Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Melissa Henderson and Her Delightful Children's Books Giveaway

 Dear Diamond Mine Readers,

       Thank you so much to the owners of this blog for having me as a poster. I appreciate the opportunity to get to know you all better--and introduce you to some of my author friends--and to perhaps make some new friends!

First up is a fellow Low Country of South Carolina American Christian Fiction Writers member. We're both charter members!

Hello. Melissa Henderson here. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this blog message. 

I asked Melissa to introduce herself and learned some details I hadn't known before...

I was born in Hampton, Virginia and lived in the same house until I married my husband Alan. Young love continues to last. We celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary on March 3, 2025.  Alan was 21 years old and I was 18 years old when we married. My parents never felt a desire to move. So, when Alan and I married and we moved into our first apartment, I was excited about decorating and taking care of our home. 

One thing I find so endearing about Melissa is just how sweet she is--there's this feeling of meeting a good friend the first time you see her. I asked her what she thinks the first thing people notice about her might be...

People often say the first thing they recognize about me is my smile. I have the joy of the Lord in my heart and that makes me wear a smile most of the time. Yes, I have sad times and the tears flow. However, the good outweighs the bad and my smile shines for the Lord. Another reason for my smile is that I am a 20 year breast cancer survivor. Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord that he extended healing to you.

So, Melissa, we loved getting to know you better, but we're also here for the books. Tell us about your writing?

I’m an award winning author of children’s books, “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. I write for many online and in-print publications. I’m also published in many anthologies. My messages are inspirational and uplifting, sometimes humming with a bit of humor. Writing has always been a passion for me and I am thankful to continue to write every day.

Visiting schools, medical offices, vendor events, and other venues gives me opportunities to connect with readers and share my stories.

Where do your ideas come from, if you don't mind me asking?

“Licky the Lizard” is based on my personal experience with lizards. Moving from Virginia to South Carolina eight years ago brought new experiences. When we first arrived and I noticed lizards everywhere, I was afraid of the little creatures. The more I saw the lizards, the more I wanted to learn more about them. In the story, the lady becomes friends with a lizard and names him “Licky”.

Blurb: Licky the Lizard is one nice lizard and just like you and me, he’s one of God’s own creations. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget that we’re really all the same—-
because He created everything in our world.

In Licky the Lizard, author Melissa Henderson offers parents, grandparents, and educators a tale that teaches young children a simple, yet important message: There is no need to fear any of God’s creatures because we are all created by Him—-and He loves us all.

People might think children's books are easy to write. Did you have any challenges?

One difficulty while writing this book was researching lizards and learning there are various types of lizards. Those fast running little lizards can climb through the smallest of cracks and sometimes find their way into a home. Yes, I screamed more than once upon finding a lizard in the house. I prefer the lizards over the snakes. 

I’ve also learned about alligators since moving to the Lowcountry. Gators are a normal sight in our area. Stay away from the gators and they will stay away from you.

Do you have lizards in your neighborhood? Have you found a lizard inside your home? How did you react? Or perhaps there is another animal that makes you pause and wait for it to move. Share your story in the comments.

How can readers get in touch with you--or perhaps learn more about what you're doing?

Please connect with me at these links. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Giveaway and Interview with Jill Chapman!

 Hi, guys! V. Joy Palmer here! Since we are all friends here, you guys can call me Joy. ;-) And one of my favorite things to do is talk with my friends at coffee shops then head to the bookstores. Yes, plural. After all, books and yummy drinks are the perfect combination! So consider this our virtual coffee shop. I'll wait a second for you to get your warm drink and a fuzzy blanket before we chat with today's guest. <3

Today we are going to pry into the private life of CHAT with Jill Chapman, author of Seaside SOS!

Jill resides in southern Indiana with her husband of forty-six years. They enjoy their country lifestyle and visiting with their children and grandchildren. She is an avid movie watcher, loves Mexican food, and paints watercolors. Most days, you’ll find her in her studio working on her next adventure story or crafting new projects.

Jill’s interest in books began in childhood when reading provided a wonderful outlet for her wild imagination. She loves to tell stories about her life experiences with humor mixed in to convey the sense of adventure she feels every day. Jill says her life is like a good plate of nachos, with a tiny kick of spice and a whole lotta cheese.

Connect with Jill on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter)!

Interview ~

This may be the most important question I ask -- no pressure or anything, LOL! 

*drum roll*

What are you drinking in our virtual coffee house? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Something else altogether?

Don’t hate me, but I’m not a coffee drinker. I love extra spicy chia tea, iced or hot. I’ve also began drinking green tea lately. It’s okay, but extra spicy chia tea in the morning is amazing.

Spicy chia tea is loved here! If you could order anything in the world to eat (we can dream, can't we?), what would it be?

