Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Author Interview and GIVEAWAY with Joanna Davidson Politano!

Hi guys! V. Joy Palmer here! Since we are all friends here, you guys can call me Joy. ; ) And since we are all friends, one of my favorite things to do is talk with my friends, family, the teens I mentor, and everyone else at coffee shops/bookstores. Books and yummy drinks are the perfect combination, after all. So, consider this our virtual coffee shop. I’ll wait a second for you to get your warm drink and a fuzzy blanket before we chat with today’s guest. ;-)

We are prying into the private life chatting with THE Joanna Davidson Politano, author of the amazing Lady Jayne Disappears! And before we go any further, I must insist that you read her book posthaste! You can read my raving review here!

Joanna Davidson Politano spends much of her time spinning tales that capture the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives. Her debut novel, Lady Jayne Disappears, released October 3 from Revell and A Rumored Fortune releases in July 2018. She lives with her husband and their two babies in a house in the woods and shares stories that move her at
Connect with Joanna on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, too!

Interview ~

First things first, would you order coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in our virtual coffee shop? Something else altogether? This is possibly the most important question... No pressure or anything. ;-)

Always hot chocolate <3

Love me some hot chocolate! <3 On to our second most important question: if you could order anything in the world to eat, what would it be?

Probably cheesecake!

This is why I like you! <3 #cheesecakebuddies Where is your favorite place to write? And why is that your favorite place?

I usually sit in my rocking chair in the living room, because it's the perfect spot. Sunshine pours in through the deck doors, I can hear my kids if they wake up from a nap, and it's a space that's quiet, yet full of sweet reminders (little shoes and toys) of the best parts of my life.

All the hearts! Sounds like the perfect space! Confession Time: do you have an odd habit that is only explained by your bookish, writerly tendencies? Safe space. ;-)

I love, love, love hearing peoples' stories! Tell me about your kids and your everyday life, your heartbreaks and your small victories. I love getting a little glimpse into people - even strangers.

That's so fun! <3 What inspired you to write Lady Jayne Disappears?

Well, it was a combination of a few things. When I was kid, I wrote anonymous stories about my classmates and watched these little pieces cause ripples when they leaked out into the class by accident. It was surprisingly impactful. Then as an adult I read about the Bronte sisters writing under male pen names and was fascinated with the story of them approaching their publisher with their true identity. I combined both of those concepts, plus a taste of Dickens and other serial novelists, into a project that was meant to be just for fun!

Wow! I can really see those threads throughout Lady Jayne Disappears! Guys, you seriously need to read this book! *deadpan stare* 'Tis amazing! So Joanna, what led you to write in this genre?

You know, I didn't really set out to write in a particular genre. I simply wrote stores that untangled questions I had about life and God, about myself, and included all my favorite book elements (history, mystery, a little romance, big old houses, etc.). Those elements have made it a cross between historical, romance, and mystery, and I'm good with that genre combination! My goal in choosing genres is just to enjoy whatever I'm writing at the time.

Wise advice for any writer! (I don't know if you intended that to be advice, but I'm going to call it advice. LOL!) What message do you hope to convey to your readers?

It is my desire to give readers a more eternal perspective on themselves, so that the opinion of people will not matter as much as what's at stake on a larger scale. I also want to inspire readers to passionate pursuit of their life and work, without being weighed down by impressing people.

That message is so clear in Lady Jayne Disappears! Love! <3 <3 <3 Can you tell us a little about your upcoming release?

Of course! I'm excited to share a Victorian story that takes a deeper look at vineyards and the spiritual implications of them. There's a little bit of a treasure hunt, a mystery, and a love story based loosely on my own. The story centers around a lonely heiress who is suddenly left bankrupt in her mansion when her father dies without telling his family where he hid his money. This story releases from Revell in July of 2018.

Tressa Harlowe's father did not trust banks, but neither did he trust his greedy extended family. He kept his vast fortune hidden somewhere on his estate in the south of England and died suddenly, without telling anyone where he had concealed it. Tressa and her ailing mother are left with a mansion and an immense vineyard and no money to run it. It doesn't take long for a bevy of opportunists to flock to the estate under the guise of offering condolences. Tressa knows what they're really up to. She'll have to work with the rough and rusticated vineyard manager to keep the laborers content without pay and discover the key to finding her father's fortune--before someone else finds it first.

Award-winning author Joanna Davidson Politano welcomes readers to Trevelyan Castle, home of the poorest heiress in Victorian England, for a treasure hunt they'll not soon forget.

I am so ridiculously excited for this book!!! *deletes twenty-one exclamation points* What is your favorite Bible verse or story that inspires you on a soul level?

Oh my, how much time do you have? My favorite BOOK of the Bible is Isaiah, because it shows the incredible duality of our God - extremely holy and unable to be in the presence of sin, yet an ocean of mercy and love. We get to see both aspects of his nature in full force through this book, and there are so many beautiful sections in this book.

