Wednesday, December 29, 2021

 Hi Christina,

Welcome to the Diamond Mine. We're about to begin a new year, and I always enjoy to opportunity to reflect on the year and make goals for the new year. What about you?

Thank you so much for having me! I needed a nudge to get me thinking ahead! I do always create goals for each new year in different categories—writing, spiritual, physical, and social. I may not meet everyone, but they’re a great place to start.    

Christina Sinis’si Goals for Writing:  Next year, for my writing goals: 1) Write two new novels (I take about six months per book these last few years), 2) Submit to an agent, 3) Do a GoodReads Giveaway (the only form of promotion I haven’t done yet), 4) Do a book signing, and 5) Do a talk somewhere new.

Among my spiritual goals is to read and complete a new devotional so I’m not one to focus on just one Bible verse, but I do love digging into God’s word.

By the way, I’m a psychologist by day, and actually teach about creating better goals. Here are some guidelines: 1) Keep them to a few so as not to be overwhelming, 2) Keep them under your control—it’s up to me to submit to an agent, for example, but I can’t control whether I sign with an agent, and 3) Tie them to a time frame.

My latest book is titled, Sweet Summer.

In Sweet Summer, Shelby Marano is the youngest of three sisters and was always Daddy’s baby girl—until her father was murdered. Ever since, she’s been running from anyone or anything that could truly hurt her. Instead, she seeks calculated thrills that leave her exhilarated, but when she’s caught outside during a summer storm, she quickly realizes not all adventures are within her control.


Tyler Burgess offers her both refuge from the rain and a safe place to land. Time spent with Tyler proves him to be much more than just a nerd in a history museum, but what she finds out about him is a dealbreaker for her. As Shelby’s perfect little world is threatened by family health issues and an unknown stalker, she learns the hard lesson that no one can hide from the dangers of life. Can Shelby let her sisters, Tyler, and even more importantly, God, show her in one Sweet Summer, that love is worth taking the risk?


Is this book part of a series, or a stand-alone? This book is the sequel to Christmas Confusion, but can also be read alone. The third book in the series, Why They Call It Falling, is set to be released in May 2022.

I can’t wait for everyone to read the whole story!

Christina, how can readers can connect with you?

Website/Blog:   Please sign up here for my newsletter!


Social Networking Sites:

Twitter: @ChristinaSinisi


Instagram: @csinisi123






Christina, thanks so much for hanging out with us today. Happy New Year to you and to our readers.







Monday, December 13, 2021

Interview and Giveway with author Linda Rondeau!!

  Today we welcome author Linda Rondeau to The Diamond Mine!! She is offering an ebook of choice to the winner of the drawing. To be in the drawing, just click on the 'post a comment' tab at the end of the interview and leave a comment along with your email. That's all there is to it!

Today we're showcasing her recent book: Wolf Mountain Legacy!

A widowed history teacher seeks to prove a Victorian mistress’s innocence from scandal, but first she must prove her current right to walk among the sane.

What about the 150-year-old ruins atop Wolf Mountain keeps drawing Marci Henderson to the site? Village legend says the beautiful wife of the older railroad tycoon, after setting fire to their mansion, ran away with his accountant. Was there no way to prove Felicity’s innocence? First, Marci must prove she had the right to walk among the sane.  

 Dr. Blake Montgomery, a college professor, has come to Collins Bend to work on his book, Adirondack Railroad Development. To aid in his research, Blake hires Marci Henderson, his former student, one he never stopped loving, who is now a widow. When Marci is insistent people are following the two of them, Blake wonders if she is headed for another psychotic episode.

 Old emotions surface as the two embark on a suspenseful journey leading them closer to solving the age-old mystery of Wolf Mountain, a journey fraught with suspicion and murder. Along the way, Blake’s faith is challenged, and Marci searches for spiritual truth about the God she had never known.

Sounds wonderful! Now let's get to the interview!

Can you tell us some more about your book?

