Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Exploring Literary Mountains with Author, Joanne Bischof!

Greetings, readers! I've a mountain of a interview for you this week. I'm particularly excited to have one of my new favorite authors on the Diamond Mine, Joanne Bischof! Sons of Blackbird Mountain is one of the best books I've read in recent years, and now, she has a sequel, squee! Daughters of the Nouthern Shores.

So grab your mountain gear, and let's hike into getting to know Joanne!

 PT: Hello, Joanne. So nice to have you on the Diamond Mine. Let's start with the usual. What made you chose to become a writer?

JB: After writing a short story in the 3rd grade, my mom and teacher really encouraged me that they were proud of me. It was such a boost to my little 3rd grade heart that I stuck with it and kept writing. I am so thankful for the way they bolstered me and made me feel like they believed in me. I really think it made a difference, and it often reminds me to do the same with my children and what they enjoy creating.

PT: The readers would love to know more about you. Where did you grow up and what were some of your favorite memories of your childhood?

JB: I grew up in sunny Southern California – where I still call home. I have so many fond memories of swimming in the pool in the summer, eating fresh oranges out of our orange trees, and of beach days or bike rides. It was a fun place to grow up!

PT: Fresh oranges? That would be so tasty! So, expand a bit and tell us which genre(s) you write in and why?

JB: I’ve written in a few genres, including some YA and a little contemporary, but for the most part, I write historical romance. That’s the genre of my heart!

PT: Ahhh. Historical romance. You can't go wrong with that. Now, you set your books in the Appalachian Mountains but didn't actually visit there until later. When you visited there, what elements did you see that you might not have visualized as you wrote your books that might be included in future books?

JB: Ooh, great question. While I knew the mountains there were much more lush, I was surprised that they were a little lower than the ones in California. The mountain I live on has a peak of about 10,000 feet, so I think I always imagine mountains being really tall. But now, having been able to drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway with my mom, I have a much deeper appreciation for the unique setting and vistas. Its gorgeous country, and the people there are just as special. We met kindness and true hospitality every step of the way – which is also something a little different than California. As much as I enjoy my home state, there’s just something about Virginia and the surroundings states. People aren’t in as much of a hurry there and I love that.

PT: Oh my! That's a mountain indeed. Why did you choose Norwegian as a heritage for the Sons of Blackbird Mountain?

JB: I knew that I wanted to have a sailing and ice-cutting theme woven into the story at a later point, so that sparked the family to have a Norwegian heritage from the start. It was sort of a surprise way to go about it, but I am so thankful to have been able to learn more about the beautiful heritage.

PT: How did you settle on the names of your Norwegian characters?

JB: As I envision each character, I have them try on a few names for size. It’s how the names for the characters Thor, Jorgan and Haakon came about. They just sort of stuck! Also, Thor (or Thorald) is such a large man, that I knew he needed a name that really captured that. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting!

PT: And will there be a third book in the series of Blackbird Mountains?

JB: At this time, we just have the two books in the series, but I have a novella releasing later this fall that will circle back to some of the side characters, and will have a little cameo of Haakon as well.

PT: What is your favorite place/location to write?

JB: I write mostly at home, so tend to move around from room to room and my favorite cozy spots. There’s also a local coffee shop that has $2.50 Mocha Mondays (along with homemade whipped cream!) so when I’m in town there, I try and stop in and write for a few hours.

PT: So let's climb up to a few things outside of the writing world. Would you consider yourself a crafty person and what other things have you put your hands to?

JB: I’ve always loved crafting and have been making messes for as long as I can remember. Now my kiddos enjoy doing the same so we are always in supply with tape, markers, hot glue, fabric, and wood. They love creating things big and small, so it’s been fun to watch their creativity blossom.

PT: Name 5 things fast about Joanne Bischof that have nothing to do with writing.

JB: I love baking, partner dancing (swing and waltz), and I tend to get lost easily. Let’s see, that’s three so I’ll add that I enjoy the beauty of the landscape—trees, the sky, sunsets—and also going to the beach!

PT: I'm dying to know, as I know my readers are too, what book is next?

JB: I am really excited about cooking up an all new historical romance, but the next stories are still a secret :) It’s my hope to be able to share about them with readers soon, and always post bookish news my website, Instagram, and also on Facebook.

PT: Thanks so much for jaunting with us today! You can visit Joanne's website and keep step with her at And if you want a great historical romance (or two!) to add to your TBR, click here, and you can browse Joanne's titles.

