welcome Julie B. Cosgrove to the Mine.
Hey Julie!
Thanks for joining us this week. It would be great if you could tell us a
little about yourself and what you are trying to accomplish through your
I am a freelance writer, author and
professional speaker who leads women’s retreats and workshops for
churches. I write non-fiction as well as
novels, but underlying all my works is the desire to help people find God
moving in their everyday lives, be it through tragedies, trials or triumphs.
That is why I started my blog Where Did
You Find God Today almost two years ago.
On a personal level, I am a native
Texan, and a widow. I began to write because when my husband was alive, his
construction job caused us to move a lot. With each relocation, it became harder it for
me to find work. So, when the last move
brought us back to Texas in 2008, I took the advice of three friends in three
different cities and took a simple freelance writing course online.
Immediately, I landed clients. Knowing it was a God thing, I promised to tithe
my writing to Him first each day. I
began writing regularly for several devotional websites and publications.
My husband died in the shower getting
ready for work about fifteen months later, but even without his income as the
true breadwinner, God has sustained me. Now, going on eight books later, I am
able to only write for Him.
We’re all
excited to hear about the book you have coming out this week. Could you give us
a little spoiler?
Hush in the Storm,
launching through Prism Book Group, is a contemporary suspense romance. While
recovering from surgery, I decided on a whim to start out a story, “It was a
dark and stormy night” and see where my keyboard, through my Lord’s
inspiration, took that journey. Of course, Hush
in the Storm doesn’t begin that way now:
“An eerie thought pressed a clammy
hand upon my shoulder. What if all you thought was true never actually was?
Widowed unexpectedly at thirty-one,
I naturally longed for what could never be again. Regrets and what-if mantras swirled
daily through my mind. I’d learned to push them aside. But this sudden,
unsolicited notion surged an icy-hot chill through my body.
My logical side chided me. Don’t be
silly, Jen. Of course it was true. The diamond band on my left hand
glimmered with proof. Robert had cherished me, married me, spent five loving
years with me…that one night didn’t mean a thing.”
The plot is this: Jen is kidnapped by a
coworker, Tom, and her death faked , at the request of her late husband,
Robert, or so Tom says, to protect her from the group who caused her late
husband’s “accident.”
Together, they are swirled into a
tempest of deceit where no one is who they claim to be. As Jen dodges the
cartel traffickers, the Feds and the press who has learned she is alive, can she
save two illegal teens, Tom, and herself without drowning in this storm of
lies, especially when she begins to suspect her husband may still be alive as
I did some
research and see you keep very busy. What’s a day in the life of Julie like?
My cats get me up at 6:00 a.m. to be
fed because that is when my late husband always fed them. I try to then do my Bible reading and prayers
over a cup of coffee and then go on a brisk walk. Some mornings, to be honest,
I roll back over and confess my slothfulness later. Then I work part-time as a church secretary,
which also allows me to write when things are slow... occasionally that
happens. At 3:00 p.m., after the
proverbial errands we all do, I come
home and write for about three to four hours
before turning it all off and relax by reading, playing word games on the
computer, or catching a show on Netflix.
That is unless I am leading a Bible study, have church or Toastmasters,
or am lecturing somewhere.
I also see
you’ve written several very different pieces. What is your favorite and why?
I honestly cannot say. They were all
written because I truly felt God wanted me to write them. That may sound trite,
but there it is. He teaches me as much, if not more, during that process than
my readers will ever learn. And each
time I speak on one of them, I get new insight.
What Can She Tell Us? is a
Bible study just for women on the unnamed women in the New Testament and how
their faith encounters can bring new meaning to our own. That has been a
favorite and a good seller. My first
novel, Focused, which is a light romance about an empty nest
couple finding renewed meaning in their marriage, is liked by many, and I am
finishing the second in the trilogy, Grounded,
Hush in the Storm hits my
heart because underlying the plot is a peek into the atrocities of human
trafficking right in our own backyards. It didn’t start out that way, but God
led me down that path. First a missionary who helps women trapped in
trafficking joined my writing critique group. Then, while doing a workshop
series for a national churchwomen’s convention in Indianapolis, my book booth
was placed next to the one for Women at Risk (WAR). You guessed it.
Missionaries who establish safe houses and income opportunities for women and
children caught in sex slavery throughout the world. By the end of the
convention, I’d become one of the representatives in the U.S. who sell their
wares at no profit. 95% goes back to the safe houses to keep them
operating. It didn’t take long for me to
realize God wanted this theme to be in the novel. My publisher loved it so much, she has pushed
for the next book about the same characters,
Legitimate Lies , to launch in
January, 2015. And wouldn’t you know it? My editor is a WAR rep as well.
