Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Phyllis Wheeler: Author of Time Travel Adventures for Children


This week's author, Phyllis Wheeler, writes stories like I used to love to read as a child. Time travel adventures were always among my favorites. Let's get to know more about her and her writing!

Hello Phyllis. Thanks for joining us with a look into your work and life. To begin, tell us about your writing.

I write fiction for middle grade and young adult, especially speculative fictions such as time-travel, for example my award-winning novel for ages 12-14, THE LONG SHADOW. I'm a Christian, and my stories reflect that in a fairly subtle way. I'm also a veteran homeschooler and write for homeschooled families, including a study guide. I experimented with other genres but keep coming back to writing for kids.

I'm a former homeschool mom and love all the books written for that market now. Tell us more about what you're working on right now.

A time-travel adventure series, GUARDIANS of TIME, is in the works. Book 1 comes out November 1. In the meantime, get the prequel short story at my website, 

This sounds like an exciting book. Can you give us a behind the scenes in what your writing?

Writing teachers tell you to write what you know, so I set my time-traveling heroes in my own St. Louis suburb of Webster Groves, specifically the modest side of town where I live. In my book, Guardians of Time Book 1: The Dog Snatcher, I take the twins on a quick trip to Lyon, France, in 1680, to chase the guy who kidnapped their dog. Lyon is where I spent several days in 2019 and got a good feel for this unique city. For the next book, we're likely to head to someplace I've never been! It's a secret where it is, but I've been able to find a number of  videos online of people walking around there, sharing their experience. Hint: it has a mysterious history.

What is the hardest part of writing a book for you?

Having been a nonfiction journalist and technical writer for most of my career, story brainstorming comes hard for me. I make myself sit in my office chair for long periods, and count it a day's work if I solve one turning point. So, I'm a relatively slow writer.

Who has been the biggest influence on you in your writing?

My very first critique group, which was of course formed of other writers who knew more than I did. They patiently showed me all the ways a former nonfiction writer can be doing the wrong thing! I'm grateful to them, and I've continued with a variety of other critique groups over the years, passing on the same knowledge to others.

Who is your favorite author?

My favorite living author is Jill Williamson, author of the Blood of Kings, fantasy series. 

It's a common question, but what inspires you to write?

Newspaper stories, Internet research on the topic I'm looking at asking friends for suggestions. I'm interested in people's lives and the challenges they've faced.

I noticed you've won some awards! Tell us about those.

The Long Shadow is a winner of a Purple Dragonfly Award and a Moonbeam Children's Book Award. There's even a free unit study available! Details here.

In all of life's adventures, do you have anyone along for the ride with you?

My husband Steve! We have four grown children and, so far, no grandchildren. Not even grand-dogs or cats. However, we do have Meggie, a miniature poodle. She is the boss of the household!

Thanks Phyllis for allowing us to get to know you, and to learn about your wonderful stories. If anyone would like to get to know more about Phyllis visit her website at 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intriguing, I'm looking forward to reading it!