I am giving away one copy of Joanne Bischof's Sons of Blackbird Mountain to one lucky person who leaves a comment and an email! Wahoo! So don't miss out of that. And thanks for joining us here at the Diamond Mine, where we showcase the best in Christian Fiction.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Interview and Giveaway with Jae Blessing!

Hi guys! V. Joy Palmer here! Since we are all friends here, you guys can call me Joy. ; ) And since we are all friends, one of my favorite things to do is talk with my friends, family, the teens I mentor, and everyone else at coffee shops/bookstores. Books and yummy drinks are the perfect combination, after all. So, consider this our virtual coffee shop. I’ll wait a second for you to get your warm drink and a fuzzy blanket before we chat with today’s guest. ;-) 

Today we are prying into the private life chatting with Author Jae Blessing!

Jae Blessing has always enjoyed the creative process of writing.  One of her earliest memories of writing includes a free-style report she gave in second grade that had her classmates laughing by the end of her tale. Her very first Christian novel was On A Slow Boat To China, followed by her Western novel, Evergreen Tree. She now has plans to re-release Evergreen Tree in 2020 with updated content. In the meantime, her first novel and several of her short stories are available on her website for readers to enjoy! Jae's desire is that the people who read her stories are not only entertained but also blessed by them!

Visit Jae Blessing at her website( or send her a message at!

Interview ~

First things first, would you order coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in our virtual coffee shop? Something else altogether? This is possibly the most important question... No pressure or anything. ;-)

Definitely tea. But if it’s warm out, it’s going to have to be unsweetened iced tea. And if it’s cool
out, a nice cup of hot tea— Irish Breakfast or English Teatime— with cream and sugar. It’s my
comfort drink.

Yummy! On to our second most important question: if you could order anything in the world to eat, what would it be?

Anything? Oh, wow, let me see... There are so many things to choose from... Hmm... Okay,
so, since I’m having tea of some sort whilst visiting with you, I would order a gorgeous cheese
danish (heavy on the cheese, please), or a great big beautiful bear claw with butter on the side.
Oh, why not? I’ll have both! ;)

Yum, yum, yum! Where is your favorite place to write? And why is that your favorite place?

I would like to say that my favorite place to write is in my wicker rocker next to a window that
overlooks a pine lined horse pasture as butterflies flit by and the bird song serenades me.
Unfortunately, it’s far less interesting, because when inspiration hits, just about any place will
do: Indoors, outdoors, table, sofa, floor, vehicle... It doesn’t matter as long as it’s somewhat
quiet. Shhhh! Writer at work!

Haha! "Writer at work!" should be a sign that we carry at all times! Do you have an odd habit that is only explained by your bookish, writer tendencies?

Hmm. I had to really think about this one and I kept coming up with zilch. So, I asked my Mom
and she came up with one in short order! ;) My odd habit would be that I cannot just give a
quick reply to emails or letters (what are those?). For instance, when I inquire about something
or other and the party in question replies, I can’t seem to just type out, “Thanks” and let it go at
that. No-o-o, not me. It will go something like this— “Hello ______! :) Thank you for your
reply and the information that you sent me. I’m sorry that I took so long to get back with you.
Thanks again for your time. Have a great day! :) Sincerely, blah blah.” I’ve also been told by
my brother that when I email a friend, it’s like I’m writing a book to them. In conclusion, I am wordy! It’s actually ironic that the majority of my books are short stories. Go
figure! :)

Haha! I can definitely relate to the wordy, long responses! What inspired you to write The Twelfth of Never?

Well, I believe that my Heavenly Father gives me the inspiration for every story I have written,
and He inspires me in so many different ways. For this story, it was a very particular section of
a piece of music from an old movie soundtrack. I heard the instrumental and with it started
coming these pictures (not from the movie, mind you!) or scenes, as if a teaser trailer was
playing in my imagination. Now, whenever I hear that piece playing, this story is all I see in my mind’s eye. That probably sounds kind of weird, but there it is.

I always LOVE hearing about the different things God uses to inspire a story! It's so cool! What led you to write in this genre?

I enjoy writing in a variety of genres, but for this book, the setting is a real location that I visited
with my family, more than once, many years ago. The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North
Carolina. It is such a beautiful, grand old “summer cottage”. It was built in the late 1800’s and
the romance of that era permeates the entire estate. With that said, I just couldn’t imagine the
story being anything but Victorian.

