Creeeeeaaak. Door eases open. Step. Step. Step. Pause. Silence. Good evening, my darlings. Come closer to the coffin so I can see you better, my pretties. Ah, ah, ah…ahhhh.
Reader's choice giveaway to follow! Leaping lizards, don't miss that! |
Ahem. Sorry. I think I just got caught up in the in the atmosphere of this week's interview with Jaime Jo Wright!
Booya! Now, don't be alarmed. No caped Bella Lugosi shall step from the shadows. But there is plenty of eerie loveliness in Jaimi's novels. Pat your face with the white make-up by the door, don your cape, and join the fun. Baaaaaha-haaaaaa! Goohblah.
PT: Welcome Jaime! I just read The House on Foster Hill. Man alive, (no pun intended) was I hooked from the first page! BTW, its a 2018 Christy Award winner. And now, The Curse of Misty Wayfair is out, and I can barely restrain myself from digging into its dark pages. So tell us, how did you settle on
writing books set at the turn of the century with a touch of suspense? (Note the splendid creepiness on that cover!)
Ahhh, the splendid creepiness. :) |
JJW: I’ve
always had a fascination with history—specifically the early 1900’s as that’s
when the bulk of my own family history can be traced back to. So it’s always
neat to study the era of my great-great grandparents! As for suspense/mystery,
it’s been my go-to since I was a kid and introduced to Nancy Drew. The
questions and intrigue are always the best!
PT: How do you do your historic research? It must involve a great deal of work.
JJW: Google, library, etc. Mostly online. Sometimes I use reference
books. I could utilize the library more, but I learned from a close author friend,
Erica Vetsch, that it’s more fun to buy and own your own library of reference
books! 😊
PT: Ah yes, books. Delightful books. But I digress. So if you had to tell the readers about travel, recipes, or a special gift, which one would you choose?
JJW: I love to
travel!! Before kids, I was more of a world traveler, now I stick more to the
States. But I’ve been to Thailand, Nepal, China, Switzerland, Italy, Germany,
and more! My favorite place and city of my heart is, Rome!
PT: Ah, travel. Interesting. Now, tell the readers your most inspiring location to write from?
JJW: Probably at home in my chair with a cup
of coffee. Either that, or my local coffee shop. I do love the hustle and
bustle of people around me while I write!
PT: While staying under cover as novelist of intrigue, no doubt. (wink) But all dark fun aside. Let's get to things that are truly everlasting. What Bible verse is
currently the most inspiring to you right now?
JJW: I really love Psalm 4:8. “In
peace I will both lay down and sleep. For you, O Lord, make me dwell in
safety”. It’s such a comforting Scripture. That childlike faith of knowing
someone else is watching over things!!
PT: Now, look deeply into my eyes. You are under my control. (Yeah, yeah. Just go along with it, LOL.) You will answer 5 questions about
Jaime Jo Wright that have nothing to do with writing.
JJW: My favorite color is red.
Barn red, preferably. 😊
I love cats. All things
cats!! I have three of my own, Maddie, Ivy, and Fluffers. (Or I call him “Foo
I am well known for being
able to fall asleep anywhere. I’ve fallen asleep on rocky shorelines, in the
middle of church service, and I even drifted off when I was in labor with my
I have a thing for sweaters.
Big, oversized, cozy sweaters!
PT: Cats? Indeed. Oh, ye dark and fearless felines who evaporate into the murky shadows of midnight… Uh, yeah. Perhaps you should just belly up with one of Jaime Jo Wright's novels. Like this one:
Quiver. Such ghoulish glee I see! |
PT: Ah, my TBR pile just grew. How about yours? And guess what, my faithful followers? Jaime is giving away a book of your choice! Either The House on Foster Hill or The Curse of Misty Wayfair! You. Can. Choose. CHOOSE!
Leave a comment for Jaime and don't forget your email! For, I, thy noble picker-out-of-the hat blogger, will not be able to choose you, if thou doest not leave thou email. Ah, gee. That was fun.
SNAP (I disappear.)