Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Author Interview and Giveaway with Janalyn Voigt

 Hi, guys! V. Joy Palmer here! Since we are all friends here, you guys can call me Joy. ;-) And one of my favorite things to do is talk with my friends at coffee shops then head to the bookstores. Yes, plural. After all, books and yummy drinks are the perfect combination! So consider this our virtual coffee shop. I'll wait a second for you to get your warm drink and a fuzzy blanket before we chat with today's guest. <3

Today we are going to pry into the private life of CHAT with author Janalyn Voigt!

Janalyn Voigt fell in love with literature at an early age when her father read chapters from classics as bedtime stories. When Janalyn grew older, she put herself to sleep with the tales "written" in her head.

Today Janalyn is a storyteller who writes in several genres. The same elements -- romance, mystery, adventure, history, and whimsy -- appear in all her novels, no matter what the genre.

Learn more about Janalyn Voigt and the books she writes at!

Connect with Janalyn Voigt šŸ † Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, BookBub, Mailing List, and Website for Authors!

Interview ~ 

This may be the most important question I ask -- no pressure or anything, LOL! 

*drum roll*

What are you drinking in our virtual coffee house? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Something else altogether?

Mocha! Itā€™s my favorite hot drink. I donā€™t indulge often, but today is special since weā€™re having this chat.

I usually start the day with several cups of Greek coffee. Itā€™s strong, sweet, and good for you. The Greek Island of Ikaria is one of the worldā€™s ā€˜blue zones,ā€™ places where a large percentage of the population lives longer than average. Scientists suspect that the coffee they drink has something to do with it. Greek coffee is ground to a fine powder, then brewed in small pots until it almost boils. This process creates a creamy layer on top that makes the coffee go down smoothly.

For writing sessions, I favor a nice cup of Earl Grey tea. In my book (sorry, couldnā€™t resist the pun), the flavor is synonymous with creativity.

LOL! That pun was GOLD! ;-) And that sounds delicious! If you could order anything in the world to eat (we can dream, can't we?), what would it be? 

I canā€™t resist pineapple-upside-down cake made with fresh pineapple. After I arrived in Hawaii, where my serviceman husband served a tour of duty, I discovered that I only hated canned pineapple. I only use fresh pineapple when I make this cake, which isnā€™t often since I canā€™t resist it.

YUM! Where is your favorite place to write, and why is that your favorite place?

For a long time, I wrote in a closet beneath the stairs that I converted into an office. That was by choice rather than necessity. My family tended to forget my whereabouts, or else it was too much trouble to hunt me down. I didnā€™t inquire. It was the most productive Iā€™ve ever been. After a while, I started feeling cramped, so I moved into the guest bedroom. I plan to add a murphy bed against one wall so I donā€™t dispossess house-guests entirely. My office is on the second floor and offers a better view for procrastinating daydreaming than a closet ever could.

Love that you had a writing closet even if it didn't have a view! Do you have an odd habit that is only explained by your bookish, writer tendencies?

No. Next question, please.

Okay, well maybe, yes. About those cups of teaā€¦I sometimes discover a full cup of tea at my elbow, completely cold, and wonder how it got there. I glance around but never discover the little elf that spirited it there. This only occurs while Iā€™m writing, so I must be an easy target while Iā€™m lost in a storyworld...

Man, those elves strike again! ;-) What inspired you to write The Promise Tree?

I wanted to continue the Irish-American family saga I started in the Montana Gold series. Those books were well received, so I knew my readers would enjoy more stories about the family. The Montana Treasure series, of which The Promise Tree is book one, picks up ten years later. Some of the children have reached marriageable age, and I continue with their love stories.    

A preacherā€™s daughter shouldnā€™t encourage a troublemaker, no matter what her wayward heart desires.

Liberty has always believed she should marry a man of God, but Jake doesnā€™t qualify. The promises theyā€™d made at age twelve canā€™t change that. If only Jake would stop pursuing her, she might keep from falling in love with him.

Jake fears heā€™ll lose Liberty to Beau, the new man in town. He doesnā€™t trust the smooth-talkerā€”and certainly not with Liberty. Expressing his opinion sounds jealous and pushes Liberty further away. Jakeā€™s efforts to forget the woman he loves lands him in jail for a crime he didnā€™t commit.

A bounty hunter on the trail of a notorious outlaw gallops into town, and Liberty finds herself in unexpected peril. When Jake rides after her, he faces a test of faith. Jake and Liberty must each overcome their own false beliefs. Only then can they experience the truth of Godā€™s redeeming love.