I love the Victorian Era! *happy sigh* What message do you hope to convey to your readers?

I’m not sure if all writers are like this or not, but whenever I begin a story, I’m not even thinking
of a message that I could be conveying to a reader. All I’m doing is just writing what I would like
to see in a movie, or on TV, or in reality. But I’ve noticed that the farther I get into the story, the
LORD starts dropping in these life lessons that minister to me. By the grace of God, I always
come away from writing these stories stronger, I think. Wiser, and just— somehow better, you

So, all that to say, I think the message in this book is: Take your time when answering
something as big as a marriage proposal— or anything else that can be life changing. Talk to
God and let Him show you what way to go, no matter how long it may take, and no matter how
much pressure there may be from whoever or whatever. It will be worth it.

Yes, seeking God's heart on those big decisions is always worth it! Can you tell us a little about your next project(s)?

Well, now that my wonderfully simplistic website is finished (visit me at or contact me at, I can
get back to revising my previously published Western novel, Evergreen Tree. I have hopes of
re-releasing it in 2020 (even if it’s December 31, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.!). In the meantime, as the
Holy Spirit leads me, I will continue to grow my “Jubilee Series” and work on various other
writing projects I have going. That’s my goal for now, anyway. I’d also like to be able to
someday have my books available in print-on-demand, but until then, this is where I’m at.

Awesome! Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story that inspires you on a soul level?

I’d have to say that Paul’s Epistles to Galatia and Ephesus are my current favorites. Over the
past month or so, the main theme that keeps running through my spirit and soul is that we have
been saved by grace, and that we are not under the law of Moses, but rather the law of Love.
That it’s not religion, but a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I heard a Bible teacher say
something like, we’re not in God’s Throne Room, we’re in His Family Room. I like that! :)

YESSS!!! I LOVE THAT!!! *clears throat after exuberantly shouting* ;-) What are you currently reading? Inquiring minds - mine - want to know. :-)

It’s actually been quite awhile since I read any fiction or non-fiction books. However, if you
would have asked me a few years ago, I would have given you a list like none other!

Sometimes life gets in the way of a bookworm's valuable reading time. So rude. Sigh.

Great chatting with you Jae! Thank you so much for answering all of my prying questions!

Giveaway ~

Jae Blessing has generously offered to giveaway a digital copy of The Twelfth of Never in pdf format to one winner!

The Twelfth Of Never
Summer 1896
Asheville, North Carolina
Spending a couple of relaxing months at her childhood friend’s new summer cottage in
Asheville, North Carolina, seemed to be exactly what Emerald Rose Lockheart needed as she
prayerfully contemplated accepting the proposal of marriage she had been given some weeks
earlier by her suitor. With the decision having been more confusing than anything, she
suddenly finds it not quite as difficult upon meeting one of her friend’s old school chums— the
gentleman cowboy, Edward Grayson.

Rules, Info, and Such ~

The author is giving away one digital copy of The Twelfth of Never in pdf format!

This giveaway will close on June 26th, 2019, at 12:00 A.M. for all the night owls.

A winner will be drawn within four days of close of giveaway. If the winner does not respond to our e-mails within one week of notification, then a new winner will be drawn in their place.

May the odds be ever in your favor. ;-)

Enter using the handy Rafflecopter here ~

Thanks for stopping by, my writerly, bookish friends! <3 See you next time!


V. Joy Palmer 

V. Joy Palmer is the author of Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She is also an avid blogger and co-founder of Snack Time Devotions. In her spare time, Joy is an unprofessional chocolate connoisseur/binger, and she loves acting crazy and drinking coffee with the teens she mentors. When Joy isn’t urging the elves that live in her computer to write, she’s hanging out with her husband, their adorable baby girl, and their socially awkward pets.

Connect with Joy on her website, personal blogdevotional blogFacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Author PJ Gover Steps into Fiction

Good morning to the Diamond Mine. Terry here. Hope each of you are busy with shovel and pick, bringing to life the gem which God has given to you. I’m so pleased to introduce you to my friend and new author, PJ Gover! Our Texas gal has a story to tell which will give our readers a peek into the life of PJ Gover as wife, mother, and writer for our Lord – and maybe an update on her picture mascot, Moo COW!

TP:  PJ Gover, our readers and fellow authors want to know about your call to writing. How did that happen? When did you know you wanted to write and why?

