Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chasing Romantic Suspense Author, Robin Patchen

Grab your magnifying glass, readers, and slip on your heels! We’re chasing after author Robin Patchen this morning! Just click on her website and watch those beautiful books scroll by. If you like romance with a mysterious twist, well, this is your author! She’s turning out romantic suspense with both soul and spirit!

PT: So glad you have you here today, Robin! Welcome to the Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction. Let’s dig out some basic facts. How did you become a writer in the Romantic Suspense genre?

RP: That’s a good question. Honestly, it’s not a genre I read routinely before I started to write. When I started writing novels, I assumed my stories would mostly be women’s fiction, but every story I came up with had some element of suspense. Rather than fight it, I decided to write the stories that seemed to want to be written, if that makes any sense at all. Now that I’m settled in Romantic Suspense, I’m so happy this is where God placed me, not just because of the stories I get to tell but because of the other writers I’m getting to know, sweet, generous, encouraging friends who write in this genre.

PT: There is nothing more precious than your tribe! Legacy Reclaimed just came out in February, and now Legacy Redeemed will debut in July. Both are part of the Nutfield Saga Series, actually the tenth and eleventh books. So give us a little background on this series.

RP: It feels like forever ago that I began the Nutfield books. I had an image—a single woman with an infant returning to her hometown in rural New Hampshire. That woman became Rae McAdams, and the story, Convenient Lies, was born. Though the fictional town is more remote and nearer the coast than where I grew up, I was thinking of my hometown of Londonderry when I named it. The area that currently encompasses Londonderry, Derry, and Windham, New Hampshire, was founded in 1719 and originally called Nutfield. When what I think will be the final Nutfield book releases this summer, the eleven books will have spanned about thirteen years.

PT: Is your new book Legacy Reclaimed set in New England and does it have a Biblical message?

RP: Legacy Reclaimed introduces a different town. Coventry (also fictional) is located in the New Hampshire Lakes Region. It is a tourist destination, but its primary industry is a clothing factory, which was founded by the heroine’s parents.
The theme of Legacy Reclaimed is that it is not money or influence or status that makes us who we are, but our faith and our character. Truly, it is God who defines us and gives us our worth.

PT: Share a bit about Legacy Reclaimed.

RP: Early in the story, the heroine vows to save her parents’ legacy (speaking of the company), even at the risk of her own life. The hero gently encourages her that she, as their only child, is their true legacy. Throughout the story, Chelsea learns that she is valuable and worthy regardless of her wealth, and regardless of whether or not she succeeds at saving her parents’ company. She is worthy of love because God says she is. 

PT: Here's the blurb:

She’ll risk anything to save the company her parents built. He’ll risk anything to save her. Someone will stop at nothing to make sure they both fail. 

 Chelsea Hamilton spent her life preparing to run the international clothing business her parents started, but she’s still caught off guard when she learns of her mother’s untimely death. Chelsea returns to New Hampshire, buries her mother, and prepares to take over the floundering business. When a stranger attempts to kill her, she realizes somebody doesn’t want her to inherit her legacy.

Private Investigator Dylan O’Donnell spends his time searching for lost teens. He doesn’t know what to think of the beautiful woman seeking his services. Hers isn’t the kind of case he’s accustomed to handling, and she isn’t the kind of client he quit his steady job to help, but something about the woman pulls at him. She’s in danger, and he can’t turn her away. But if he blows this very public case, his floundering business might not survive.
Together, they dig into her family's secrets. The closer they get to the truth, the closer they grow to one another. Can Chelsea save the legacy her parents fought to leave her? Can Dylan save Chelsea from the enemies determined to see her dead? 

PT: Could this novel stand alone or is it best to read the entire series?

RP: It can stand alone. Some characters from previous books make an appearance, but readers don't need to know their stories to understand this one. I hope people will be curious enough to go back and read the previous books.

PT: Is there more novels in store for the Nutfield Saga?

RP: There will be at least one more book. Legacy Redeemed will release July 28. Readers who’ve read Innocent Lies, book four in the Nutfield Saga, will recognize the heroine, Vanessa Baker, as the villain from that book. Vanessa was sold into human trafficking when she was ten years old. By the time we met her in Innocent Lies, she was twenty and jaded and selfishly motivated. But the death of the man who’d enslaved her and birth of her daughter spurred her to seek God and change her life. When Legacy Redeemed begins, her daughter, Katarina, is seven years old, and Vanessa has to face her demons.

PT: Yum. I love it when evil characters take a one-eighty and become a new creature. Now let’s divert a bit. Share a special place to which you’ve traveled.

