Hello, friends! Today (Feb 28) is my birthday, and I'm tickled pink to introduce you to Hannah Hood Lucero. Hannah writes romantic suspense with military heroes and heroines. Keep reading to find out more about her "faith-filled fiction with a sprinkling of southern snark." Plus, find out about her giveaway!
A Little About Hannah
Hi! I'm Hannah. Christ-follower, wife, and mother are my primary roles. I've held so many titles in my lifetime that I can't remember them all. My favorite non-primary role is Author. I love to tell stories, which is something I learned from my grandfather. He told the most wonderful tales, usually in the form of a song. My favorite words to hear as a child were, "I'm gonna sing you a ditty."
I have roots on the Mississippi Gulf Coast as well as in the blue ridge mountains of western North Carolina. Both of my homes are rich with history and vibrant culture. Places you will have the opportunity to explore in my books include Asheville, New Orleans, Biloxi, Pensacola . . . and perhaps a sprinkle of the Rocky Mountains as well.
I love a good book. If there is conflict, suspense, and kissing . . . I'm there for it! That's what you can expect from my faith-based fiction. I write contemporary Christian Romance!
Connect with Hannah: Website | Newsletter | Instagram | Facebook
Suzie: Welcome to the Diamond Mine, Hannah. We’re delighted to have you this week. I always like to start with a couple would you rather questions.
Hannah: Thank you for having me! I’ve been looking forward to it. Let’s roll!
Suzie: Would you rather live without internet for a year or without air conditioning and heating for a year?
Hannah: Oooh. This is tough for me. I live in south Mississippi and our air conditioning has gone out in the height of triple-digit temps. I suppose for survival’s sake, I’ll have to sacrifice all else. But living without the internet would crush me. I know we shouldn’t be dependent on it. As a homeschooling mom of three littles, I need my bookstagram and Christian Mommy Writer networks . . . desperately.
Suzie: I'm with you. Cold showers and fans would suffice over not being able to connect with my reader friends!!
Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?

Alright, that’s enough of those. Tell us a little about you—family, hobbies, day job, or whatever you’d like to share that’s not in your bio.
Hannah: Hmmm. I really have most of it in my bio. OH! I’m a huge conspiracy theorist. My friends know this well. For marketing purposes, I haven’t made it part of my brand (HAHA!). I love digging into things and seeing what different people believe about aliens, the moon landing, assassinations, government corruption, etc.
Suzie: Seems about right for a suspense author, lol! What are three books on your current tbr?
Hannah: Only three? Okay. I’ve been eyeballing the second book in Heather Wood’s family saga, Until
We All Run Free. I know it’s about one of my favorite characters from the first book. I wanted to read it in January—but you know how beta and ARC promises sneak up on you…
Speaking of ARCs, I’m really excited for Kendra Warden’s debut romantic suspense. I’ve already read some of her work and love her stories, so I can’t wait to get Forged in Peril any day now.
JJ Samie Myles has written book 3 in the A Breed Apart series presented by Ronie Kendig. I’m ashamed to say that I hadn’t gotten around to reading any of Ronie’s books until this year even though my mom loves them. But I recently read the first book, Havoc, and the action in it was right up my military vet alley. So my third on the list is definitely JJ Samie Myles’s RIOT coming in March!
Suzie: And here I thought that was an easier questions than "What's your favorite book."
What does your writing space look like?
Hannah: A colossal mess! I’m not exaggerating. Disorder doesn’t seem to help or hinder my creativity. But I really should get my life in order. There are stacks of books, notebooks, random art from my children . . . send life tips to Hannah.hood.lucero@gmail.com. HA!
Suzie: You are not alone. My desk really needs the stacks cleaned off the top! Let's just call ourselves disorganized perfectionists. :)
Would you share with us a little about your road to publication?
