I'm so pleased to welcome KC Frantzen and May (her Schnauzer) to the Diamond Mine today. They are a unique writing team with a heart for adventure and a message of hope. With three books currently published in this series (which you have a chance to win in our giveaway below) and a fourth on the way, you don't want to miss these stories which bring smiles to children and adults.
Welcome, KC, it's so good to have you here. You
and May seem like quite the writing team. How does that work?
for asking. We’re so glad to be
with you today. Here are some de-tails…
May speaks critter and has no thumbs, I’m
officially the transcriptionist as she tells her stories. If you know
Schnauzers, you know how verbose they can be. (I see several heads nodding.)
So, she shares the story then I type. Afterwards, she naps while I research,
add input and run first edits. She comes back in on final edits before we
submit to our pawmazing editor, Sandra Byrd. Three books later, we have it down
pat. :)
ok. Seriously… She is the
inspiration, especially since our stories are written in first dog. We usually
find a quiet spot around the house or on the screen porch, then May cuddles in
my lap or nearby as I work. When I come to a situation, she’s right there so I
attempt to figure out exactly what she would do, given the particular
circumstances, fictional or otherwise. So far, so good.
is May's story?
series chronicles May’s adventures as she
becomes a K9 Spy. The first book shares how she is rescued from an abusive
situation through adoption. (By the way, most is really what happened when we
adopted the real May.) She tries to figure out how to be as she interacts with
the humans, “Dad” and “Mom,” and her grouchy
Labrador sister and empathetic Schnauzer brother. One day she disobeys and plays out
in the fields. After interaction with a Copperhead snake and a skunk she thinks
might be a cat - ruh roh - she comes upon a “birdie” drone and a rickety
old shed with a secret passage deeeeep underground. That starts her adventure
to become a K9 Spy. Through most of this book, she wonders what her
purpose is since everyone else seems to have one. By the end, she’s figured it out, and
it’s on to the K9
two starts in the K9 Service boot camp where an airport training exercise goes
awry. She’s dognapped - Oh
NO! - and lands in Paris, where she teams up with a feral cat who lives in an
old cemetery. In searching for the perfect setting, I looked for the closest
cemetery to the American Embassy. It was the Cimetiere de Passy, in the area Benjamin Franklin lived during his time as
Ambassador. What a perfect link to American history. Of course, this called for
a research trip. So fun!
In the third book, she’s finally a full K9
Service agent so the mission is classified. We can share a few things… like
enemy dolphins and nuclear submarines! It’s quite the tale.
We’ve just started plotting Book 4. You’ll discover what it’s about after we do! So far there’s a luxury cruise liner in the Baltic…
We’ve just started plotting Book 4. You’ll discover what it’s about after we do! So far there’s a luxury cruise liner in the Baltic…
That sounds so exciting! And research trips are always a good idea. :) What
do you hope readers will take away from your books?
well-invested in a story that offers hope and a different perspective on what
opportunity might look like in real life. We strive to offer strategies to deal
with difficult situations, so when kids (and adults for that matter) find
themselves in similar circumstances, they know what might work for them… or not… when they recall
how May handled things.
humor. We’ve been told May is
funny. We like to think so!
We write from a Christian worldview but the books aren’t “Christian” per se. They’re just good stories you don’t have to be concerned about your kids or yourself reading. We highlight morals and values and honor “freedom and the American Way.”
We write from a Christian worldview but the books aren’t “Christian” per se. They’re just good stories you don’t have to be concerned about your kids or yourself reading. We highlight morals and values and honor “freedom and the American Way.”
you have a favorite part of writing?
This depends on when you ask! Each new story is a challenge because we respect
our fans so much. We work hard incorporating the best of our previous work,
including what readers say are their favorite parts, while being true to May’s character and our
mission. Creating the various stories is fun for sure. Seeing how the
illustrators enhance our work is terrific too. Interacting with our fans at
schools, fairs and festivals is so rewarding. When you receive a hug from a
child to thank you for writing, or you hear from a parent or grandparent how
you’ve changed a child’s life, or an adult
fan makes a bee line to your booth to get the next book in the series or
publicly shares that they purchased the set because others have told them about
it or sends an email about how they sat down to read a few chapters and didn’t get up until they
finished the entire book… It makes those
long, long hours worth it!
I must choose a favorite part though, it’s
editing. By then our ideas are somewhat in place and much of the research is
done. Then we work MANY hours to cut/craft to make it the best we know how.