RP: I currently live in Oklahoma, and I’m getting ready to move to Texas, but I love going back to New Hampshire. There’s something special about the place we call home, isn’t there? I long for the pines and birches, the rugged coast and gentle mountains. I’ve visited many places in my life, but New Hampshire will always hold a unique place in my heart.

PT: I think we all have those special places locked away in our heart. Okay, my fav. Tell 5 things about Robin Patchen that have nothing to do with writing.

1. I hate to clean even more than I hate to exercise.
2. I love to travel. I want to visit every place on the entire planet twice. (Unfortunately, my husband is not on board with that plan.)
3. I am super proud of my kids. My eldest son (22) is a missionary, my daughter (20) is a super talented singer/songwriter and performer, and my youngest son (18) is an influencer on Tick Toc.
4. I have a secret desire to write a nonfiction book about my family’s experiences in the last six years or so—including addiction and recovery, job loss and transition, and two near-fatal accidents. The book would be about prayer, God’s faithfulness, and the power of godly friends and family.
5. I am an unapologetic New England Patriots fan.

PT: Share you current favorite Bible verse.

RP: I’ve recently memorized Nehemiah 8:10: “Then he said to them, ‘Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’”

PT: Thanks so much for joining us today, Robin! I know you want to know, you little sleuths, what this week's giveaway is! And Robin is not about to disappoint anyone. She is giving away a free copy of Legacy Rejected. Andddddd. . . . .if you can download a FREE copy of Robin Patchen's Convenient Lies, Book One of the Hidden Truth Series just for visiting her website: robinpatchen.comIs that a deal or what??!!

Here's the links to purchase any of Robin's books right this very instant J:

Robin's Bio:

Aside from her family and her Savior, Robin Patchen has two loves—writing and traveling. If she could combine them, she’d spend a lot of time sitting in front of her laptop at sidewalk cafes and ski lodges and beachside burger joints. She’d visit every place in the entire world—twice, if possible—and craft stories and tell people about her Savior. Alas, time is too short and money is too scarce for Robin to traipse all over the globe, even if her husband and kids wanted to go with her. So she stays in Oklahoma, shares the Good News when she can, and writes to illustrate the unending grace of God through the power and magic of story.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Interview with Bernadette Botz and Giveaways!

It is my honor and extreme pleasure to introduce you to Bernadette Botz. We first met when our kids were school age and played sports together. She lives in Montana (as do I) and is a sweetheart.
Bernadette has graciously offered to give away not one but two copies of her debut book, Liar. Be sure to read this post to the end to find out how to enter for your chance to win a copy.

 Welcome to the Diamond Mine, Bernadette.

BB: Thank you for the opportunity to be here.

RS: I know this is your debut novel. Can you tell us what your occupation was before writing?

BB: I homeschooled my five children. Read-aloud time was my favorite. I wrote Liar as a read-aloud specifically targeted to homeschooling families.

RS: I loved storytime with the kids.  I even read aloud to my study hall students. It seemed to help them work better. Did this time with your children influence your writing?

BB: Absolutely! I want to create quality fiction that will challenge and encourage the Body of Christ. I also want to create characters that stay in the mind and heart of the reader. We read a few books at home that my kids are still talking about. To see that happen for other families would be a dream come true for me.

RS: I think as authors, we all our dream of writing something that will stick with others in some way. I believe your novel Liar will do that. Can you tell us about your inspiration for this story?

BB: My kids were struggling with the messages of the world. I wrote it because I wanted to make them aware of the enemy’s voice. “Idiot. Worthless. Ugly. Stupid. Fat. Unliked. Unloved. Unwanted.” That and the suicide rate in Montana. I felt sick over the enemy’s work, and I wanted to expose him as much as I possibly could.

RS: The enemy’s voice can be so strong. You are right; the suicide rate here in Montana is high. Liar will definitely bring hope to the hopeless. I know the Bible brings you hope. Can you share with us your life verse and why you chose it?

BB: It’s always hard to choose one verse, but I always go to Zephaniah 3:17. This was the first verse I memorized as a new believer at the age of thirty.
“The Lord, your God, is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you with his love. He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
The Lord did a lot of housecleaning when I first became a Christian. This verse meant a lot to me because I read that He was with me, that He didn’t turn His back on me, even when I didn’t have my act together. I read that He is a mighty warrior. I needed someone to fight for me, and I knew I could trust Him to do that for me. That Jesus Christ takes delight in me with His love, that He no longer rebukes me (which I deserve) and especially that He rejoices over me with singing??? I couldn’t believe what I was reading! In this verse, my Savior expresses so much of His character from beginning to end, and it has helped me overcome a lot of my fear of man. It reminds me that I am known, protected, delighted in, loved, rejoiced over and amazingly… that I belong to a Savior who sings over me. I never, ever thought about the Lord singing, and it just blew my mind!

