New Year, Diamond Mine Readers. Abigail here, and I’m excited to ring in 2017
with an interview of the fabulous author behind The Steadfast Love Series, Rachelle Rae
Cobb. If you haven’t had a chance to delve into one of her books, do so as
quickly as possible for this writer/editor is not to be missed.

Author Links:
Website: http://RachelleReaCobb.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachelleReaCobb
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/RachelleReaCobb/
Instagram: @RachelleReaCobb
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Rachelle-Rea/e/B00RZHIL1Q
Let’s get
1. When and
where did you first get the idea for the Steadfast Love Series?
song I was listening to on the radio inspired the title of the first book. So I
wrote Diamonds, but when I finished
it, I realized to my great frustration that the characters weren’t done with
their story, even though I had been quite adamant that I would write a
stand-alone novel. But the story wasn’t finished, so I kept writing.
2. Readers often pick out favorite quotes from a
novel. Do you have a favorite of your own from The Sound of
In fact, my friend Mindy, a calligrapher, even created a beautiful piece of art
from one of my favorite quotes: “Within the pages of books one’s heart can be
3. Can you tell us what first drew you to
writing Inspirational Historical Romance?
first exposure to the genre came when I read Heartsong Presents novels when I was twelve. Those small books
introduced me to how much I believe in the power of story, especially love
stories set in times gone by.
4. What led you to writing 16th century stories?
Elizabethan time period has always fascinated me. When I was younger, I used to
check out the same big red-covered biography of Elizabeth I from the library. I
loved learning about Raleigh's adventures, the exploration of the New World,
the tension between the established Catholicism and the budding Protestant
Reformation. That fascination naturally lent to setting my stories there. :)
5. You’ve provided such rich details of time and
place throughout the series, have you been to any of the places you write
about? And if not, where would you like to visit the most?
actually have not! If I could travel anywhere, I'd love to see all that England
has to offer. And the Netherlands, too (where Book One begins). Such rich
history, stuff we're unused to here in the states where all our history is
usually a couple hundred years old max.
6. I saw on your website that you also write
reviews, articles and offer editing services. What's one of your favorite
things beyond writing novels that you enjoy?
is such fun! I daresay I enjoy editing a page full of my own (or others’!)
words just as much as I enjoy splashing words onto a blank page.
7. What’s next in your writing career?
working on a secret project that is on my editor's desk right now. I'm also
expanding my editing business; I love helping other writers and authors and
businesses polish their pages so they can take the next step in their careers.
There's little I find more thrilling than wrestling words, whether they're my
own or a client's!
8. Any tidbits of helpful advice
for aspiring authors?
Do as
much as you can to learn. Read. Research. Follow writing blogs. Join writing
Facebook groups. But never forget that a writer writes. For all you're
learning, put it into practice on the page. What you write may just one day
surprise you!
Thank you so much Rachelle for
spending time with us today. Please check out below her available books!
The Sound
of Diamonds
Her only chance of getting home is trusting the man she