Set in the Adirondack Mountains, Wolf Mountain Legacy’s heroine, Marci Henderson, a widow, is recovering from a long-term hospitalization following a psychotic episode after the death of her unfaithful husband. As she fights to prove she is now whole, she hikes up Wolf Mountain, a museum site that has drawn her for many years.

 Marci identifies with the denigrated young mistress of the Wordsworth estate, said to have run off with her husband’s accountant after setting a house fire that killed both her husband and her maid. Marci believes Felicity Wordsworth was innocent but has been unable to find any proof.

 On a climb in June, she experiences a near fatal fall and discovers strange remains on the mountainside, as well as a mysterious child who presents her with a pebble. Unable to make sense of what she sees, she believes her delusions have returned and retreats to her reclusive lifestyle.

 Her sister manages to convince her to attend a college alumni fund raiser. But when she arrives, she learns the event is hosted by a history college professor, her once romantic interest while a student at Briarcliffe. He is in Collins Bend to do research on his book about Adirondack Railroad Development and much will include the Wordsworth legacy to the industry.

When Professor Montgomery offers to hire her as his assistant, Marci is resistant. However, the opportunity might help her find the answers that may prove Felicity Wordsworth’s innocence. Marci accepts Blake’s offer.

 Marci continues to have strange sightings, a man in a blue tuxedo who disappears from her view while at the banquet, a man she met at the banquet and a fisherman who seem to be following her, and a white osprey that seems to be everywhere she goes.

 Intrigue increases as Marcie becomes more and more convinced they are being followed, more so as they discover important clues regarding the 150- year-old scandal. But Blake refuses to believe her until the elderly Alfred Donahue is murdered, Blake’s friend and colleague. But to what end? Why an innocent Irish professor and author?

As the two move toward danger and intrigue, their old romance begins to resurface. Are they only looking for what once was or is something new happening between them? Is a romance at this time, considering all the bridges between them, even wise?

 Each will be spiritually challenged. Blake is tested in his new faith, and Marci begins to realize the God she has resisted is ready to both forgive and to help her forgive … not just others from recent and her far past … but herself.

 I love the fact that it takes place in the Adirondack mountains!! My family went camping there many times.

How did you get your idea for this story?

 I’ve long thought mental health disorders are largely overlooked in Christian Publishing. I’m not sure if the stigma is still there, the outdated belief that real Christians should be immune to these things. Perhaps my many years in the human services field has helped me understand the physiological and emotional causes of mental health are not indicators of an ineffective spiritual walk. Our God cares and is ready to help us find healing … sometimes through physicians and counselors. My counselor in Wolf Mountain Legacy, is a Christian who is helpful in Marci’s journey to faith and healing.

 Secondly, having lived in the Adirondack region for most of my married life, I find the history and beauty of the area make great backdrops for intrigue and suspense as well as romance. The town of Collins Bend is fictional, however is inspired by both Lake Placid and Saranac Lake in the high peaks area of the Adirondacks. Wolf Mountain is also fictional but is inspired by the well-known White Face Mountain.

 I agree completely that mental health issues are often avoided in Christian circles, but I know from personal experience that God cares very deeply about our mental health, and that is one of the main healings that happens when we continue to walk with Him.

What made you decide to be a writer? 

Like most writers, the creative bent for story-telling is inbred. From an early age, I enjoyed writing short stories in school and entertaining my fellow students on my bus. When I decided to go to college, I wanted to major in creative writing, but opted for a degree in English with a minor in Secondary Education. However, after a marriage failure, my life took a downturn as I grappled with spiritual truths. I remarried seven years later and began a career in Human Services, the experiences running the gamut of social services options including elderly, family services, and children’s services. In 2000, the Lord recalled the writer in me. I left the human services field to become a writer. I don’t recommend new authors leave the day job; however, for me, it was God ordered. I have not regretted it since even though  another eleven years would pass before I received my first book contract (though having published and won awards for many shorter manuscripts during that time.)

