Get it..reflections? Well, maybe you will when you read all about her new book, Mirror, Mirror. A funny satire about how often we concentrate too much on what others see, and what we see in the mirror, this novella will tickle your funny bone and then make you stop and say, "Oh, wait. um, wow."
I'm Julie Cosgrove and I'd like y'all to meet another author named Julie.
Hi Julie Marx. Welcome to the Diamond Mine. She wrties under the name "J.A.Marx". Who is J.A. Marx and why does she write?
Thanks for the opportunity to share, Julie. It's always a pleasure to hang out with you, even in the virtual realm.
Who is
J.A.? At the core, I’m a lover of King Jesus, saved by grace and sealed
for pickup at a later date. Beyond that royal privilege, this mom and
G’ma enjoys family time, hiking, painting, playing games, and eating
healthy. And if I had the means, I’d escape the Texas heat and spend
part of every summer in the Swiss alps.
Writing for me is another form
of worship. In Scripture, Jesus modeled the use of fiction to teach,
encourage, and persuade believers and pre-Christians. He
consistently spoke in parables, aka illustrative stories, because the
Author of life understands the power of story and word pictures. God is
the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, therefore His creation has the
ability to use stories to influence (for better or for worse).
I write psychological fiction—suspense and romance—meaning, my stories explore the main character’s feelings/struggles/issues/beliefs that individual is facing while under some sort of duress. A why-done-it
rather than a who-done-it Someday, I hope to fully master drawing out a
reader’s emotional wounds through my characters’ stories, thus openin g doors for them to experience deep and divine healing along with my characters.
Tell us briefly about your new book and why you wrote it?

I’m actually happy with the result. It follows the lives of three characters, each dealing with a terrible, personal loss. While two characters confront their issues, Narcisse de Coeur, a 38-year-old divorcee, does everything imaginable to cover up her problems and make herself look normal. Her own delusion of life is well portrayed through her line of business… And, yes, you’ve gotta read Mirror, Mirror in order to find out what her occupation is because that’s part of the adventure and fun.
And folks, it is a quirky business- very creative. It may even catch on... so watch out!
What blessings have you experienced while writing it?
discovered that I can write peculiar characters who are larger than
life yet wholly believable—and have fun doing it. Considering I was in the middle of my own life tragedy as I penned Mirror, Mirror, it gave me a chance to convey the truths God was revealing to me about Himself and about humanity in general.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings (authors) to search it out.” Proverbs 25:2, emphasis mine.
I love that! What a royal calling...we are all daughters and sons of the King! Even so, we all need a time to rest and recoup, be it writers, artists, stay-at-home moms, or business executives...and everything in between.
Where is your favorite retreat from the world place?
I love my house. But if I could actually escape, it would be to a cabin by a stream somewhere in the mountains.
I'll join you!! In fact I may know a place..well it's hills, not mountains. But it is on a river.
What else is in the works for you, writing or otherwise?
Presently, I’m seeking God’s direction for my writing future. Fiction? Nonfiction? Or…TBA
I will pray for God to guide you. He has given you an amazing talent, Thanks for sharing it with us today!
To learn more about J.A. Marx and her other novels, especially her Destiny Series, go to her website
NEWS!!! Mirror, Mirror is only $1.50 for a short time only, so download your copy today! .
What an interesting interview. I loved the reference to Jesus's storyteling to make a point.
Great interview! Loved reading it. :) I love The Destiny Series and "Family Lies, Deadly Ties", and need to read "Mirror, Mirror"! Thankfully I had pre-ordered it, so it's waiting for me on my Kindle! <3
This was an awesome look at an awesome author.
Thank you for posting it!
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