Dirk Godfrey is determined to restore his honor at whatever
cost. Running from a tortured past, Dirk knows he has only one chance at
redemption, and it lies with the lovely Gwyneth, who hates him for the crimes
she thinks he committed. He must see her to safety, prove to the world that he
is innocent, prove that her poor eyesight is not the only thing that has
blinded her but what is he to do when those goals clash?
The home Gwyneth knew is
not what she once thought. When a dark secret and a twisted plot for power
collide in a castle masquerading as a haven, the saint and the sinner must
either dare to hold to hope...or be overcome.
Links: Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, Goodreads
ISBN: 1939023599, ISBN-13: 978-1939023599
ISBN: 1939023599, ISBN-13: 978-1939023599
With a lovely style that is mature and seasoned, at an enviable professional level, readers are in for a real treat with Rachelle’s debut. Beautifully written, The Sound of Diamonds is a gem. An unusual heroine, a unique setting, and a heart-stopping hero make this a must-read for historical fiction fans. Encore, Rachelle!
—Laura Frantz, author of The
Mistress of Tall Acre
Rachelle’s debut novel
transports readers back to the danger and mystique of Europe during the 1500s.
Rich in church history and woven together with romantic suspense, The Sounds of Diamonds is a fascinating story
and stellar debut. I look forward to reading more from Rachelle!
—Melanie Dobson, award-winning author of Chateau of Secrets and The Black Cloister
Readers of Jody Hedlund’s new
medieval YA series and Melanie Dickerson’s fairytale-based YA novels will love
Rachelle’s The Sound of Diamonds.
—Dawn Crandall, award-winning author of The Hesitant Heiress, The Bound Heart, and The Captive Imposter
The Sound of Diamonds is a rare treat for young adult readers who love historical
fiction. Rachelle’s prose is rich and exquisite and her story is impeccably
researched. She gives readers a stunning setting and layered, flawed characters
who, in finding their way through a dangerous and dark time, made me want to
know everything about the Iconoclastic Fury. I’m a huge fan!
—Laura Anderson Kurk, author of Glass Girl and Perfect Glass
In her eloquently-written debut
novel, Rachelle brings a story of grief and restoration, heartache and
redemption. Dirk’s love for Gwyn kept me flipping the pages, and I found it to
be the perfect illustration of God’s adoration for His children: Gentle and
unconditional, despite our anger and misjudgments. This well-researched
historical novel accurately portrays the language of the sixteenth century,
enticing the reader to be swept away on a journey from the very first page …
one that they will certainly not forget.
—Tessa Emily Hall, YA author of Selah Award
Finalist Purple Moon
The Sound of Silver

After Dirk rescues Gwyneth from the Iconoclastic Fury, she discovers that faith is sometimes fragile—and hope is not as easy as it may seem. Gwyneth continues her quest to learn more about the love of God preached by Protestants she once distrusted.
Meanwhile, Dirk’s quest is to prevent his sullied name from staining hers. Will his choice to protect her prove the undoing of her first faltering steps toward a Father God? Once separated, will Dirk and Gwyneth’s searching hearts ever sing the same song?
ISBN: 1939023610
ISBN-13: 978-1939023612
In The
Sound of Silver, Rachelle Rea Cobb weaves a tremendous tale that takes flight
with vivid prose and lands with complex characters caught up in the turbulent
times of the Reformation. Like a cup of tea on a cold winter’s night, The Sound of Silver hits
the perfect spot. It warms you from the inside out and leaves you feeling
beautifully contented while the wind howls deliciously of danger outside your
door. This, my dears, is one novel you won’t want to miss.
— Gillian Bronte Adams, author of Orphan’s Song and Out of Darkness Rising
In her much-anticipated second novel The Sound of Silver, Rachelle Rea Cobb
invites readers to step into 16th century life through her irresistibly rich
prose. Rea continues the story of Dirk and Gwyneth as they navigate loss, fear,
and love at a time marked by intense turmoil and faith-shaking questions. A
deeply moving, historically accurate, thrilling adventure for all!
—Laura Anderson Kurk, author of Glass Girl and Perfect Glass
The Sound of Emeralds

What once was blazing hatred has turned to lasting love, but could the union of a wild heart with that of a lady ever result in more than heartache?
With the help of an old friend with uncertain loyalties, Dirk inches ever closer to clearing his name. Gwyneth throws her faith into good tidings and the promise of a future as a family. But an old evil comes to call, just as tragedy rips apart a fledgling truce. Enemies from the past and grief for the future threaten to tear asunder what God had brought together…
As the date of Dirk’s trial approaches, his fate and his family hang in the balance. Will he be proven innocent of Gwyneth’s parents’ murders—or separated from her forever? How much pain does it take to erode a love steadfast?
ISBN: 1939023637
ISBN-13: 978-1939023636
Thank you so much for featuring me! :)
Yeah bookmaking this wasn't a risky decision great post!
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