My first book contract was offered eleven years to the date I left my employment. That book was also an Adirondack Romantic Suspense, The Other Side of Darkness, which won the Selah Award for debut novel.

 Like the plot twists of many a novel, this writing journey has been fraught with setbacks, disappointment, and challenges I never expected, but I would not trade this journey for anything.

 A writing life is worth the challenges!! Do you write from an outline, or just from inspiration, or both?

 My writing process is more from a mental outline than a written one. I generally know my BME (beginning, middle, and end), major characteristics of my main characters, and my message (which I believe is the controlling aspect as I write). Most of my narrative is inspiration, but the said inspiration is followed by putting my seat to the chair and just writing. I revise according to a five-point plot system (initiating event, inciting event, a crisis event, a climax event, and a resolution (dénouement).

 What an interesting process you have! Do you have any common  underlying themes that you want your readers to come away with?

 My theme is on my website: With God, our worst past becomes our best future.

 That's beautiful! Do your characters share any traits with you or someone you know?

 I use my experiences and life lessons to develop many of my characters, or they are inspired by people I knew. I think I identify with Marci’s faith struggles. After my divorce, I didn’t believe I could be a true Christian since I failed God. Everything I thought I knew about being a Christian was questioned. But God met my resistance, showed me his unwavering and unconditional love, and moved me forward to an abundant life.

That's a great testimony! God is so good to us!

Do your characters ever surprise you?

Though I have an idea of how my book should evolve, often, in the course of actually constructing the book, God leads me elsewhere than I originally intended. I am the kind of writer who allows for God’s intervention and detours. But having a concept of where I want to go and the message I want to convey helps me from going down unintentional rabbit holes. 

Oh, those rabbit holes!! Do you have a favorite character in your books?

I love all my characters like a mother loves all her children. But I think my favorite was Ahmed Fared, a Muslim raised by adoptive Christian parents, from The Fifteenth Article, a futuristic political thriller. An honorable man, he is caught in a whirlwind of dramatic political upheaval and can find no path to a reasonable solution until he surrenders his pride and arrogance to someone greater than himself, surrendering to the Savior of his adoptive parents.

What are you working on now?

My work as a managing editor for Elk Lake Publishing keeps me busy … work I love to do. But I am also a writer and have a need to continue my creative spirit. My next work in progress is a speculative/Biblical fiction, Babel’s Children, (how’s that for contrasting genres?), a book I have been working on for twenty years … just not quite been able to see the book in it’s message and entirety. I am a third of the way into the book now but had to put it aside to do some intensive Biblical research. I now know my BME and my characters’ major conflicts and how they will be resolved. I am anxious to resume my work. First however, I must complete work on several special projects for Elk Lake. Theses are fun so I don’t mind. All in God’s good time. (Sounds like another book I should write?) I also have an incomplete Adirondack Suspense I’d like to get back to. I have two more releasees in 2021: The Ghosts of Trumball Mansion and my first middle-grade sci-fi, G.L.I.C.K. I am contracted for a completed devotional series, Lessons Along the Way, release date uncertain at this time, based on my ten years of articles for my hometown newspaper. The column is no longer running and the rights reverted back to me and have subsequently been picked up as a devotional series by Elk Lake Publishing.

Well, Linda, thanks so much for the interview!! I really enjoyed it!

Okay readers, remember to leave a comment to be in the drawing for a free copy of your choice among Linda's books. Here is a bit more about Linda and also some of her links:

Known for her stories of encouragement and hope, veteran social worker Linda Wood Rondeau now lives in Hagerstown, Maryland with her husband of over 40 years. Having lived in Northern New York for nearly thirty years, the author is no stranger to the Adirondack Mountains, the perfect backdrop for mystery, romance and intrigue. When not writing, the author enjoys the occasional round of golf, movies, and visiting museums. 