PJG: I sensed God’s calling to teach His Word when I was in College. I am a long-time Bible teacher and never viewed myself as a writer even though I researched and wrote out my own lessons. Due to health concerns, I was unable to continue weekly teaching, although I occasionally substitute for other teachers. Eight years ago, my husband suggested I do my teaching through writing. Two years prior to that, a friend asked me to write weekly devotionals for a group at church. That started my email devotional ministry which led to a Christian book and gift store hiring me to write their one-year devotional book. A spiritual ministry website asked me to serve as their guest devotional writer for about a year. The Secret Place Devotional Magazine and my 10,000 member church’s newsletter and grief ministry website also published my devotionals.
Five years ago, I felt God’s leading to write a novel based on my father and his secret work as a rocket scientist during the Cold War of the 1960s. He was a devout Christian who died under mysterious circumstances. I wanted to honor God and my father with a Christian novel. It turned into a thriller. I have since written a sequel and my literary agent is shopping both to publishers.

TP: Can you share with us when you came to faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ?

PJG: I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior as a child. My faith growth is a journey. 2 Corinthians 5:7, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.”

TP:  Many of us are busy in other pursuits, other than editing and writing, or your Wednesday update post? For you, it’s more than the next picture of MOO COW. When you’re not in pounding the keyboard, what occupies your time?

PJG: Family, of course, especially our two-year-old grandson. My husband and I are leaders with college students at our church. We host retreats at our ranch for our church’s college and singles groups. We’ve had more than one couple contemplate marriage while at our ranch! It’s a special feeling pouring into the next generation.
Moo Cow

TP: You have something else to offer to our readers and that is about life on a Texas ranch. Can you offer a story which highlights life in the rugged Texas outdoors?

PJG: No specific stories, but all aspects of the ranch offer inspiration for my writing––devotionals and novels. My devotionals can be found on my website The well-worn trail to the big pond made by generations of Black Angus cattle leads me to consider the Christian legacy I am leaving for generations to follow. The time we accidently left the barn door open and the cows deposited their ‘leavings’ throughout makes me think how we open the door to sin and the residual mess may take months or even years to deal with. Only God can lead us out of sin and into newness of life.  And when the calves get to a certain size they’re shipped to market. The way mama cows ‘cry’ for their babies must be how God grieves when we wander from Him. The ranch also makes an appearance in both of my thrillers.
Please share with us a little bit about your family. Are they often an inspiration for your writing? My husband and I will celebrate a milestone wedding anniversary this October! I do find inspiration from him and our daughter (even her dog) for my novels. My main character shares my daughter’s career and looks a bit like her too. I utilize some of their same mannerisms. Neither my son-in-law nor the two-year-old has found a place in my stories. Yet! But I’ve written two books just for the little one!

TP: In our day and time, our country is a mess, the distractions are high for an author. What advice would you give to a new author who is just beginning to write their perfect baby?

PJG: Learn the craft. Read, read, read. Take a course. I took Jerry B. Jenkins Your Novel Blueprint online course. There are many out there to help guide. I knew nothing about plot, structure, and dialogue and needed all the help I could get. But writing devotionals helped me learn to convey my message in a tight and efficient way. Above all, trust God.

TP: Can you share a definitive moment when the Spirit of God spoke, led, or placed you in a life-changing situation?

PJG: When I was a senior in high school I was coming out of a devastating situation. As a high school senior, one night I was in my bedroom sobbing out of deep emotional pain. I had come out of a traumatic situation lasting years. My father had died when I was eleven-years-old. After being raised in the church, my family basically dropped out after his death. I was not praying, reading scripture, or even contemplating godly things that night. God was the furthest thing from my thoughts, and yet, the words of John 3:16 burst into my mind. God’s Spirit brought it back. I immediately looked up and stopped crying. The verse is a salvation verse and one I had memorized in Sunday School as a child, but in that moment, God brought special meaning. He touched my heart in a way I will never forget. The words of the verse, “…shall not perish…” jumped out. In that moment, under the situation, I was perishing. As a child of God, I realized I would neither perish eternally nor in that situation. God was real, His Spirit all powerful. I would survive.

TP: Now I’m more than sure, our readers want to know about your writing journey—what genre? You’ll soon have a new book out? Can you give us sneak peak to what it is about? Do you offer other books? Where can we find them?

