Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Merry Christmas from The Diamond Mine

Hi everyone, Suzie here with you again. This week's post is different than what you're used to because, honestly, I lost track of the schedule and thought I was supposed to post later in the month! Since I hadn't heard back from either author I had reach out to about visiting with us this month (with the wrong date, anyway), I thought I'd take this time to say how much we appreciate each and every one of you. 

Because as authors, we wouldn't be anywhere without readers. And as authors, it means the world to us if our story impacts just one reader. When you stop by and say hi, share how much you are looking forward to a book or how much you enjoyed one of our author's books, it makes a difference. So thank you, readers.
Thank you for picking up our books. Thank you for sharing our books. Thank you for encouraging us online and, when occasions allow, in person. And thank you for spreading the word through reviews, social media posts, and word of mouth.

I want to pray for all of you this week. With the holiday hustle and bustle, sometimes we forget that there are hurting people out there. It's something that's been heavy on my heart lately. So whatever you are dealing with in your lives, this is for you.

Abba Father, 

During this season when we celebrate the sacrifice You made by sending Your son as a vulnerable babe knowing what His future held, may we take time to focus on the greatest gift we will ever receive. 

Today we lift up those who are hurting . Whether it's an empty place at the table because a loved one has passed away or spending the holidays in the hospital, financial struggles and worries about keeping a home, relationships in turmoil, or spiritual darkness, we give it all to You. Grant us peace in our pain, bring people into our lives to comfort us when we feel alone, and use us to be lights to those who don't know You.

As another year comes to a close, may we lean on You when we are beaten down and defeated by circumstances. May we praise You for the good times. May we live courageously real lives of faith so that others see Your love through us.

We ask all of this in your name,


If you need someone to pray for you or if you have a request, please leave it in the comments. You don't have to give details and you can simply leave the word "unspoken" if you are more comfortable with that. God knows what's on your hearts and minds.

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