If I had to pick one CHAPTER of the Bible, I would say Romans 8 or James 1, because both offer such an eternal perspective on our whole life.

My favorite VERSE would be Matthew 6:33, which has become the guiding principal of my entire life, every decision, every mundane task - seek the kingdom of God first and above everything else, and then God will give you everything you need. Such power and direction in a single verse.

Those are some amazing and powerful sections of the Bible! What are you currently reading? Inquiring minds - mine - want to know. :-)

Hahaha, again how much time do you have? At the moment I have Brentwood's Ward (Michelle Griep) and the arc for A Reckoning at Gossamer Pond (Jamie Jo Wright) on my Kindle, and on my nightstand are The Lost Castle (Kristy Cambron) and my first ever Georgette Hayer novel.

Loved The Lost Castle, and I'm looking forward to reading A Reckoning at Gossamer Pond!

Thank you for answering all my prying questions, Joanna! Such a blast talking with you! <3

Giveaway ~

Joanna has generously offered to giveaway one (1) copy of Lady Jayne Disappears.

When Aurelie Harcourt's father dies in a debtor's prison, he leaves her just two things: his wealthy family, whom she has never met, and his famous pen name, Nathaniel Droll. Her new family greets her with apathy and even resentment. Only the quiet houseguest, Silas Rotherham, welcomes her company.
When Aurelie decides to complete her father's unfinished serial novel, writing the family into the story as unflattering characters, she must keep her identity as Nathaniel Droll hidden while searching for the truth about her mother's disappearance - and perhaps even her father's death.
Author Joanna Davidson Politano's stunning debut set in Victorian England will delight readers with its highly original plot, lush setting, vibrant characters, and reluctant romance.

Rules, Info, and Such ~

The author is giving away one copy of Lady Jayne Disappears.

This giveaway is open internationally, but if an international winner is drawn, they will receive an ebook. If a US winner is drawn, they will have the option of a print copy or an ebook.

This giveaway will close on March 7th, 2018, at 12:00 A.M. for all the night owls.

If the winner does not respond to our e-mails within one week, then a new winner will be drawn in their place.

May the odds be ever in your favor. ;-)

Enter using the handy Rafflecopter here ~

Thanks for stopping by, my writerly, bookish friends! <3 See you next time!


V. Joy Palmer

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Oh my! What a treat y’all have in store today. And those of you who’ve read any of Caryl McAdoo’s (and Ron’s) books know what I’m talking about. Welcome, to the Diamond Mine, sweet friend.  Pssst, wait ‘til we’re finished with all the chit-chat, I’m bettin’ Ms. Caryl’s going to offer a give-a-way. No scrolling to the end…just you wait!

Yay! A trip to the Diamond mine! Thank you for inviting me, DiAne. I’m so honored to be here with you today!

Q. Readers want to know, beyond the back-of-the-book biography, about the authors they read. Will you share a little about yourself and your family?

This June I will be married to the love of my life and best friend Ron fifty years! As with most marriages, not all were sunshiny with peaches and cream, but God . . . He is so faithful and constant and helped us get through all the hard times. To Him, all the glory is due! We have four children—three sons and a daughter—pretty spread out with firstborn at nineteen and baby son at thirty-two.
Before our youngest left home, at the age of fifty-two, we took in four grandsons (ages six, four, three, and newborn straight from the hospital) and reared our second set of children, so just last year, we became empty nesters at sixty-seven! We LOVE being together twenty-four/seven and usually are! To those who don’t know, we write together, too.
I’m Grami to seventeen grandsugars (one is a great). The youngest Lilly turned two this week, and the oldest twenty-nine on the same day! They’re spread from Hawaii to New York, but the majority are in the DFW area. We try to get together on Thanksgiving Day. That’s the only holiday I ask to be mine, so we usually have a crowd J

I love being creative with as many outlets as God gives me including singing new songs (YouTube channel in links below), painting, crafting, landscaping and gardening . . . oh yes, and writing of course! In 2014, after traditionally publishing ten titles, I went Indie and so enjoy working with the cover artists now and designing the interior of the books myself. So now I’m a hybrid author!   

Q. Caryl, I knew you had bushel of kiddos and grandkiddos…and I’m bettin’ you have a great in that lineage. I know you’ve written a library of books—when do you find the time to write and when did you know God called you to paint canvases of words? Give us a few tidbits about your journey.