PJG: My one-year devotional book, Celebrate Thee Date, is available at My agent is shopping my Long Shadow Series, Christian thrillers based on my father whose life informs the novels. In the first one, in present day his granddaughter searches for clues to clear his name and solve his fifty-year-old murder. The Vice President of the United States, the mafia, and the Russians make an appearance. The second book in the Series involves a woman in present day trying to reconnect with her sons she was forced to abandon during World War II. In the granddaughter’s quest to help the woman, she encounters a German arms dealer and a secret international consortium bent on destroying the nation of Israel. The granddaughter’s faith journey grows from little interest to full reliance on the power of God and prayer. Stay tuned!

TP: And finally, do you have words of encouragement and hope for some of the new writers among us… Words of wisdom from a Biblical Christian and student of the Word?

PJG: We don’t know the plans for our writing, but choose to walk in faith and trust anyway. No matter what happens on our journey, God is still in control. I am not. You are not. He is sovereign and worthy to be trusted and praised. We are to be obedient to His Word, His leading, His wisdom.

TP: Do you have a special or favorite verse of scripture that carries you through the rough times? What about a favorite one you breathe when you’re just thanking and praising God for life’s journey?

PJG: I believe in Scripture memory, so I have a number of verses memorized. It gives me instant access to His Word and allows God another avenue to reach my heart, as evidenced with my John 3:16 experience. A favorite one is Psalm 34:4, “I sought the Lord and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Claim a favorite verse and memorize it now.
For praising God, I love Revelation 4:8, 11. “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God, the Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come.” V11 “Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory, honor, and power. Thou didst create all things and because of Thy will they existed and were created.”

As a celebration of PJ's new fiction career starting, she is giving away a copy of her devotional book, Celebrate Thee Date. Please leave a comment below with your email to be entered for a chance to win her book! Thanks, PJ for being with us this week.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! We are so blessed to have my friend, my extra set of eyes sometimes on my manuscripts, and super author JULIE COSGROVE with us today.

 Goodness girl, I know this has been a difficult year or so with health issues, Julie. Will you share with us how the Lord Jesus has carried and strengthened you during the writing of not only this book, but the other ministry work He has called you to?

Writing is one thing I could do even when I could not walk. Whether living vicariously through my characters or writing and editing devotionals in my digital missionary work for CRU, I felt useful and used by my Lord. That gave me purpose. No matter our condition, age, or circumstances, we can always be an example of faithfulness and be servants to His glory.

Also, having health issues made me more sensitive to others as well as giving me more time to pray for them. That has kept me positive.

One thing I learned when our daughter died is grief makes you more sensitive to others and certifies what God called us to do and be…comforters! When He comforts us, we, in turn are to comfort others with the comfort we’ve received.

Through the years I’ve been a “Julie Cosgrove” fan, and have read every one of your books, girlfriend. How in the world do you fill your cast of characters? The gals in this new series…ONE LEAF TOO MANY and FALLEN LEAF jumped right off the page and into my heart. Are they random or do you use people you know as patterns?

Ah, you are so sweet. You are such an encourager, too. The characters are totally made up. To know they jumped off the page for you excites me. I want my novels to be character-driven as well as action-driven. If my readers can empathize with them, I have done my job.

 For the Relatively Seeking Mysteries, which are cozy mysteries with a genealogical twist, my publisher wanted me to write about thirty-something aged women as the main characters. Three gals from different backgrounds, races and experiences who are bound by church friendships seemed like a great place to start. It demonstrated how God’s love unites us despite of our differences and quirks.

Since I had a three-book contract, it made sense to “star” one of the ladies in each book as they seek to discover more about some relatives of the past and present. One Leaf Too Many featured Bailey, a wealthy socialite turned accounting clerk with a strong stubborn streak and huge heart. Fallen Leaf features adopted Jessica, a petite blonde freelance writer who could fade into the background if it weren’t for her sweet disposition and determination to right wrongs. The third, Leaf Me Alone, which is in the works, features feisty Shannon, a young married entrepreneur black woman who has learned to do for herself since her husband travels for his job. She can be a bit bossy and opinionated, but her loyalty and wisdom shines through. And she deeply loves her hubby, Jayden.

Oh wow! I’m all in for feisty Shannon. Love her personality. And I guess I relate to her with all the years my husband worked out-of-town…makes a girl put on her big girl boots to tromp through the days. Can’t wait for Leaf Me Alone!

