hart sextuplets, can’t enjoy the solitude he craves 
when he agrees to star on a reality show. The plan is to discover a project manager to renovate his hole of a property. The show reveals that it's more about Ryan’s dating life. Can he keep his guard up when everything around him is falling apart faster than the shingles on his roof?

BJ Wallace loves her quiet life in Wisconsin that she’s created far from her traumatic childhood. Everything changes when she learns she's competing on Repairing Ryan's Heart. As the show focuses more on Ryan than the house, BJ falls for him. Will she win the show and destroy Ryan with her secret, or sacrifice her heart to protect Ryan?

A small-town, reality show romance with family drama and a Christian thread of surrendering pride and anger.

Repairing Hearts for Kindle:


Repairing Hearts Softcover:

7.     You use surrender issues in your writing. What kind?

With Surrendering Time I wrote about surrendering regret, dreams, and wanting to belong. Restoring Christmas focused on surrendering grief. Match Made in Heaven was surrendering the past. Anchored Hearts was surrendering control, while Repairing Hearts was surrendering anger and pride. I love using issues we all face and showing that God can transform the hardest person and situation.


8.     What do the next ten years look like?

I plan on finishing Surrendering Hearts, and I have two novellas slated for November 2025 and September 2026 as part of the multi author project called Dogwood Creek Matchmakers. My husband also has retirement in sight, so I have no idea what life will look like once that takes place.


9.     How do you plan to celebrate your tenth anniversary?

On Tuesday, November 12 from 7-10PM Eastern I’m hosting a Book-A-Versary. Joining me will be Edwina Kiernan, Linda Shenton Matchett, Nancy Naigle, Linda Hoover, Lori Keesey, Laura Poole, Penny Zeller, Lori Soard, Sarah Hanks, Patti Shene and Tracie Corll. We will have fun discussion, games and giveaways, all at You are all invited!


10.  How can readers find you?

The easiest way is Link Tree. It has all my social media, web, newsletter, and book links. I love connecting with readers, so be sure to say hello. Thank you, Laura, for hosting me. This was fun!



Julie Arduini writes small-town romances featuring Christian surrender themes and chocolate mentions. She’s the author of the series SURRENDERING HEARTS (Anchored Hearts, Repairing Hearts, +four more). Her other romance series is SURRENDERING TIME (Entrusted, Entangled, Engaged). She also co-wrote a YA/Women’s Fiction series with her daughter, SURRENDERING STINKIN’ THINKIN’ (You’re Beautiful, You’re Amazing, You’re Brilliant). Her stand-alone romances include MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN and RESTORING CHRISTMAS. In 2025 she joins Leah Atwood, Robin Bayne, JoAnn Durgin, and Dawn Kinzer with the small-town romance series Dogwood Creek Matchmakers. Julie maintains a blog at and Substack. She resides in Ohio with her husband and daughter. Learn more by visiting her at