The author has been fascinated with the beauty, history, and mysteries encompassed in the Adirondack region, the perfect backdrop for Wolf Mountain Legacy. Find out more about the author on her website,, where you can read her blog, Snark and Sensibility, and sign up for her newsletter to stay informed. The author is a available to speak to groups, in person or online and will answer all emails from interested readers.

Find her at these additional locations:

Facebook author page: deau





Giveaway ebook of choice (Amazon author page)






Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Karen Wingate: Through Fresh Eyes

 Karen Wingate is legally blind. 

God is never limited by human labels. 

Below is the interview I had the privilege of holding with this incredible survivor, faith-warrior, and author, Karen Wingate. 

While her focus has mainly been nonfiction, Karen and I had the privilege of collaborating on a book entitled, Christmas Treasures, a collection of Christmas fiction stories written by Christian fiction authors. 

Karen and I share the same agent and now publisher. We are both pastor's wives and we both love teaching and writing curriculum. Another thing we have in common is that of living with disabilities. 

You are going to be amazed at how God reveals himself over and over again to Karen. And you'll amazed that, if you ask Him, how He will reveal Himself to you, too. 

In the following interview, we focus on Karen's newest book, With Fresh Eyes, which reveals the miracle of sight both physically and spiritually. 

Karla Akins is the author of the fiction novel, The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots and a nonfiction memoir entitled A Pair of Miracles about her twin sons with autism. She currently teaches as a full-time 5th-grade special education teacher in inner city Tampa, Florida. Karla's favorite food is Tacos, favorite colors are teal and purple, and favorite person is Jesus Christ. 

Follow Karla on Instagram: @KarlaKAkins

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Michelle Medlock Adams-Prolific Writer with a Purpose

It's my honor today to interview Michelle Medlock Adams. Michelle is a best-selling author and an award-winning journalist, earning top honors from the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Hoosier State Press Association to name a few. She is a prolific writer with a purpose. Her list of accomplishments are impressive! Michelle loves the Lord and her writing shows she has a purpose with every book she pens. 

So, Michelle tell us a little about yourself.

 I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Jeff, and we have two married daughters, Abby and Allyson, three granddaughters and two grandsons. Jeff and I share our home in Southern Indiana with a miniature dachshund, a rescue Greyhound/Lab mix, and two cats. When not writing or teaching writing, I enjoy bass fishing, cheering on Indiana University sports teams and the Chicago Cubbies, and all things leopard print.

 I know you've done ghostwriting, devotionals, children's books, and adult literature. Be honest: which is more fun? 

That's an easy one-writing for children is WAY more fun. Truly, my heart beats so fast when I start thinking about a new children's book idea and begin researching the topic and exploring the best way to tell that story. I love writing both fiction and nonfiction for kids. In all honestly, I have never truly "grown up." Most of my favorite people are children. 😊 I love looking at the world through their eyes. Writing for children is the best job ever!

Writers usually have a love for writing at a young age. When did you begin writing?

When I was in first grade, Mrs. True made an announcement that would forever change my life. "We're having a poetry contest this week," she said, "so use today and tomorrow to come up with your best poem."

 We had just studied the various types of poems, and I decided I really liked the ones that rhymed. In fact, I had checked out every book of rhyming poetry I could find from our school library, and I'd read them all--twice.

 As my classmates wrote about their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, I carefully crafted the words to my poem: "I Love Penny." Penny was my 7-year-old wiener dog and my best friend in the whole world. My poem went a little something like this: "Penny is my very best friend. I'll love her to the very end. She's a very special wiener dog. I love her though she smells like a hog..."

 OK so I wasn't exactly a first grade Dr. Seuss, but my poem was good enough to earn first prize. (I guess the other first grade poets must've been really bad.) At any rate, I won a few sparkly pencils and the honor of going first in the lunch line that afternoon. Mrs. True also displayed my poem in the front of the room for all to see. I stared at my winning poem all afternoon, and in my mind, I was already coming up with a follow-up rhyme.