Will you share with us about the doors God has opened in your writing ministry?

At times I think perhaps He has only cracked a window or two. Some doors have definitely closed.

Since I have always supported missionaries, I thought raising money to support my missionary salary would be easy. It is not! It is still a struggle. I thought I would be fully funded by now, but three years in, and I am only half-way there. Not being able to meet-and-greet and travel has been a deterrent, but God seems to always provide one way or another.

As far as my fiction, there is not enough time or space to tell of all the ways His hand has moved over my keystrokes. I have been blessed to find publishers who think my books are worth taking a risk on. And He has laid out the steppingstones each time.

And I’m so delighted He laid those stepping stones for you. Your fiction (based on facts) have opened my eyes and thrilled my heart over and over again. If you folks haven’t read any of Julie’s books, just close your eyes and pick one. They’re all super reading! Psst, and they make perfect gifts. I have a Florida friend who’s as big a fan as I am of Julie, ‘cause she knows part of her Christmas and birthday gifts are going to be Julie’s latest…she loves ‘em too!

During the course of this past year, is there one particular verse or a combination of verses that God has given to carry you through?

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known among the nations what He has done.” I Chronicles 18:8

This verse says it all! In all things, I have learned to give thanks that He is right there with me and patiently loves me. I have definitely called on His name…a lot! Sometimes with clenched teeth, but I’ve called. I have never doubted His presence.

And through my digital ministry, I am a small part of fulfilling the Great Commission to go into the nations via the internet. The has readerships in the hundred-thousands in many languages. Our devotionals and articles touch more lives than we ever could if we were boots on the ground. So many people turn to the internet for community and information. Our tag line is, The world is on the Internet. We help them find Jesus.

My own seven-year-old devotional blog, Where Did You Find God Today?, now has readers in over 50 countries.

I know many reading this interview would like the opportunity to hold you up in prayer…how can we help your ministry? How can we best pray for you?

If anyone would like to support me financially, I am in the midst of my 20/20 vision. I am seeking twenty people to offer $20 a month. My link is Since we are international, I am “US Editorial”.

Of course, buying any one of my 14 novels would be nice. You can preview them on my website,
But prayer is the most important thing anyone can provide. Satan wants to thwart wholesome, faith-based writing from being published. Christian authors face much more than writer’s block!

Pray that I may continue to be used to His glory in whatever He has planned and that I will continue to trust that He will whether it is editing devotionals, writing them, writing clean novels with a message of hope, or helping other Christian writers master the craft.

And as usual, I must ask you to give new writers your best piece of writerly counsel.

First and foremost, find a critique group online or in your area that has seasoned, published authors. Learn from them and develop a tough skin. Take their advice and critiques to heart. They want your success, too. Like any art, talent will only take you so far. You have to develop your talent.  If you can afford it, attend a writers’ conference. Read books on writing. DiAn Mills has a great one called The Dance of Character and Plot. Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maas is informative as well. You are writing for one person, God. Don’t you want to do your best?

Second, take your time. He will tell you when your book or article is ready for the world. Don’t rush it. Get good, professional editors to look over your work in progress (WIP). Again, take their suggestions to heart. Then have a fresh pair of eyes proofread it once it is edited. Computers breed typos like rabbits!

Did I understand correctly…is there another LEAF in the process? Do you have a release date yet?

Yes’m. Leaf Me Alone is set for release in February 2020. I don’t have an exact date yet. I have turned in my manuscript and it is in the hands of two editors as we speak. My publisher wants me to continue the series, so God willing, there may be a few more Relatively Seeking Mysteries down the road.

Let me be the first to say I loved the prologue into FALLEN LEAF and the way your publisher sent small segments to pique our interest. Can we expect more of this approach in the future? Sure worked for me!

It was fun to do the short mystery story, “The Leaf that Fell”, in nine segments that were sent out one by one over two weeks prior to the release of Fallen Leaf. My publisher was so pro-active in getting the word out. Bless you Marji with Write Integrity Press!

She was very pleased with the response. So, yes. We will do something similar. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me over the summer in writing another short mystery story as a prequel to Leaf Me Alone.

I am featuring “A Leaf That Fell” as a freebie on my website if people sign up for my newsletter. Just click on one of the “Leaf” book covers on the home page.

It’s been a pleasure having you visit with us today, Julie.  If you folks haven’t read Julie’s new series, I urge you to grab both books and catch up…they are wonderful!