Last year, while on vacation, we ate in a Bolivian restaurant in Fort Walton, Florida. It was amazing! We spoke with the owner. He was so passionate about feeding Americans his special dishes from his country. It was fun to see a young man excited about his culture. I expected the food to be spicy, but it had a delicate flavor. I’d eat from his restaurant again in a heartbeat!

That sounds awesome! Where is your favorite place to write, and why is that your favorite place?

I arranged a room in our house to be my studio. Most days, I’m at my desk in the studio, researching and writing. When I struggle to put a sentence together, I can go to my art table and create something there.

What a wonderful space to create! Do you have an odd habit that is only explained by your bookish, writer tendencies? Safe space. ;-)

I would say my CONSTANT internal monologue. I may be in the room with you, but in my mind, I may be in the woods being chased by a bobcat!

This is the way. What inspired you to write Seaside SOS

The Bomb Squad series revolves around the adventures of a boy named Bryan and his three friends. My girls loved to go to the beach when they were growing up, so I decided to have the boys solve a mystery on the beach. When they suspect sea turtle eggs are in danger, the boys must save them. Since sea turtles and ocean life can be so vulnerable, this was a way to have children see ways they can help with conservation.

Love that! What led you to write in this genre?

My desire is to create family-friendly stories filled with adventure for children. When I was teaching, some students longed for friendships but didn’t know how to be friends or develop friendships. Children learn from fictional stories in many ways, so I wrote a story about four boys navigating friendship and mysteries together. My stories have settled in middle grade, although I have plans to publish a YA mystery as well.

That's awesome! What message do you hope to convey to your readers?

Friendship with the element of loyalty is challenging for children today. I want to give children an example of how to be a good friend. My stories aren’t preachy, but they do contain Christian concepts and how the boys struggle with them at times.

It's so important! Can you tell us a little about your next project(s)?

Holiday Havoc is the next adventure with the Bomb Squad. In this adventure, the boys must help prepare a Christmas float for a parade, solve a mystery of stolen presents for a children’s event, and help care for a new pet. All of this while navigating a blizzard. 

Tell Yourself is another project very close to my heart. This testimony/journal book will include personal testimonies from my life while providing space for readers to journal about their own lives. It will encourage people to see how God works in our lives in extraordinary ways.

      Those sound great! Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story that inspires you on a soul level? 

There are so many verses that speak to me and have been favorites over the years. Philippians 4:11 has been my life verse for a long time now.  Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Life is a challenge for all of us at times. To walk faithfully, we must learn to be content in the knowledge that Jesus knows where we are, and he’ll take care of us. I’ve struggled with feeling out of place or out of touch. This verse helps me remember to be content in where God has me.

So true! What are you currently reading? Inquiring minds -- mine! -- want to know. ;-)

A book way out of my comfort zone! City of End by Katelyn Pfeiffer is a futuristic fantasy about a young woman who must save her city from an evil that is waging a war on humanity. It’s been an exciting read so far, and I can’t wait to see how it ends.

That sounds exciting! Thanks for answering all of my prying questions, Jill!

Check out Jill's books and a giveaway opportunity! 

Books ~

Bryan and his three friends hop on a plane to Florida for a fun-filled seaside vacation with their families. The Squad arrives with high hopes for a thrilling time on the beach. In typical Squad fashion, things don’t go as planned. Max runs away from his dogsitter back home, Tim tells them he might leave the Squad, and the boys see mysterious lights on the beach.

Before jumping into the waves, the Squad meets a new friend beside a sea turtle’s nest near their condo. Ava tells them her suspicions about egg pirates prowling the beach at night. Together, they visit a Sea Turtle Rescue to learn more about the dangers these creatures face in the ocean and on the beach. When they decide to help Ava guard the nest, the Bomb Squad finds themselves in troubled waters again!

Will Max be found and brought home before he gets hurt? Is Tim really going to leave the Squad? Can the boys join forces with their new friend to save the eggs?

Giveaway Rules, Info, and Such ~

The author is giving away a copy of Seaside SOS!

This giveaway will close on 3/20/25 at 12:00 A.M. for all the night owls.

A winner will be drawn within four days of close of giveaway. The winner must respond to our e-mails within one week of notification, or their prize will be forfeit. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Enter via the handy Rafflecopter link below. May the odds be ever in your favor. ;-)

See you next time, and God bless you guys!!!


~V. Joy Palmer

V. Joy Palmer loves to write romantic and comedic stories that proclaim God’s deep love for us. She’s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and an avid blogger. In her spare time, Joy loves to sing (especially Disney songs), drink large quantities of coffee, and create aesthetic content for Bookstagram. When Joy isn’t fighting with fictional people, she’s hanging out with her husband and their adorable daughters. Connect with Joy via www.vjoypalmer.com!

Connect with Joy on her website, FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Amazon Author Page!