Daughter of Light:
What if with one touch you could see inside the soul?
Rowen Mar finds a strange mark on her hand, and she is banished from her village as a witch. She covers the mark with a leather glove and seeks sanctuary in the White City. She lives in fear that if she touches another person, the power inside her will trigger again, a terrifying power that allows her to see the darkness inside the human heart . . .
But the mark is a summons, and those called cannot hide forever. For the salvation of her people lies within her hand.
What if with one touch you could see inside the soul?
Rowen Mar finds a strange mark on her hand, and she is banished from her village as a witch. She covers the mark with a leather glove and seeks sanctuary in the White City. She lives in fear that if she touches another person, the power inside her will trigger again, a terrifying power that allows her to see the darkness inside the human heart . . .
But the mark is a summons, and those called cannot hide forever. For the salvation of her people lies within her hand.
Son of Truth:
Can a killer find forgiveness?
The war in the north is over, but the war for all the Lands has just begun.
As the Shadonae solidify their hold on the city of Thyra, Rowen Mar, the last Eldaran and savior of the White City, awakens to find herself hunted by those she has saved.
Meanwhile, the assassin Caleb Tala finds himself in the presence of the Word. The time of reckoning has come, and he must pay the price for all the lives he has taken. But in his moment of judgment, Caleb is given a second chance to change his life.
These two hold the power to save the Lands from the Shadonae. One must escape slavery, and one must choose to forsake everything before the world is consumed in darkness.
Can a killer find forgiveness?
The war in the north is over, but the war for all the Lands has just begun.
As the Shadonae solidify their hold on the city of Thyra, Rowen Mar, the last Eldaran and savior of the White City, awakens to find herself hunted by those she has saved.
Meanwhile, the assassin Caleb Tala finds himself in the presence of the Word. The time of reckoning has come, and he must pay the price for all the lives he has taken. But in his moment of judgment, Caleb is given a second chance to change his life.
These two hold the power to save the Lands from the Shadonae. One must escape slavery, and one must choose to forsake everything before the world is consumed in darkness.
Okay! Here we go!
Morgan, glad to have you on the Diamond Mine! Christian science-fiction and
fantasy appear to be blooming, and in that genre, your books certainly stand
out. Tell me what inspired you to write.
I never grew up wanting to be a writer. However, I always
had a huge imagination and so the seeds to someday be a writer were there. As
an adult, I had a lot of ideas and would share them with people, who in turn
would say I should write. I would laugh, but inside I would say, “No way!”
Then one day I walked into a Christian bookstore looking for
Christian science fiction and fantasy. I asked the lady working there and she
gave me a weird look then pointed at the lone Frank Peretti book at the bottom
of the shelf. What? That’s it?
I went home and my husband said I should write a fantasy. I
still wasn’t convinced until we were on a long car ride to Seattle and I had
this idea of a woman who could see inside people with a touch of her hand. As
soon as I was back home, I found my husband’s old laptop and started writing.
Eight years later that story was published and the title is Daughter of Light, the first book in the
Follower of the Word series, a fantasy series.
It’s always interesting to hear how an author begins this incredible journey into writing. I find it especially true with fantasy or speculative fiction, since the author is creating a world. I’m wondering, how much of yourself do you infuse into your characters?
All of my characters carry a piece of me inside of them. I
know many authors who write characters apart from themselves, but I don’t know
how you can dive deeply into your characters without firsthand knowledge of
what they are like. That doesn’t mean they are all copies of me, but there is a
quality, a fear, or a quirk that trails back to me.
What aspect of writing do you enjoy most?
I once heard Jerry Jenkins say he doesn’t like to write, he
likes to have written. I didn’t understand that at the time. Why write if you
don’t like writing? But now having finished three books, one under a tight
deadline, I get it. Sometimes you get so tired of writing and pushing yourself
that you just want a break, but you can’t stop until you finish the story. So I
love writing the end.
However, before you start to think I hate writing, I love it
when the ideas flow, when everything comes together in a scene. It’s that
aaaaahh moment! And it’s those moments that keep me going.
I also love the emails that come after the book is
published. I love hearing how much people enjoyed my story and how it touched
them or helped them through a difficult time (fiction can be such an
encouragement during dark times).
That’s so true. Good books and movies have
given me many moments of inspiration and encouragement. What do you find is the
least enjoyable aspect of writing?
Slogging through the wordcount each day. Sometimes the ideas
flow, sometimes they don’t. But you have to keep pressing forward. However, it
is very gratifying to look back after a couple months and see how far you’ve
come and the scenes or chapters you didn’t think were good are actually quite
Outside of your own books, if you were a
literary character, who would you be?