Set during a troubled time in America, the Montana Treasure series explores faith, courage, and love in the Wild West. Read this heartwarming story to affirm your faith in love.

Purchase The Promise Tree HERE!

Love that concept! What led you to write in this genre?

I blame my father. If it wasnā€™t for him, Iā€™d have gone outside to play on a Sunday morning rather than watching vintage westerns. They were habit-forming. My father brought me up in parts of California where the wind would whistle while tumbleweeds rolled across the road. Add a love of history and an active imagination into the mix, and I didnā€™t have a chance.

What great memories! What message do you hope to convey to your readers?

I write mainly to entertain but also to inspire. The Promise Tree explores the meaning of love in many contexts. The story explores expectations within romance, friendship, the bond between a mother and daughter, and the love of a father for his child. I anticipate that readers will examine their own expectations of love and come away with a greater appreciation for its complexity and beauty. 

That's beautiful! Can you tell us a little about your next project(s)?

The second book in the Montana Treasure series, as yet untitled, tells the story of a beautiful, vivacious, intelligent spinster. Phoebe has turned down her share of suitors. Why marry for the sake of it? There has to be more to life than courtship. When Phoebe learns her cattle baron uncle is seeking ranch hands, Phoebe persuades her uncle to hire her. That puts her in close contact with Will, her uncleā€™s ranch managerā€”the only man who ever swayed her decision to avoid marriage.

Phoebe's story sounds wonderful! Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story that inspires you on a soul level?

Thereā€™s a poem that I remember when Iā€™m afraid to strive for something new:


George Gray

by Edgar Lee Masters


I have studied many times

The marble which was chiseled for meā€”

A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.

In truth it pictures not my destination

But my life.

For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment;

Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;

Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.

Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.

And now I know that we must lift the sail

And catch the winds of destiny

Wherever they drive the boat.

To put meaning in oneā€™s life may end in madness,

But life without meaning is the torture

Of restlessness and vague desireā€”

It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.

What are you currently reading? Inquiring minds -- mine! -- want to know. ;-)

I discovered Daphne du Maurier when I read Jamaica Inn. Itā€™s amazing what vintage authors could get away with. Pages of description would be frowned upon now. Iā€™m so glad she was able to write freely. Iā€™ve never read her Rebeccaā€”an omission Iā€™m currently correcting. 

ā€œLast night I dreamt I went to Manderlay again.ā€ What is it about the first line of Rebecca that captivates me? The words are simple, and yet they hold depths of drama. I donā€™t even know what sort of place Manderlay is, but Iā€™m already perceiving it through the veil of a dream.

Besides enriching my life, reading (and being humbled by) great literature improves my own writing. 

I completely agree with you! 

Thank you so much for hanging with us and for answering all of my prying questions, Janalyn! 

Giveaway ~

Janalyn has generously offered to giveaway one print or digital copy of ANY book in the Montana Gold Series!

Learn more about Janalyn Voigt's Montana Gold Series HERE!

Rules, Info, and Such ~

The author is giving away one print or digital copy of ANY book in the author's Montana Gold Series!

This giveaway is open to the US! 

This giveaway will close on 05/12/2021 at 12:00 A.M. for all the night owls.

A winner will be drawn within four days of close of giveaway. If the winner does not respond to our e-mails within one week of notification, then a new winner will be drawn in their place. This will only be done once. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

May the odds be ever in your favor. ;-)

See you next time, and God bless you guys!!!


~V. Joy Palmer

V. Joy Palmer loves to write romantic and comedic stories that proclaim Godā€™s deep love for us. Sheā€™s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and an avid blogger. In her spare time, Joy loves to sing (especially Disney songs), drink large quantities of coffee, and take flowery photos for Bookstagram. When Joy isnā€™t fighting with fictional people, sheā€™s hanging out with her husband and their adorable little girl. Connect with Joy via!


Janalyn Voigt, escape into creative worlds of fiction. said...

Thanks so much for a fun conversation and the chance to say hello to your readers. I'd love to know everyone's favorite kind of pen. I've favored those blue Bic pens since I was twelve, but my husband is slowly converting me to Parker pens. It would be nice to have a more variety in a writing implement. Any recommendations?

Amit said...

Thank You For Posting the Interview

Very Interesting

Amit lamba Numerologist

Vastu Consultant Mumbai