That's the day I became a writer. I wanted to write all the time, and so I did. I wrote during recess while other kids played tag and climbed n the monkey bars. I completely fell in love with words.

What makes writing your passion?

Creating stories for children--stories that teach, entertain, encourage and inspire--it's a noble calling. It's a calling I don't take for granted. I truly love what I do.

What's the story behind your choice of characters?

For my book, "Dachshund Through the Snow"...

I've been a dog lover for as long as I can remember. So, after writing and publishing more than 100 books, it only makes sense that I'd finally write a story about my favorite breed of dog--the dachshund. (I grew up with a shorthaired red miniature doxie named Penny. And since then, I've loved Max, Maddie, Anne, Freckles, Miller, and our current cutie Mollie Mae.)

But, "Dachshund Through the Snow" was inspired by Miller, our longhaired miniature dachshund who loved to dig and dig and dig! He is in heaven but his memory lives on through Crosby in my book, "Dachshund Through the Snow." 

Do you connect with your readers? Do you mind having a chat with them or you prefer to express yourself through your writing?

I know a lot of writers are introverts, but I may be the exception. I am an extrovert in every way! I love to connect with my readers at book events, book signings, writers conferences, etc. I also love speaking to children in school convocations and encouraging them to follow their dreams. When COVID hit and closed all of those opportunities, it was so hard for writers to connect with their readers in a tangible way.

 I started doing Facebook Live events and chatting with readers via comments. I also started "Storytime with Michelle" and brought my stories to the kids at home. I think, as writers, we need to make every effort to connect with our readers through story, through social media, at events--in every way. It means so much to them, and it's so encouraging and enlightening to us! We can learn from our readers. I do every day!

What's your writing ritual?

I am at my laptop computer every single day--whether I'm working on an article for a magazine or coming up with a new children's story or working on a  non-fiction book. I write every single day. I love it so much that it doesn't even feel like a job, but it is my full-time job. I am a full-time freelance writer, so I can't afford to have "writer's block" very often.

 We're coming to the end of the fall season, what is your favorite fall family activity?

Fall is my very favorite season. It's so beautiful here in Southern Indiana in the Fall--lots of yellow, orange, and red bursts of color dot the highways and backroads. So pretty! It's hard to narrow it down to just one favorite activity but I'd say going to a nearby Fall Festival that features corn mazes, petting zoos, and hayrides, and eating lots of yummy fall food like pumpkin pie and persimmon pudding. It's also fun to carve pumpkins with the fam. My son-in-law Wes is amazing at it! Last year, he carved my pumpkin to look like a dachshund! It was impressive.

A dachshund?! That is so fitting for you!

Here is a link to Michelle's newest book. This is an adorable story with a special message for children! 

Just a few more questions and we'll let you get back to work! With the holiday season right around the corner, what are some of your favorite traditions?

It's all about family this time of year, isn't it? I have such amazing memories of past Christmas Eves. Every December 24, we used to head to my parents' house and spend the night, along with my brother and his family, and, my sister and her family. 

We'd eat lots of fattening foods such as fudge, buckeyes, my mom's famous chocolate oatmeal cookies, reindeer mix, and more. 

And, we'd play Euchre (a card game popular in the Midwest) for hours until one team proved victorious over all other duos. Usually, my sister Martie and I won, and when we had beaten every other team, we'd break into the "Sisters" song from the movie, White Christmas. Of course, no one else found this nearly as funny as the two of us, but we continued singing just the same. Sometimes, we'd even perform the accompanying choreography...yes, we were obnoxious. 

What fun! Precious memories for sure. What do you do now for Christmas Eve?

Our Christmas Eves are a little different now that my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are married and have families of their own, but December 24 is still wonderful. Now, we all go to my sister's house and spend the night. Fudge, buckeyes, reindeer mix, and my mom's famous chocolate oatmeal cookies are still part of our food extravaganza. 

What about the Euchre game? Do you still play?

