Cynthia Roemer is the author of three wonderful books: Under This Same Sky, Under Prairie Skies, and Under Moonlit Skies. These midwestern prairie romances follow the hearts and struggles of three women as they deal with loss, love, and hard choices. Readers will forever be touched by the way Cynthia weaves real characters with real problems into stories which captivate.
Let me introduce you to the woman herself.
CC: Welcome, Cynthia! I am so glad that you've joined me today. So tell us, what keeps you busy most days?
CR: I work at an elementary library two days a week. Most other days, when I’m not writing, I’m doing normal wife/mom things: cooking, laundry, cleaning, spending time with family
CC: Life in an elementary school is lots of fun. I'm so glad you get that experience! And I guess not even authors get to escape the day to day drudgery.
When you DO get to write, what does your workspace look like?
CR: Most days, I’m at my desktop in our living room. But when the weather is nice, I love going out on our porch with my laptop.
CC: That sounds lovely. I hope you get to enjoy the outside weather a lot this Fall. It's one of my favorite times of the year.
Do you have any pets?
CR: At present, we have one cat named Chad. I named him and his sister Charlotte after the characters in my second novel when I was in the midst of writing it. Sadly, Charlotte got killed. Now Chad is one super-spoiled kitty!!
CC: That is so sad!!! I am so glad Chad has you to spoil him. Speaking of your books...
How did it feel to wrap up the Prairie Skies series?
CR: Both sad and satisfying. I’ll so miss the characters and will always hold them in my heart, but trust the Lord will stir equally endearing characters in my imagination in the future!
CC: What was the best part about writing this series?
CR: Creating the characters and also the research! These are probably my favorite parts of writing. Such fun!
CC: Do you have any plans for future projects?
CR: Currently, I’m researching and brainstorming for a fourth novel set during the latter part of the Civil War and immediately following it. It’s still formulating in my mind, but involves an injured Union soldier and a sympathetic Southern belle. At this point, it seems to be a standalone project…unless the Lord gives ideas for a series. =)
CC: I love Civil War stories, especially with characters on opposite sides of the lines. We'll be praying for you as that idea develops!
Thank so much for visiting with us. And dear readers, if you are interested in learning more about Cynthia's books you can check them out by clicking on the book covers below.

If we have FIVE or more commenters, one will be randomly selected to receive an E-copy of her first book in the series. (If you already have it, we'll sub it out for another book in the series.)
Thanks for stopping by and have a GREAT week!
I loved this interview. Thank you so much!
Hello! you are a new to me author - Love the interview. Have a wonderful day
I enjoy reading this time period and I grew up in northern Illinois. Looking forward to reading these books.
The covers are beautiful..(Under Moonlit Skies Link does not work) I would be thrilled to receive a copy of one of your books. Keep on writing and I will keep on reading. Happy Fall it is my favorite season as well. I am sorry to hear about your kitty but Chad looks like he will fill all the gaps!
Hi Cynthia! Chad is a handsome kitty! I'm curious how long it took you to research your books and if you researched them all at once or each book separately.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Stacey! Glad you enjoyed the interview. Blessings!
Hi Connie! So glad you enjoyed the interview! Great to meet you! I hope you enjoy my Prairie Sky Series should you have the chance to read it. Blessings!
Hi Paula! Nice to meet another Illinois native. I hope you enjoy my stories set in our neck of the woods. =) God bless!
Thanks for your kind words, Carla! I'll definitely keep writing. I've begun work on novel #4! And you're right about Chad. He has a world of personality. LOL! The best to you in the giveaway!
Hi Kathleen! Oh that's a story in itself. LOL! I began research for Under This Same Sky while in college (30 years ago)! It sat idle for many years while I raised my sons. Then I took it up again in 2012 when I joined ACFW. It's hard to say how much time I've spent researching, but a lot of hours go into each of my novels. I research some before starting a novel and the rest while I'm in the process of writing. I'm currently researching the Civil War for my 4th novel. Thanks for asking!
Great interview, love hearing about the creative process behind the work :)
I love these covers. Loved your interview. These are a must read for.
I'm in love with these covers. These are a must read for me. I loved your interview too.
Hi Julie! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. I enjoyed sharing about my novel. Blessings!
I'm thrilled with the covers as well, Robin. Thank you! I pray you'll find my Prairie Sky Series equally enthralling. Blessings!
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