Sunday, November 24, 2019

Interview with Award-Winning Historical Romance Author, Jodie Wolfe

Today I'm extremely pleased and honored to feature historical romance author, Jodie Wolfe and feature her book about the Oklahoma Land Rush, To Claim Her Heart. 

I'm a huge fan of audiobooks because I get stuck in traffic a lot. I also have to do a lot of mindless tasks prepping lessons as a special education teacher (cutting out pieces) and love listening to books when I do so. Guess what? I just ordered Jodie's book on AUDIO! It's featured in all sorts of places: Target, Apple, and Amazon's Audible! Wow! AND it's also a book included in the Audible Escape program.

I'm really looking forward to Jodie's next release, but while we wait, let's peek in on the chat we had about Oklahoma and To Claim Her Heart.

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