Martie and I still dominate in Euchre and we still open one gift that night, unless we can talk my sister into two gifts--she is the matriarch now. 

The age old question, real or artificial tree?

Artificial trees, and I put up five. I love decorating for Christmas. I have a pencil tree that was my mom's which features all of the sentimental ornaments, including her favorite plush Grinch ornament. 😊 That one always has a place of prominence. I love Christmas so much!

Thanks so much Michelle for sharing a little bit about yourself today. It's been a pleasure!

For a chance to win Michelle's latest children's book, Dachshund Through the Snow, enter the rafflecopter. Leave a comment with some of your favorite Christmas traditions!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Nashville, Writing Tribes, and More with Romantic Suspense Author Kathy Harris

Welcome back to the Diamond Mine. It's my pleasure to introduce you to a local-to-me author of romantic suspense, Kathy Harris.

About the Author

Kathy Harris is an author by way of a “divine detour” into the Nashville music business where she has worked for 30 years as a marketing director. She sold her first Christian nonfiction story in 2007. Her debut novel released in 2012. She writes romantic suspense and women’s fiction. Visit Kathy’s website, read her Divine Detour blog or follow her on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

SW: Welcome, Kathy. Thank you for taking time to visit with us this week. Let's dive right in to the interview with some would you rather questions.

If money were no object, would you rather buy your girlfriends a piece of jewelry or take them on a weekend getaway? 

KH: Definitely a weekend getaway. Memories last longer than jewelry! 

SW: Great answer (and I agree with you). Would you rather arrive overdressed or underdressed to an event? 

KH: That’s an interesting question for me because I’m always the one wearing jeans. I think I’ve worn a dress twice this year, and once was for a wedding.

SW: I am so grateful dressing down is acceptable in society these days. I'm not a dress wearer either. What are three books on your tbr pile? 

KH: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, The House of Sky by Ivan Doig, and Crosshairs by Patricia Bradley. 

SW: I've read one of those three. Let's talk about your books. How has your marketing work with The Oak Ridge Boys helped (or hindered) your work as an author? 

KH: It has definitely helped. I studied journalism/communications for four years in college. But I have studied marketing every day for more than 30 years at Oak Ridge Boys, Inc. I am blessed to continue to learn from some of the very best in the music industry, including Jim Halsey, who has guided the Oaks’ career for decades.

SW: Marketing is so daunting to many new writers, but I find it's something to embrace (then again, I'm the researcher in my crit group). Who are your writing mentors, supporters, and/or cheerleaders? 

KH: So many… and that list has grown through the years. My late husband was always my biggest cheerleader. My first crit partner, Rebecca Deel, taught me a lot about writing romantic suspense. I was writing women’s fiction at that time. 

My editor, Ramona Richards, is one of the best romantic suspense writers on the planet. She has also been my acquiring editor since 2012. First at Abingdon Press and now at Iron Stream Fiction. 

I’ve also been blessed with two amazing literary agents. It was because of the encouragement of my first agent, Kyle Olund, that I finished my first acquired manuscript. And when Kyle went back to corporate publishing, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Julie Gwinn. Julie is someone I have long admired and working with her has been a treat. 

I could go on and on and mention the support of many fellow authors, family and friends, and readers who’ve left encouraging reviews. The long-held idiom that writing is a lonely job couldn’t be further from the truth. Of course, we sit at a keyboard in a room by ourselves for hours/days/weeks at a time. But writing takes a village of supporters and encouragers. 

SW: It's so true there are people who come around us to make us better writers and encourage us when we're doubting ourselves. yes, there are those lonely hours when we write and edit our manuscripts but we also know we can reach out to our writing friends at any time.

Where do you write? What does your writing space look like? 

KH: Before 2020, I wrote mostly in coffee shops. Now, I write at home, usually in a comfortable chair with my MacBook Air in my lap. But I also write at my desk in my home office, at the kitchen table, and on my back porch during warm months.