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She’s smart, confident,
and can be counted on through thick and thin.
choice! How about describing your series in a single sentence for each book.
What if with one touch you could see inside the soul? Daughter of Light
Can a killer find forgiveness? Son of Truth
What would you sacrifice to save mankind? Heir of Hope
Now describe each one of your main
characters with a one-word attribute.
Rowen Mar: Hope
Lore Palancar: Loyalty
Caleb Tala: Strength
Nierne: Faith
traits! What’s the most important thing you want your readers to know?
I write stories about how in darkness there is light. There
is always hope, no matter how small. I have been through cancer scares, my
husband has lost his job twice followed by months of unemployment, we’ve lost a
house, and our youngest son almost died. Dark, dark moments in my life. But God
was still there with me. That doesn’t mean I didn’t cry or wasn’t afraid. It
means that even when I couldn’t see Him, He was still there, holding my hand.
That is what I want readers to take away when they read my books: that God is
with them.
A message we all need to hear and
remember, especially during the times of fiery trials and chastening that we
all go through. Thank you for sharing some of your heart today. May God
continue to bless you, your family and your writing. It’s been a pleasure to
host you!
Morgan L. Busse writes
fantasy for the adult market. She is the author of the Follower of
the Word series, including Daughter of Light, 2013 Christy and
Carol Award finalist. Morgan lives in the Midwest with her husband and four
children. You can find out more about Morgan at www.morganlbusse.com
Facebook: Facebook page
Twitter: Twitter
To buy Morgan's books, here are some links: http://www.marcherlordpress.com/bookstore/fantasy/daughter-of-light-by-morgan-busse/
To buy Morgan's books, here are some links: http://www.marcherlordpress.com/bookstore/fantasy/daughter-of-light-by-morgan-busse/
I want to thank Morgan for the interview today. Christian fantasy and speculative fiction for the adult market are bound to continue to grow. It's not just for YA reading anymore!
Wow! I loved this interview. Morgan, what a fascinating genre has chosen to speak through you! (As a fellow author, I know the story chooses the writer, not the other way around.) Thank you for sharing your insight, as well as a glimpse into your personal life--both are truly inspirational. Your series sounds unique and quite amazing.
I love the many genres of Christian Fiction! Your books sounds fascinating. We're so excited to have you here at the Diamond Mine, Morgan!
Thanks, Anna :)
Thanks, Peggy :) It was my pleasure.
Awesome covers, Morgan! They truly sparkle like the diamonds they are. I love to read all genres (almost). I think I may have to grab one of these, if not both. Thanks for stopping by the Mine.
I love Morgan's message of hope. How awesome that she combines her faith and writing.
I can not wait until your next book comes out! =D Looking forward to it!
The story of your journey to publication is inspiring in and of itself. I know your writing is a gift for yourself as well as your readers. All the best.
Thanks for sharing today. Would love to have your 'daughter' book.
Thanks for having me, Renee :)
Thanks, Carlene :) My writing is an outpouring of my thoughts, feelings, and faith, and hopefully others find encouragement in what they read.
Thanks, Courtney! Heir of Hope is with my beta readers now and I'm hearing some great feedback :)
Thank you, Bonnie :)
Thanks, Brenda!
Great interview! The series looks very creative and thoughtful. I admire writers who can build a world and have it actually hold together.
So have you ever started a book you didn't finish, and if so, why?
I agree, Linda. I wish I could write sci-fi or fantasy. I must not be that imaginative. LOL. As far as not starting a book and not finishing it, Misty...YES! I started a historical romance set in Cody, Wyoming last year. I found out right away I was not cut out to write historical stuff. :/ I may try again someday but not any time soon!
Thanks, Linda :)
Hi Misty!
As far as reading, if I start a book, I finish it. There are few books I haven't finished. As far as writing, Daughter of Light was the first book I wrote. It took six years to write it, but I eventually finished it. Now it usually takes me a year to write a book. I have four active kids and I plan my writing around them :)
I think if I tried not to write a fantasy, some fantastical element would still find its way into my story :)
It's funny, isn't it, how distinct we all are, while sharing many of the same experiences in our lives? And it all comes out in these diverse stories we write. We truly are made in His image, since we all love to create!
I meant all people, not just writers!!
I bet it would, Morgan! LOL
You mean there are other people in the world. ;)
My friends are reading your books because it is the first time they saw a book put a tear I'm my eye. They love them. Can't wait for the. Next one.
Brenda Soto won the drawing and will be contacted so she can pick the book she wants. Thanks everyone for stopping by!
Wow, thanks for sharing that, Wendy :) My husband is currently beta-reading my last book before it goes to my editor. It put a tear in his eye. That meant a lot to me, that I had moved his heart.
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