in the air. While the sun shines in Timber Springs, snow falls on the Snowy
Range, and trouble’s brewing in the meadows. The area’s new game warden, Steve
Mitchell launches his first wildlife investigation of the season but the
trouble follows him—straight to town.
Rachel Fitzgerald’s on Spring Break. Or at least she’s trying. Between paperwork, and harassing phone calls, she may as well have stayed in her classroom. So much for relaxation. A ‘chance’ meeting with her brother’s old roommate offers her weary soul a shred of hope, but she discovers love, like life, isn’t easy.
Rachel Fitzgerald’s on Spring Break. Or at least she’s trying. Between paperwork, and harassing phone calls, she may as well have stayed in her classroom. So much for relaxation. A ‘chance’ meeting with her brother’s old roommate offers her weary soul a shred of hope, but she discovers love, like life, isn’t easy.
He talks with the wisdom of the Lord but rejects the future. She wants to soar
with the eagles but walks alone. And trusting God proves to be more of a
challenge than ever before…
Hello visitors, and welcome to The Diamond Mine!! My, oh my, it’s the middle of July! How about we all
take a trip to Wyoming for a visit with author Renee Blare? First we’ll have a
picnic under a big shady tree. After we’ve polished off some sandwiches, potato
salad and brownies, we’ll head to the creek, sit on the bank and put our feet
in while we enjoy a chat with Renee!
Now that we’re comfy, let’s get to know something
about Renee and her wonderful writing!
So Renee, your second book, To Soar on Eagle’s Wings,
just released last week. It’s the first book of a series that takes place here
in “Wonderful Wyoming.” Tell us what you love about living here.
Hi ya, Nancy! Welcome to my beautiful home. I’m so
glad you could make it. And yes, I do love this wonderful place. That’s why I
moved back to the state after leaving it…twice! There’s no other place like it
on earth. Where else do you know that the mountains reach for the sky as well
as the water? For those who may not know what I’m talking about, I recommend
taking a trip through Teton National Park and then continue on into
Sounds like a plan anyone would enjoy! God sure
knows how to create an amazing world. Now, I’m curious about how you got the
idea for this series. Did it come about through an idea for the characters,
plot or setting?
I actually lived in Texas when I started writing this
series. I must’ve been more homesick than I realized because Rachel was next to
a lake in Wyoming in the opening line without much of a thought. Anyway, the
series is focused around a small town’s Baptist preacher and his children as
they struggle to cope with the unexpected loss of his wife.
Hey, quit splashing so much, Renee, you rascal!
You’ll get my notepad wet! Now tell us,
what do you like most about your main characters?
I think it’s how they are real. Yes, they’ve been
raised in the church. After all, their dad’s a preacher, but that doesn’t mean
they’re perfect. You may be surprised to learn that all of them aren’t Christians.
Yes, they’re “small town.” Wyoming’s not known to have a lot of people. There
are more cows in this state than people, but who knows, you may just have
something in common with some of them. Then again, you may not like one or two
much either…at first. ;)
Do any of them share characteristics with you? Tell
the truth now!!
I’d have to say yes. I have to admit…Rachel’s
behavior when she watches basketball is very close to mine. Although, I may be
a bit worse. Especially with football. That’s all I’m saying! No spoilers here.
I also love four-wheeling and fast cars. Phones…I’m not uttering another word.
Are any of your characters or plot lines based on
real people or situations?
I sprinkle my real life experiences throughout my
novels. I don’t necessarily write them verbatim, but as a twist to the story.
It not only makes the story real to me, but gives authenticity to the scenario
or plot. My books may be fictional, but the spiritual messages and challenges
within them are not. Like with Rachel and her job insecurities in To Soar? I have literally walked in her
I’ve never tried writing suspense, since I’m not
good at strategy. But you like that genre. Is it hard to write suspense?
I love writing suspense. I don’t necessarily think
it’s hard but it can be challenging to figure out how to end the chapter.
Sometimes I want to keep writing and writing. LOL
I particularly admire your action scenes. Does it
take time to visualize each character’s motions and get it all coordinated in
your head, or does it flow easily onto the page?
Now that’s a good question, Nancy. I actually see my
story in my head as if it’s a movie. When I dream my plot at night, I will wake
up and take notes. I look at them and start writing and the reel begins to play
all over again. J
That’s so interesting! Say, let’s dry our feet and
go finish up those brownies! Before we go, tell us a bit about the rest of the
Cool beans! The Snowy Range Chronicles has seven
books with To Soar on Eagle’s Wings
launching the series this month. Through
the Raging Waters is the second book, and I’m in the editing stages right
now with the manuscript. It’s the story of Paul Fitzgerald, the second oldest
son of Pastor James, and Melissa Hampton. I call it my roller coaster novel.