It’s fun to recall in 1962 (I was twelve in seventh grade) for an assignment of what we’d be doing in the year 2000—it seemed forever away—I wrote that I would be an inter-galactic famous author, hopping from planet to planet to sign books! But then Ron came along and I really never thought much about it until he started writing a Biblical fiction in the mid ‘80s.
Our first nine books had both our names, but when Simon and Schuster published book ten VOW UNBROKEN the editor and our agent said one name is better and the woman’s best. Ron could care less about fame and the fortune (that’s surely coming) will be his as much as mine. I suppose after fifty-two years, he trusts me not to abscond with the blessings God brings!
My first full year as an Indie, we published eleven new titles. A few were already written, and a few others started, then we wrote the rest during the year. Keep in mind, that’s eleven new covers to keep up with plus all the formatting and marketing for each—what a crazy year! Then we settled into three books for the next two which brings us to a total of thirty published!
That brings us to 2018 and another first. In January, we published TWO new titles SON OF PROMISE and SILENT HARMONY, both historicals, and we’ve set a goal of a half-million words. I have titles set for launch in May and September every year, but I can see there will be others this year—one I’m truly excited about is a Biblical fiction titled I AM MY BELOVED that features Abishag, David’s last queen that he “never knew”. See below for more on this title.

Q.  I’ve read most of the books from your Buckmeyer family series, and wonder how God put this series together in your heart? Does this originate from relatives who blazed the Texas trial long before you were a glimmer in your daddy’s eye, or purely fiction?

Yes, ma’am . . . purely fiction, built one paragraph, one page, one scene at a time. Ron and I never know how a story is going to end when we start. We just followed God’s leading with each one and don’t plan much farther ahead than the next scene. We say we write for discovery. The characters of course have traits of people we know including a lot of our own. I guess all authors put themselves in their characters to a certain extent.

Q. LOL, yes, I know my Crissy character is a blend between myself, my daughter, and granddaughter. Your characters leap off the page and into the hearts of your readers because they remind us of where we came from and most important, where we’re going. Do you have a life verse that brought you to and carried you through the writing of this particular series?

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Habakkuk 2:3
The Lord gave me this scripture on a Sunday morning in 1997 and confirmed it twice more that day. In my Bible, it’s dated and marked with the church bulletin—one of those confirmations. The writing is a part of the vision. God will use it for His purposes. Waiting nigh onto thirty years now, and will continue until either it comes to fruition or I get to see Him face to face.
I do believe one of the reasons all my titles have so many five-star reviews (seventy percent average with another twenty percent four-star) is due to the characters. I had such a wonderful review the other day from a new-to-me reader on SON OF PROMISE. She said she wanted to put Travis, Emma Lee, and Cody (my characters in that story) on her prayer list! That’s how real they were to her! What a compliment!

Q. When I read the last book in the Buckmeyer family series Chief of Sinners…or at least you said it was going to be the last…we all want to know what’s next? Don’t you have a new book about to be released? In any event, what’s next for one of my favorite authors? And will you give us a peek into your WIP? 

I started to tell about it above—the Biblical fiction titled I AM MY BELOVED that features Abishag, David’s last queen. When writing along on this story, I often have to stop for a bit of worship—can’t see through my tears anyway—to extol the great majesty of my awesome God. My favorite thing to do of all!
He’s anointing the story. Solomon, of course, inherited Abishag. His brother Adonijah wanted her to wife after David’s death and lost his life for it. Inspiration came from the Song of Solomon, so the wisest and richest king plays a major role as well. It’s at around forty thousand words now and should be finished this month!
Ah! It’s simply an amazing story!
Does that sound braggart and vain? It doesn’t to me, because it’s God who’s given it—I didn’t make it up! Just as the songs I love that He gives me. For all the books, the songs, all the blessings of my life . . . He is due the glory! My author’s motto is “Praying my story gives God glory!”
As Edith Ann would say, “And that’s the truth!”

Q. And finally, do you have words of encouragement and hope for some of the new writers among us…words of wisdom from a lady of the Word…words that will carry them through those tough times all word weavers experience when choosing to join the ranks of brothers and sisters who spend hours and hours of time in front of their computers, and end up wondering if we truly have a call from God to write.

Don’t give up! Wait for the vision.
While you do, study to show yourself approved. Learn your craft. I have what I consider an awesome little book chock full what I learned from my mentors—tips and examples on Point of View, scene and sequel, passive versus active voice, where to open the curtain, and more—all presented in an easy-to-understand conversational format.
It’s called STORY & STYLE, The Craft of Writing Creative Fiction . . . the craft can be learned! God sent us to a read and critique group in the early ‘90s where traditionally published authors took us under their wings and mentored us. If you have the book and come up with a question. I’m available by message or phone!

DiAne, I want to thank you for inviting me to the Diamond Mine! I’ve so enjoyed visiting and would love to offer a giveaway to one of your readers! How about a print copy of VOW UNBROKEN, book one in that Texas Romance Family Saga series? I’ll randomly choose one from those who comment, answering this question:

What are you waiting for?

Caryl will be announcing the winner of VOW UNBROKEN next Wednesday evening, February 21st.