Finding just the right phrase or situation to illustrate what we want to say is
quite gratifying. When readers comment enthusiastically in their reviews on
something we struggled with, that is pure fun!
That's a great way to look at editing. A lot of writers would say that's their least favorite part. Speaking of which, what's
been the biggest challenge associated with these books?
question! Not sure I can answer what the biggest challenge is, because
each phase has its share. The first major challenge is dreaming the story then
allowing myself to write badly on the first draft. Editing can be challenging
but as you know it’s my favorite part
of the process. Writing “the end” can be daunting,
because the words you write must stand on their own - there’s nothing to add
once in print.
One of the biggest challenges is simply to be noticed. (Gracious interviews like yours help so much. Thank you again!) You see, we don’t have a large marketing budget. Today so many good writers are available, we are honored when someone chooses to spend time with us, then thinks enough of our work to share with friends and writes an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads or their blog.
One of the biggest challenges is simply to be noticed. (Gracious interviews like yours help so much. Thank you again!) You see, we don’t have a large marketing budget. Today so many good writers are available, we are honored when someone chooses to spend time with us, then thinks enough of our work to share with friends and writes an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads or their blog.
final words for your readers?

Thank you so much, KC and May. We're so glad to have you at the Diamond Mine. Make sure you leave any questions or comments for them in the comment section below. And stop by KC's Amazon page or KC and May's shop to purchase the books and the cutest plush toy of May! Or check out the giveaway below to win free a free copy of all three books.
Here's your chance to win the first three books of the May the K9 Spy series! Contest runs until May 28th, after which the winner will be notified by email.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Author Bio:

She began writing in elementary school and even won the school-wide contest with a story on deep sea fishing. Though she kept writing here and there, it was mostly just for fun. KC taught fifth grade, worked for an oilfield supply company, a pharmaceutical company, created and managed her own supply business, owned and operated a franchise welcoming new movers with her husband... The list goes on...
Many years after winning the elementary school award, KC began to think seriously about telling May's story, and completed the Christian Writers Guild Apprentice level course, which helped her to prepare.
She and her husband volunteer with a variety of projects, including the Joni & Friends Wounded Warrior Getaway. They enjoy traveling just about anywhere, which helps formulate ideas for May the K9 Spy. The family lives in the country hills of middle Tennessee with two Arabian horses and several dogs, including the real May.
Gooood morning everypawdy!
May the K9 Spy here, and Mom too.
We're soooo excited to see you. Thanks for hosting us today. /backflip/
We can't wait to chat with everypawdy, so feel free to ask away.
AND, wahooo - we are giving away TWO sets of books! My paw is at the ready to pawograph and personalize the hardcover set too. So, let's GO!
Thanks again for having us in the mine today!
Mom used to say I was a diamond in the rough, but I'm quite polished today. Ok, not polished polished, but I AM finally a K9 Spy! BOL!
What a fun interview! You, May and your books sound delightful! I have two grandchildren who love to read, so I definitely need to introduce them to May! How long does it usually take you to write one of your books?
Thanks for joining us! I enjoyed doing this interview with you. :-)
Hey hey!
KC here, thanks for dropping by Nancy! So glad to meet you. Hope you and they will enjoy. Believe it or not, most of our fans are adults! It's so funny... :)
Book 1, May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy, took about 4 years. Steep learning curve!
Book 2, May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris, about 18 months and Book 3, May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino, only about 9 months.
Some folks really write quickly and I'm learning more about how to do this.
And thanks Amryn. It is just a pleasure to meet y'all and be here! :D
I loved the interview. I have to agree, KC. I love to edit as well. Thanks for joining us at the Mine. :)
Thanks Renee!
So many don't seem to appreciate the process.
Glad to find someone like-minded! :D
Very fun and interesting interview!!
Love this! Always looking for great books for my students! They love intrigue and spy stuff!
What a fun way to write a story. Kids must love these stories.
Hi everyone!
Thanks so much for your comments!
It really IS fun and remember, we will come to your school at no charge.
We just ask for transportation funds and the opportunity to sell our books at a discount. I bring one of the K9 Spies and usually do a writing exercise with the students in addition to reading and Q&A.
It's lots of fun!
You can check our website for photos, and our FB page too.
Let us know soon. We're working on the schedule for the next school year.
We have an AR quiz for book 1 and are in the process of finalizing for books 2&3.
Contact us for de-tails at may@maythek9spy.com
and thanks again!
I'm unsure about Josi Bunder above, but hey... It could be code. *wink wink*
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