Could you tell
us how big a part God plays in your writing career?
The biggest part. I am constantly brought to my knees in humble
thanks that He’s blessed me with this talent. I want to use it only to His
glory. Today, through cyberspace, we Christians can touch so many lives all
over the world. I am honored to be a small part of that effort to spread the
Word through words.
I am a seat-of-my-pants writer, then
edit, edit, edit later. I am always amazed where God leads my thoughts, whether
it is a devotional, a blog entry, or a novel.
Whatever I write, His love and redemptive mercy comes through the pages.
I write about real topics facing real people today. When I began Legitimate Lies, I stagnated. I took it to
the Lord and discovered I didn’t have an underlying theme. God led me to the
one He wanted me to write about, and the more I researched it, the faster the
words flew onto my computer screen. But to tell you that theme would give away
part of the plot…
As a cat owner,
I can attest to how jealous they are. How do you manage to get any writing down
with those furry creatures breathing down your neck? J
They more like breathe in my face as I
type! My life is more complete with my
two“beastie boys”. They are as different
as night and day, but I love them equally. Serenity is a cat purring on your
lap. It warms my heart every time.
How has your
family reacted to your writing? Are they supportive? If so, how?
Now, yes. In the beginning, not so
much. They were concerned for me, being a family of lawyers, architects and
managers with nice homes and large bank accounts. Writing isn’t a “real
career.” How could God support me as a widow through that means? Mind you, I still scrimp and save, and am
blessed to have my part-time job (another secret desire of my heart the Lord
has granted) but He keeps astounding me in how my needs are being met month to
After several years of me not starving
or being on the streets, they calmed down, and to be truthful, so did I. God
truly does provide for widows. When my reputation began to grow, I got more
speaking gigs, sold more books, received requests to write for more
publications, they began to take notice. One by one, as they came to one of my
workshops, they began to understand what this is all about. Now, especially my
sister and my nieces are my biggest fans.
One of my
favorite things to ask is: What is your favorite book, and why?
(Laughing.) I saw a post on Facebook
asking if my TBR (to be read) stack is longer than my lifespan…yep! Guess that means I haven’t found my fav yet.
Seriously, other than the Bible— which by the way I have a plaque on my wall
which says, “The Bible is the only book in which the author is always present
when you read it,”—I guess it would have to be the first novel that turned me
into an avid reader when I was twelve.
Mary Stewart’s The Ivy Tree.
What is your
main genre and why did you choose it?
I love writing devotionals, but fiction
is my passion. People love to hear stories.
It is how we relate to each other.
From the first days on earth, people gathered to hear tales. Even in my
devos I tell stories. My Master, when He walked the earth, told stories to get
His point across. He now gets His point across through us writers.
Could you tell
us what it feels like to have accomplished so much in life?
Ask me again in twenty years. I have
only begun down this path.
Again, thank
you for the interview, it’s been wonderful talking to you.

I loved learning all about you Julie!
What a touching life story, Julie. I can tell by your writing that you'd be a wonderful speaker. Thanks for being with us on the Diamond Mine! Many blessings on your writing!
Okay, I'm sold! I'm headed over to Amazon right now to get "Hush in the Storm"!
Love the interview and love all of your work! Can't wait to read the latest, "Hush in the Storm"! Sounds so intriguing!
Thanks Carlene. Hope you enjoy it!
What sweet words. Thank you!
Thanks Lynn. Have downloaded River Town and plan to read it soon.
Loved the snippet from Hush in the Storm. Can't wait to read it! :) Thanks for joining us at the Diamond Mine.
Lynn- congrats- you get the copy! Email me with your street address.
Hi Julie. It's great to meet a fellow writer/cat lover! And I love the way you describe your writing process. I think you must be a very warm person because just reading the interview gave me that inkling about you. I'll bet it comes through in your writing. I'm excited to read your newest book, and your upcoming one as well! I have a question. As a 'pantser' writer myself, with not much of a head for strategy, I've never attempted a story with lots of plot lines or suspense.Since your latest stories seem to have quite involved plots, how do you manage that as a seat-of-your-pants writer?
Your kitty looks like my Shasta. Sorry for stopping in so late. Thanks for visiting the Mine. :)
It's great to read about another romantic suspense writer. I'm a huge cat person too. My cat likes to sit in my lap while I work on my manuscript, which makes it impossible to get true work done.
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