RS: I was thirteen when I became a Christian, but I will never forget the first time my daughter Sharla showed me the verse in Philippians 2:15, where it refers to us as shining like stars in the sky. That blew my mind. I couldn’t believe I’d missed God’s voice in this verse. 
Liar speaks a lot about voices and which one we are to seek. Your characters take quite a journey in this book.  Did you take a personal journey as well while writing? 

BB: This book sent me on the hardest journey for any Christian. It is voiced in my book when Yeshua asks, “WILL YOU TRUST YOUR KING?” 
Will I trust Him when everything is upside down? Will I trust Him when I feel alone and unseen? Will I trust Him to be enough for me when nobody knows what the work is costing me? Will I trust that He won’t let me put something worthless out into the world? Will I trust Him with critics? Will I trust Him with haters? Will I trust Him to help embrace that part of His design for me that is writer? Even though I’m terrified? Even though I feel completely inadequate.
I wrote this book for my kids. Jesus saw to it that I wrote it for myself.

RS: Powerful questions. How does it feel to see your book in print?

BB: When my book was delivered to my house, I just happened to be alone. I opened up the box and saw my name and the beautiful cover. (painted by my friend, Kathy Smith) I wanted so much to share my joy with someone – someone who would understand all that I had been through in birthing this story.
  Since I was alone, I sat on the hearth of our fireplace, imagining all my characters around me.  I read the entire book aloud to them!  It was a profound moment.  It was a way to honor them for all their help, and it was a way to say goodbye. As my original intent was that the book function as a read-aloud, it was a wonderful way to say, “The End.”  It was a holy moment shared only with the characters from my book and the Lord. They fully knew the cost.

RS: I have enjoyed our interview. I pray you have, as well. One last question before we talk about the giveaways. What do you hope to leave with the reader through your writing?

BB: I hope Liar leaves the reader with a renewed sense of hope in doing the right thing. For men, that means returning to protecting women, children, and culture. Men are called out of passivity in this story. For women, it means leaving fear and insecurity behind. It means allowing yourself to become vulnerable so that you can be free. It means that freedom first starts with Christ. I want my reader to leave the kingdom of Struggle having identified with the characters in a way that changes their life. I want the Body of Christ to return to the kingly qualities of truth, courage, honesty, and confession so that they can take their rightful position in the battle against the enemy. To arms! This book is a call to arms!

RS: After reading Liar, I believe you and GOD will accomplish much in the direction you speak. The story is poignant and thought-provoking, indeed.

BB: I’m so grateful to you!  Thank you for investing in me this way.

Let’s do two free book giveaways. One drawing for signing up for my newsletter. One drawing for signing up for writing practice. Please go to, then come back here, drop a note in the comments letting us know which or both you have signed up under.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Interview and Giveaway with Melony Teague, Author of A Promise to Keep!

Hi, guys! V. Joy Palmer here! Since we are all friends here, you guys can call me Joy. ;-) And one of my favorite things to do is talk with my friends at coffee shops then head to the bookstores. Yes, plural. Books and yummy drinks are the perfect combination, after all. So consider this our virtual coffee shop. I'll wait a second for you to get your warm drink and a fuzzy blanket before we chat with today's guest. <3

Today we're going to pry into the private life chat with Melony Teague, author of A Promise to Keep! I had the honor of reading A Promise to Keep for endorsement, and you can read my review HERE! I am so excited to chat with Melony today!

Melony Teague writes contemporary romance with a dash of humor, she loves to inspire and motivate others through her written words, and she believes everyone has a story to tell. Melony is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and she is the co-author of As the Ink Flows, a devotional for authors. Her fiction debut, A Promise to Keep released, Jan 21, 2020. Melony was born in South Africa and now lives in Toronto with her handsome husband, their two teenagers, and does the bidding of her two adorable cats.
Follow Melony via ~

Interview ~

This may be the most important question I ask -- no pressure or anything, LOL! *drum roll* What are you drinking in our virtual coffee house? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Something else altogether? 

All of them. Coffee first thing in the morning, tea in the afternoon and in winter, hot chocolate at night.

That's a good -- and yummy -- beverage system! If you could order anything in the world to eat at our virtual coffee shop (we can dream, can't we?), what would it be

Chicken Pad Thai. I love it!