Hannah: Yes! I’m actually pretty new to this entire world. My only connection to a real author or anyone “in the know” was Jamie Ogle. We worked together at a Family Christian Store the holiday season of 2009. Though our careers in retail rapidly dwindled, our friendship never did. I remember visiting her in Iowa after she moved away and sitting outside of one of her writing classes, wishing I had gone to school for writing instead of massage therapy. Before I wrote my debut novel, I had this mindset that I couldn’t be an author because I didn’t go to school for it—a bit antithetical to being a rebel, right?
When I finally got fed up with the content in the books my friends would recommend, I secretly sat down to write one I’d actually want to read. It was a story that had been in my heart for 20 years and it just flowed out of me. Don’t get me wrong . . . the first version was a step above garbage. That’s being too generous. It was a whole dumpster fire. Ask Jennifer Q. Hunt about that first draft of Cathey’s Creek Road.
Anyway, I had a big mess of a novel. Well over 80K words. I didn’t know where to go from there. Jamie gave me tips, the most valuable being to get plugged into the Christian Mommy Writer community. There I found so many tools and resources. Most importantly, I found encouragement and edifying friendships with women at all different stages of the process, both Trad and Indie authors.
I never knew about indie publishing before I started this journey. I thought everyone had to find an agent and a publishing house to get their book out. I truly dreaded the whole idea of that. For me, rules and hard deadlines take the joy out of things I otherwise enjoy. When I met women like Jennifer Hunt, Heather Wood, and Latisha Sexton . . . I thought, “Maybe I can really do this!” And then I did it!
Suzie: Yay!! Aren't other authors in our space so encouraging? I've made some wonderful friendships over the years.
What are some of your favorite things about writing romantic suspense?
Hannah: This is my passion and comfort zone. I’ve yet to write a book without a military element. It’s what I know and love. I was a combat medic in the Army and my husband was a Navy Seabee who still deploys about 8 months out of the year as a private contractor. I love spotlighting different jobs within the military and showcasing the heart of the heroes who are willing to lay down their lives for a righteous cause.
I also enjoy creating truly horrible people, just to kill them off. I’ve got a real sweet tooth for Just Desserts.
Suzie: Again, spoken like a true suspense author!!
Tell us more about your upcoming release.
Hannah: Crossfire at the Precipice is book 3 in my Sons of Vigilance series. This one was the hardest to write and developmentally edit. It’s my attempt to shine a bright light on the horrors of human trafficking, but I wanted to do it differently than other’s have, so it’s probably not what you expect.
My husband and I are very passionate about this issue. We’ve partnered with Rapha International for about 15 years now, so it’s not as new to us as a lot of people who are just now realizing the extent of the global evils of trafficking. It’s a huge spiritual battle, and that definitely showed up in the process of writing Crossfire.
If it weren’t for the prayers of the Christian Mommy Writers, I don’t think I would have been able to finish it. By the time it was all said and done, Jennifer Hunt (my developmental editor) and I both wondered if anyone would even like the book, because we were just so OVER IT. God really blessed our efforts. Two of my beta readers even say it’s their favorite in the series . . . TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Suzie: Isn't it amazing how God can take something that wrings us out and reach readers?
What are you currently working on?
Hannah: Several things! Finishing up copyedits and formatting of Dereliction of the Heart, book 4 in the Sons series. My personal favorite! And working on developmental edits of my first book with a female military heroine.
So far, I’ve done all men in uniform with sassy civilian women stealing their hearts . . . so it is definitely time for a hardened female Marine to meet her match on the treacherous streets of New Orleans. I’m hopeful to release The Glory of Light on the Marine Corp birthday (November 10th).
Suzie: Oh, I love the title!!
Before we wrap up, how can we pray for you?
Hannah: Thank you for asking! Please pray that my books always glorify God and draw people to Him. I know reading the right books can be edifying, and I want my stories to be included in the list. And maybe pray for husband and kids . . . they have me for a wife/mom after all!
Thanks so very much for having me on! This was even more fun than I anticipated!
Suzie: You are so welcome. Thank you for taking the time to chat with us!! We are praying God blesses you, your family, and your writing career.
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