Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interview with Author Candice Patterson!!

Today we welcome author Candice Patterson to The Diamond Mine!!! Here's a little taste from her book, How to Stir a Baker's Heart:

Certified mental health therapist Olivia Hudson has spiraled into a dark depression her own training can't pull her out of. Since Olivia can’t return to her practice when she can’t even help herself, she moves to Stone Harbor, Maine, to heal and help her dementia-ridden grandmother run her once-famous bakery. Blake Hartford is living his dream of farming blueberries and restoring a Victorian farmhouse on his coastal property, while his beloved community withers away under a rocky economy. Blake joins the town board to help revamp things and boost the much-needed tourism that can turn his community around. After a misunderstanding with the bakery owner's granddaughter and the town board's suggestion they lead the tourism project together, life in Stone Harbor gets a little bit sweeter. But when the truth of Olivia's past comes to light, Blake is forced to confront his own. How to Stir a Baker’s Heart is a story of healing and forgiveness, proving God can mend our brokenness and soften even the hardest of hearts.

Well, that was a tasty portion!! Welcome, Candice. I'm glad to host you on The Diamond Mine today! Now let's learn a little about you!

When did you first decide you wanted to write a book, and how did you get to that decision?
The writing bug bit me when I was sixteen. I've 
 always been an avid reader, and at the time I was speeding through every Janette Oke book I could get my hands on. When a friend told me about a dream she had, I decided it would make a great book. That’s when I decided to give novel writing a try. I never finished the book, and, honestly, I don’t remember what it was even about. Not long after that, I saw a commercial advertising The Institute of Children’s Literature. I applied, and they accepted me into their program at age sixteen. My junior and senior years of high school, I took the course by correspondence (this was the days before people worked through email).

I also remember speeding through numerous Janette Oke books! It sounds like you became serious about writing at a young age, and never let go of that goal. Good for you!
Do you base any of your characters on real people or on yourself?

Main characters, no. I do, however, like to slip names of people I know or family members into my novels for secondary characters.

I do that, too! One of my stories had a lot of secondary characters, and I decided to use all my nieces and nephew’s names for the characters. It was fun!
How do you get your inspiration for story ideas?

It depends. Sometimes the setting comes to me first, and I build a plot around it. Other times, the plot idea comes first, and I build the setting around it.

What is your favorite genre to write, and why?

Romance! I write contemporary and historical romance. They’re so different when it comes to research and plots, but both have wonderful qualities I enjoy diving into.

I agree! I do especially enjoy the research that goes into writing historical novels.
What do you want your readers to experience when reading your stories?

I want readers to feel as if they’ve gone on a journey. I want to experience the sights, sounds, and smells, as well as the emotions.

What do you experience when writing your stories?

Writing is therapeutic for me. What’s going on in my life at the time determines my experience.

That’s very true for me also. Writing can indeed be very therapeutic!
What do you like best about being a writer?

I love the process of layering everything together to create a story. An artist paints layer upon layer of oils on a canvas to create the whole masterpiece. Writing is the same way. One layer at a time, it all comes together to create a novel.

That’s a great analogy!
 What do you like least about writing?

Days when the words just won’t come. It’s not writer’s block, per say. It usually happens to me when our schedule is super busy, with everyone going separate ways, and when I do get that smidgen of time to write, I’m too tired to think.

I know what you mean! Sometimes the inspiration just isn’t there, and getting some rest can make a big difference with that problem.
What are you working on now?

I just finished the first book in a brand-new contemporary romance series set in South Dakota. It’s a twisted and complicated plot with lots of humorous scenes as well.
Sounds like a wonderful series we can all look forward to! Thanks for visiting at the Mine, today, Candice!!

And here is a short bio of Candice, followed by her social and purchase links!

Candice Sue Patterson studied at the Institute of Children’s Literature and is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons in a restored farmhouse overtaken by books. When she’s not tending to her chickens, watching her kids play sports, or helping children discover a love for reading as an elementary librarian, she’s working on a new story. Candice writes Modern Vintage Romance—where the past and present collide with faith. She is represented by Linda S. Glaz of Hartline Literary Agency.

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