YUM!!! Where is your favorite place to write, and why is that your favorite place

I love to write anywhere except at my desk it seems. It might sound strange, but my desk is for client work and editing. To me, I need a change of scenery for my creative side of writing. So I’ll move to another room, the dining room, or somewhere else, or if I can’t concentrate because I’m getting distracted by housework, I will go to the nearest Starbucks

I'm very similar when it comes to creative space. Do you have an odd habit that is only explained by your bookish, writer tendencies? Safe space. ;-)

Oh goodness, I asked my husband and he said I have too many odd habits, but he’s not sure any of them can be explained. He did not want to elaborate for some odd reason. I think my curiosity is probably part of being a writer. Asking people questions about things in the name of research is a wonderful perk.

LOL! I bet that's the safe answer for any spouse of a writer! ;-) What inspired you to write A Promise to Keep

I wanted to write a story beginning with a high school reunion, with the focus on second chances and promises kept. I love quirky characters and Savannah is certainly quirky. Michael quickly became a loveable character, although complex and—dare I say—swoony. He has such a good heart. The story developed from there. But my goal was to write a book that would be fun to read, as well as meaningful. I don’t see why these two goals can’t co-exist. 

Yes! I could see all of those elements when I read A Promise to Keep! What led you to write in this genre? 

As much as I love reading historical fiction, I’m not smart enough to write it, so that rules out that genre. (I mean, the research! I admire historical fiction writers so much!) I am a romantic at heart, so it had to include romance—and contemporary romance lends plenty of room for that romantic side of me to come out.

You and your voice are such a wonderful addition to the contemporary romance world! What message do you hope to convey to your readers? 

Good question! Even though life is hard, and messy, there is always hope and there is always time for second chances. There are some promises we can count on, no matter what life brings our way. God Keeps His promises (Ps. 145:13). Also, it’s okay to laugh at yourself. I’d want readers to come away being inspired to live in the moment, be present, and make choices that will bring quality to their relationships and lives.

So much YESSS!!! Can you tell us a little about your next project(s)? 

I have a few project possibilities and am still deciding which one I should tackle first. Stay tuned.

You had better believe I will! Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story that inspires you on a soul level? 

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)  Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

This inspires me because it reminds me we all have gifts which were given for us to serve others and reminds me to stay faithful in what I am called to do. And not everyone’s gift is the same, so we shouldn’t compare our journey to someone else’s.

Yes! This verse is so powerful! What are you currently reading? Inquiring minds -- mine -- want to know! 

Actually, lately I have been listening to audio books while I knit scarves for the family. It gets cold in winter here in Canada! And we have had lots of snow. The last audio book I listened too was Christmas in Evergreen with Nancy Naigle since it was around Christmas time. Before that I listened to The Defenders of Justice series by Nancy Mehl.

Such great books! Glad you're still getting in some "reading" time while you knit!

Thank you so much for hanging out with us and for answering all of my prying questions, Melony!

A Promise to Keep ~

A Promise. A High School Reunion. And a pact that proves harder to keep.
Research librarian Savannah Sanderson wants nothing more than to escape into her happily-ever-after novels with their larger-than-life fictional heroes. But a promise to her late husband has her attending her dreaded twenty-year high school reunion, drinking ghastly punch, and taking desperate measures just to keep her vow, even if she has to hide behind the décor to do it.
Once a reckless troublemaker, Michael McCann fled town after graduation. Now a professional technical rescuer, he’s back for the reunion, but on his trip down memory lane, he soon comes face to face with unresolved issues, namely Savannah.
Before the night is over, a pact between these two old friends will lead them on an adventure into uncharted emotional territory where Michael must confront his past regrets and find the courage to reveal the truth. But can Savannah fly from her sheltered nest and risk her heart on a real-life hero?

Giveaway ~

Melony Teague has generously offered a $10 or gift card to one randomly chosen individual!

Rules, Info, and Such ~

The author is giving away a $10 or gift card!

This giveaway is open to the US and Canada! 

This giveaway will close on March 19th, 2020,  at 12:00 A.M. for all the night owls.

A winner will be drawn within four days of close of giveaway. If the winner does not respond to our e-mails within one week of notification, then a new winner will be drawn in their place. Void where prohibited by law.

May the odds be ever in your favor. ;-)

Enter using the handy Rafflecopter here ~

See you next time, and God bless you guys!!!


~V. Joy Palmer

V. Joy Palmer loves to write romantic and comedic stories that proclaim God’s deep love for us. She’s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and an avid blogger. In her spare time, Joy loves to sing (especially Disney songs), drink large quantities of coffee, and take flowery photos for Bookstagram. When Joy isn’t fighting with fictional people, she’s hanging out with her husband and their adorable little girl. Connect with Joy via!