It’s quite a ride. The third novel of the series is called Awaken the Embers. I’m close to the end of my research phase for Embers and will begin writing on it real
soon. As for this novel, it’s going to be the sharp and moving story of two
searching souls…Ajax and Jacob.
Sounds pretty awesome! Do you have an underlying
message in your stories that you want readers to take from your work?
God is with us even when we can’t see, feel, or hear
Him. Have faith.
Amen! What would you say is your personal motto in life?
Never give up. Nothing’s impossible with God.
Well said! This was fun, Renee! Thanks for sharing, and now
we’ll all share the rest of those brownies!
Remember to leave a comment for a chance to win a
copy of Renee’s book! Here’s an excerpt:
moved to start her engine but hesitated at the rumble near the edge of the meadow.
She turned her head to check out the newcomer maneuvering the trail’s turns.
The dark green machine slid to a stop behind her, the gold Game and Fish symbol
flashing in the late afternoon sun.
Uneasiness stirred within her. Since this trail wasn’t used often except on weekends, she was usually alone. A game warden this far in the high country was a surprise. Game and Fish tended to keep to the more beaten paths. After all, not many people fished this early, and the hunting seasons weren’t until much later.
He removed his helmet, a lock of tousled brown hair landing on his wide forehead. With his elbow propped on the handlebars, a gloved hand brushed across his jaw. Familiar brown eyes studied her over the small windshield.
“Oh.” Her heart skipped a couple of beats, and she stumbled over her tongue. He turned around before she could form a coherent thought. Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “Steve?”
A smashed brown baseball cap materialized in his hand. After a brief squeeze of the bill, he pulled it low on his forehead. “Hey there, angel.”
Uneasiness stirred within her. Since this trail wasn’t used often except on weekends, she was usually alone. A game warden this far in the high country was a surprise. Game and Fish tended to keep to the more beaten paths. After all, not many people fished this early, and the hunting seasons weren’t until much later.
He removed his helmet, a lock of tousled brown hair landing on his wide forehead. With his elbow propped on the handlebars, a gloved hand brushed across his jaw. Familiar brown eyes studied her over the small windshield.
“Oh.” Her heart skipped a couple of beats, and she stumbled over her tongue. He turned around before she could form a coherent thought. Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “Steve?”
A smashed brown baseball cap materialized in his hand. After a brief squeeze of the bill, he pulled it low on his forehead. “Hey there, angel.”
Bet you're in the mood to read more! Here's a short bio and links for Renee:
in Louisiana and Wyoming, Renee started writing poetry in junior high
school and that, as they say, was that. After having her son, a
desire to attend pharmacy school sent her small family to the
University of Wyoming in Laramie, and she's been counting pills ever
since. While writing's her first love, well, after the Lord and
husband, she also likes to fish and hunt as well as pick away on her
classical guitar.
Nestled against the Black Hills with her husband, crazy old dog and ornery cat, she serves the community of northeastern Wyoming as a pharmacist and pens her Christian stories, keeping them interesting with action and intrigue, of course. She loves to interact with readers and invites you to check out her website, blog, and social media.
Website: http://www.reneeblare.com/
Group Blog: http://diamondsinfiction.blogspot.com/
Nestled against the Black Hills with her husband, crazy old dog and ornery cat, she serves the community of northeastern Wyoming as a pharmacist and pens her Christian stories, keeping them interesting with action and intrigue, of course. She loves to interact with readers and invites you to check out her website, blog, and social media.
Website: http://www.reneeblare.com/
Group Blog: http://diamondsinfiction.blogspot.com/
Also.. please put this onto Hazel Moon Christian share page. http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/reading-true-story-vintage-art-you-are.html
Oh, my other message got lost.. This book sounds wonderful I would love to read it and review it also. I am a top reviewer for Amazon Australia and also place my reviews on Amazon U.S.A. I am also the author of an Australian Christian Romance. I have another 2 books on the way. Blessings and God bless you both.
Hi Crystal! Thanks for stopping by the Mine. Shoot me a message at faithwalker007@gmail.com. I'll send you an ecopy (if you don't win, that is.) ;) God bless you!
Hi Renee,
I'm glad to get to know you better. So glad I stopped by.
Congratulations on your second book. I'm so excited for you and hope you have great success!
Hi Jackie! Thanks and I'm so glad you stopped by! :)
So excited for your second release, Renee! Congrats!!!
Thanks Peg! :) You're the best.
The Mine received this email...Thank you, Joyful, for your comment, and you're entered in the drawing. :)
I love the sound of this book and the beautiful cover. I would love winning this book for my church library.
Crystal Mary's the winner of the Book giveaway. Please send your email address to faithwalker007@gmail.com so I can send you your book!
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