SW: Ah, 2020, the year we all want to forget but
can't. Your Deadly Secrets series is set in and around Nashville. What are the top three must-see places for visitors? 

KH: There are so many fun places to experience in Nashville! If you are someone who enjoys walking, as I do, I highly recommend Lower Broadway, especially at night. The sights and sounds are pure Nashville. If you can, park near Nissan Stadium and walk across the Cumberland River on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge. 

During the daytime hours, check out the new Fifth + Broadway shopping and entertainment complex, which also includes the new National Museum of African American Music. I haven’t been to the museum yet, but I have heard that it’s incredible. And, of course, when you’re downtown, you’ll want to visit the Ryman Auditorium, which is also known as the Mother Church of Country Music, and the Country Music Hall of Fame. 

Another walking adventure I recommend is Radnor Lake Park, a 1300-acre natural area inside the Metro Nashville City Limits. You can walk and hike there, and depending on the day you go, you will see anything from wild turkeys to turtles to eagles to deer. 

For a more urban walking adventure, and one that’s all under roof, check out the Gaylord Opryland Resort, which has acres of gardens under glass. While you’re there, grab a burger at Stax in the Delta Atrium. And if you are visiting at Christmas, which is a great time to be there, make reservations to see The Oak Ridge Boys Christmas in Tennessee dinner show, which runs from November 24-Christmas Day this year. 

SW: Oh, a couple new places for me to visit, too! Nashville is such a fun city to explore.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Deadly Connection

This book, which is the second in The Deadly Secrets series, has some interesting characters. It was fun writing them. There’s Dixie Grace, who may be a lot like your favorite aunt. She provides the fun, the food, and the spiritual foundation for the story. 

Hannah Cassidy is the heroine. She’s a successful singer-songwriter, who narrowly escapes being snatched from a parking lot in Nashville’s Hillsboro Village. But that’s just the beginning. Hannah’s hero is TBI Special Agent Jake Matheson, and together Hannah and Jake chase down a major player in human trafficking in Middle Tennessee. Along the way, they also find each other.

Other characters include Dixie’s six-year-old, autistic grandson, Brandon, and Dixie’s boyfriend, Roland Davis. They both play an important role in the story. But it’s the antagonist—whose identity isn’t revealed until near the end—who provides the biggest plot twist in the book.

SW: I enjoyed the book and loved Dixie and Roland (but really felt for the latter).

Let's wrap things up with the most important question: How can we pray for you? 

Thank you for asking! I’m always in need of wisdom and direction, not only for my writing, but for life in general. I love to stay busy, and I tend to take too much on. I would appreciate prayers for decision making. Not only for myself, but for my elderly mother. I’m her sole remaining family guardian, and I want to be the best daughter I can be for her. 

SW: We will certainly pray for you and your mother as well as direction in other areas of your life. Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy new release schedule to share a little about yourself with us.

About the Book

Will they uncover the secrets between them before it becomes deadly?
After fending off a would-be abductor, 27-year-old singer-songwriter Hannah Cassidy hides behind a car in the half-empty parking lot behind Pancake Pantry in Nashville. From there, she watches in horror as her attacker grabs another woman and pushes her into a nearby car. Within seconds, the vehicle speeds away.

TBI Special Agent Jake Matheson may have planned a quiet day off and a date with Shannon―the only name her online profile revealed―for an introductory lunch, but after pulling into a parking space on 21st Avenue South, he hears a scream. He races to the back of the building and finds a frightened young woman bent forward and gasping for breath.

Thrown together by uncanny circumstances and driven by the whys and what-ifs of secrets yet to be revealed, Hannah and Jake set out to find the connection between them before it becomes deadly.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Interview and Giveaway with Lena Nelson Dooley!!

Today we welcome prolific author Lena Nelson Dooley to The Diamond Mine!!!

Her new book is called: A Heart's Forever Home. It's book number three in her Love's Road Home series!

After the interview, please leave a comment, and your email, to be entered in the drawing for a free copy of Lena's book!

