I'm am so happy to introduce Elaine Stock to the Diamond Mine! I've known Elaine for many years, having first met her through our local Romance Writers of America chapter meetings. It's been an absolute pleasure watching Elaine's career grow from that of an aspiring to a published author. Elaine will be offering one Kindle digital giveaway of her book, Always With You, to one luck commenter.
Elaine Stock is the author of Always With You, which released in January 2016 and has made the Kindle bestseller list. Her novels fuse family drama and psychological suspense. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and contributes to the international “Happy Sis Magazine.” In addition to Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads, she hangs out on her active blog, Everyone’s Story, dedicated to uplifting and encouraging all readers through the power of story and hope.
Tracey: Elaine, tell us a bit about
how you got started writing fiction.
Elaine: The two big influencers to
the love of story were my mother and my aunt—both named Sandra. My mother was a
voracious reader (and lover of all arts; she also dabbled in poetry writing)
and my aunt told the most wonderful, entertaining stories. A taste of writing
came in third grade when an article I wrote was published in the school
literary paper (sorry to say, I have no recollection of any details)—and I was
hooked! I started writing stories, loving the feel of creating different worlds
and characters. In junior high I wanted to be the next playwright of comedies
that made people laugh like crazy. Life 101 and interest changes occurred, like
in anyone’s life, and here I am today, writing inspirational contemporary
Tracey: I know you and your husband live in an historic building. Would you
care to share a little bit about your lovely home?
Elaine: Aww, thanks so much, Tracey.
My husband purchased for cash years and years ago this shack of a dilapidated
railroad station because we were young and the banks didn’t want to give us a
mortgage. So, with much grit and determination we started out having my
husband’s piano restoration business in it for 3 years while we continued doing
the majority of building repairs ourselves and living elsewhere. When we
decided to make it half home-half business, and needed to add plumbing, well,
and septic, we finally succeeded in getting a mortgage and moved in, living
wise. The place is paid off now—thanks be to God!—but LOL, we’re out of room
and the place needs spiffing up like a new kitchen, refinished floors, too many
etc’s. We’ll get there, eventually. But, a home is a home and I’m thankful for
Tracey: How did you come up with the story premise for your novel, Always With
Elaine: Tracey, remember out Saratoga
RWA local chapter days? One summer meeting, during the racehorse season (note:
I do not attend the races or bet), a list of racehorse names was distributed
and we were asked to write a premise about the horse. My “horse” was named
Don’t-Tell-Isabelle, which became my original title for Always With You. Right away I wanted to know who Isabelle was, what
she wasn’t supposed to know, and why. The story stewed for several years. Then
9-11 happened. The concept of hatred settled heavily on my heart and led to Always With You, a story of how faith
and love can overcome hatred and evil.
Tracey: Can you tell us how your faith journey is reflected in the stories you
Elaine: Ever since I can remember I
believed in Something/Someone bigger than me, bigger than all of life
surrounding me. However, I did not grow up in a family or surroundings of
faith. Hindsight shows me that perhaps this is why I searched for the One who
wanted me, and I accepted Christ into my heart and was baptized at the age of
22. And baptized a 2nd time (by immersion) 3 years ago. But, life
isn’t easy, even for the believer. It wasn’t meant to be! That’s why my
stories, so far, all have characters, especially teens and young adults, who
come to embrace God despite their struggles.
Tracey: What is one thing readers don't know about you?
Elaine: I love to cook and bake. For
one week back in my early twenties—a time when one doesn’t worry about the
how-to’s—I went into the cheesecake business, offering to bake cheesecakes for
private use and parties. Well, I did receive 1 order! Truthfully, I’m so glad
that profession ended before it ever took off!! Ironically, between working a
day-job and writing, I manage to cook simple and nutritional meals, but haven’t
baked in years.
Tracey: What's next for author Elaine Stock?
Elaine: My stories are leaning more toward
the fusion of family drama and psychological suspense. Family complexities
fascinate me. I’m finishing up a story of how an 18-year-old girl may have her
future ahead of her, if only she can survive to embrace it. And, lured by my
own family mystery, I’m researching a story that will be my first venture into
a time-slip structure, going back and forth in narrative between the present
and past.
Always With You
Can she move forward without knowing her past?
Will he enjoy his present if he can’t free himself from what he left behind?
In the heart of the Adirondacks, Isabelle lives in the shadow of a dark family secret whose silent burden strips her family of emotional warmth and faith in God. Tyler belongs to the religious sect called The Faithful, which Isabelle’s father dislikes immensely. Yet, because Tyler belongs to this group, Isabelle sees only a man devoted to his family and faith.
She wants it; she gets it; they marry.
And when the truth comes out, Isabelle faces two choices:
Staying could endanger her child.
Leaving could cost her life.
Will he enjoy his present if he can’t free himself from what he left behind?
In the heart of the Adirondacks, Isabelle lives in the shadow of a dark family secret whose silent burden strips her family of emotional warmth and faith in God. Tyler belongs to the religious sect called The Faithful, which Isabelle’s father dislikes immensely. Yet, because Tyler belongs to this group, Isabelle sees only a man devoted to his family and faith.
She wants it; she gets it; they marry.
And when the truth comes out, Isabelle faces two choices:
Staying could endanger her child.
Leaving could cost her life.
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1PfRyXX
website/blog: Everyone's Story http://elainestock.com
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ElaineStock
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AuthorElaineStock
Goodreads http://goodreads.com/ElaineStock
Tracey, thanks so much for having me on Diamond Mine. So sorry for the delay--I've had my hands full today!
I enjoyed the interview with Elaine. I am blessed to count her as a FB friend. Please do not include me in the drawing, as I have already read her book and I loved it.
Ann, I'm so blessed by your friendship and support. Thanks for visiting!!
Hi Elaine, I was crazy busy today, too. But I'm so glad to have done your interview! I tweeted it for you and shared on my social media!
Thanks, Tracey. And I'll circulate the word for a while.
Great interview, I will be reading always with you soon. Your upcoming novel sounds wonderful. I love to support bless another reader with prize. miracles and blessings to you.
Genevieve, believe me, you've blessed me by your visit and kind words. Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy Isabelle and Tyler's story, and may it inspire you with hope. Do enter my Amazon Gift Card Contest... as they say... you never know! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Wow, your story sounds intense, Elaine! Great interview, too. Thank you both for sharing.
Enjoyed learning more about you, Elaine! :) I've read your book, so I don't need my name to be entered. I found your book hard to walk away from. I so wanted to tell your main character, Isabelle, what she was walking into! Ha. Great story!
Kathleen, thanks for stopping by and for sharing encouraging words. In my stories I aim for intensity to keep the story moving, bit I also strive for warmth and His joy to ultimately shine. I hope you'll have a chance to read Always With You. I'd love to know what you think.
Karen, you've made me smile at this early hour (getting ready for the day job). Several people have asked for a sequel... I wonder what kind of advice Isabelle can now share with others as she looks back on her experiences with Tyler. Hmm.
Fun to read about you on the
question-answering end and learn some new
things about you I didn't know! I, too, have read
Always With You, and don't need to be entered
into the drawing, but I CAN recommend it as a
great read and look forward to reading more
of your books.
Okay, Kathy. I guess I'll continue to love you the rest of my life Thanks for the sweet words. And thanks for helping to spread the word on Tracey's great interview.
Lovely Story . I enjoyed the interview.
Amit lamba
Amit lamba
Kathleen Friesen you are the winner of Elaine's book. Please contact me at tracey@traceylyons.com so I can get your contact information to Elaine.
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