I am so blessed and excited to introduce you to LoRee Peery. I love her books. Her stories feel personal and real to me. I have had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful lady face to face, and she is a real gem.
Connect with LoRee through these links: www.loreepeery.com
LoRee: I'm excited to be here and talk about the first of my two time travels. Cowboy Just in Time released the end of July. It is the Hearts Across Time book #1. Future of My Heart is book #2 and released the end of August.
Renette: Thank you for being here with me. These stories sound amazing. Let's talk about Cowboy Just in Time. What was your inspiration for this story?
LoRee: I was captivated by a big old barn on an acreage where my brother once lived. It was down the hill from the house, and the door opened right into the loft. I was amazed that the contour of the land had stayed the same from when it was built. The lower level, or where the animals were contained, opened onto the corral. It's constructed in a way cool manner.
Renette: I love taking pictures of old barns. They do get the imagination working, don't they? What personal journey did you take while writing this book?
LoRee: I had never attempted writing in a historical setting, though I was familiar with a rather rugged farm life of the 1950s (no indoor bathroom until I was ten), I had to look up quite a bit for the sake of accuracy. I may have gone overboard on cowboy lingo.
Renette: You have a beautiful personal story. I bet your growing up years helped uniquely tell the story. Speaking of your own story, do you have a life verse? What is it? And Why?
LoRee: Yes. Isaiah 12:2, "Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song. And He has become my salvation." I see myself as a victorious overcomer. Victorious spirit relates to the root of my name, which literally means laurel leaves. They were used in the winner's crown of ancient Roman games.
Renette: Names fascinate me. My family is known for unusual names. I'm curious what is or was your occupation before writing?
LoRee: I was an editorial assistant for twenty years, as well as a secretary.
Renette: Does it influence your writing?
LoRee: Definitely. I learned a lot about sentence structure, how not to write (insert smiley face), and to edit. It's so much easier to have things jump out in the writing of others. That means we can all benefit by other eyes on our work.
Renette: So true. No matter how many times we look at our work, we will miss something. I appreciate extra eyes on my work. It is a real talent to have things jump out at you. Do you have any other hidden skills?
LoRee: Two things come to mind. I have a knack for putting colors together. That shows up in the piecework quilting I've done and the way I decorate and dress. The other is snapping pictures. Odd objects, particularly in nature, catch my eye. I don't have a fancy camera to do delayed time shots or that messes with numbered settings, I just have a curious artsy eye.
Renette: I taught photography to high schoolers. One thing I encouraged them to do, think outside the box. Naturel angles and light can make a big difference. I bet your pictures are every bit as fun as your stories. What do you hope your writing leaves the reader with?
LoRee: Hope, and a glimpse as to how God works in our lives. My characters either aren't in a relationship with Christ at the beginning of my stories, or they have a lot of growing to do. Naturally, since I write romance, the happily-ever-after should be satisfying.
Renette: I see those things in your writing. Thanks again for being here with me today on the Diamond Mine. You have been a blessing.
LoRee: On a final note, I'm curious as to how others feel about time travel. If you could travel back or forward, where would you go? Do you think you'd stay for love?
Please answer, and I'll give a commenter the choice between a print copy of Repurposed, or a PDF of Cowboy Just in Time, Hearts Across Time #1.
It's been my privilege to appear on the Diamond Mine.
When event planner Amanda Totten falls through a barn trapdoor and finds herself in the arms of an 1890's Cowboy, she scrambles to find a way back to the future. She has a life and obligations—her fledgling business and her mother's financial needs. But the less stressful lifestyle, and her deepening love for Gavin Medley, is calling to her heart and she is torn between past and future.
Has God given her a chance at love?
Gavin Medley has been working for years to regain his family homestead. As ranch foreman, he has nothing but a dream of a place and family of his own. But his love for Amanda is making him think that having his own ranch isn't as important as having someone to love for the rest of his life.
Amanda returns to the future, and Gavin is shattered. He tries to go forward in time but fails. Believing it's God's will, Gavin resigns himself to living without the love of his life. But love transcends time, and Amanda and Gavin need each other. Can Amanda return to her Cowboy?
Purchase links:
It's a pleasure to be here on the Diamond Mine. Have a romantic day, wherever you are. Or whatever time you're in.
I Love the premise for these books!
Good luck and God's blessings with them
Thank you for your kind remarks, Pam. I appreciate you.
Thank you so much for being here and blessing the readers and me.
What a wonderful interview, ladies! I enjoyed it tremendously. LoRee, Cowboy Just in Time sounds amazing! I can't wait to read it.
Hmmm...where would I go in time? I think I'd like to go back far enough to see my grandmother as a child, so maybe the late 1800s or early 1900s.
Thank you, Delia, for stopping in always fun to see you.
I am so glad you enjoyed it. LoRee made it easy.
Getting to see your grandma as a child sounds fun.
My great Grandma had an interesting life to be her friends and help her and learn from her with things she went through would be awesome.
Delia, what an amazing thought. I never met my paternal grandmother, but was told she prayed for me before she died and while I was in the womb. Thanks for your kind words.
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