Hi Lena!! Please share a little about your series: Love’s Road Home, and your newest addition: A Heart’s Forever Home.

These 5 books are all standalone stories, but there are characters in each book that appear in at least one of the other books.


In A Heart’s Forever Home, the heroine came to Fort Worth, Texas, on an orphan train. When her new grandmother dies, her world is turned upside down. The hero is her grandmother’s lawyer.

Here’s the back cover copy for the book:

A single lawyer whose clients think he needs a wife. A woman who needs a forever home...or a forever family...or a forever love.

Although Theresa Killdare is a grown woman now, the discovery that her adoption wasn’t finalized sends her reeling. Especially when her beloved grandmother dies and the only siblings she’s ever known exile her from the family property without a penny to her name.

 Wilson Pollard works hard for the best interest of his law clients, even those who think a marriage would make him more “suitable” in his career. And when the beloved granddaughter of a recently deceased client comes to him for help, he knows he must do whatever necessary to make her situation better.

 As each of their circumstances worsen, a marriage of convenience seems the only answer for both. Theresa can’t help but fall for her new husband—the man who’s given her both his home and his name. But what will it take for Wilson to realize he loves her? Will a not-so-natural disaster open his eyes and heart?


This sounds wonderful!! How did you get the idea for the series?

Most of these stories have been percolating in my head for a few years. I do believe that God drops the ideas there, and they take time to develop. When I write historical novels, only my characters and their stories are fiction. I do a lot of research to make everything in the book authentic to the time period. I also try to have one or more major historical events in the story. In this one, it was a seriously bad idea that didn’t work out well.


I love doing research for historical stories! 

I'm curious. Are any of your characters a lot like you?

I do think that most books have some things from the author in them. My heroine is Irish, and I have Irish in my ancestry.


Which do you find easier to write: plot, or characters?

I write character driven stories, and the plot fits in with that.


I love stories like that! 

Do you have a central theme for your books?

I have a few that often appear in my stories: forgiveness and God’s plan for lives are two of them.


Those are really important themes to address.

Do you write for a set amount of time every day, or do you write in random bursts of inspiration?

I try to write for a set amount of time, but sometimes life gets in the way. This year it was covid. James and I both got covid in January. My case was mild. I wasn’t hospitalized, and I was well in 10 days. James’s was he opposite. He was in and out of hospitals and rehab for two months, then came home in bad shape. We learned later that the rehab center and their doctor thought he came there to die, so they didn’t do much with him. We almost lost him twice during all this time, but literally thousands of people both here and around the world were praying for him. He’s a walking miracle. I was unable to write until June.


I'm sorry you had to go through all that. But what a wonderful outcome!

So, what made you decide to be a writer?

God told me to become a professional writer in 1984. You can read the testimony of how that happened by going to my website, and read the About Me page.


I'll do that! 

What’s your favorite thing about writing?

Knowing I’m doing what God created me to do.


Amen to that!

Do you have a favorite among your characters?

Usually, when anyone asks me that, I say it’s the characters I’m writing about at that time.

Good Answer!  :) 

What are you working on now?

Book 4 in the series – A Heart’s Redemption set in Grape Vine, Texas, in 1899. The hero and heroine are older than my usual books, and they have a history that isn’t good. He’s now a successful rancher, and she owns a boardinghouse, and they haven’t seen each other for 19 years.


That sounds really interesting! Thanks so much for your visit today, Lena! It's been an honor to interview you!

Okay, readers! Here's more info about Lena and where you can connect with her, and her books


Bio: Multi-published author Lena Nelson Dooley has had more than 950,000 copies of her 54 books sold. She is a member of ACFW and the local chapter, ACFW - DFW. She’s a member of Christian Authors’ Network and Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.

She has been on the ECPA and CBA Bestseller lists, Publisher’s Weekly bestseller list, and several Amazon Bestseller lists as well as a reviewer’s Top Ten Books of 2011. She has won over a dozen major awards.


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