It's my honor today to
interview Michelle Medlock Adams. Michelle is a best-selling author
and an award-winning journalist, earning top honors from the Associated Press,
the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Hoosier State Press
Association to name a few. She is a prolific writer with a purpose. Her list of
accomplishments are impressive! Michelle loves the Lord and her writing shows
she has a purpose with every book she pens.
So, Michelle tell us a little about yourself.
I’m married to my high
school sweetheart, Jeff, and we have two married daughters, Abby and Allyson,
three granddaughters and two grandsons. Jeff and I share our home in Southern
Indiana with a miniature dachshund, a rescue Greyhound/Lab mix, and two cats.
When not writing or teaching writing, I enjoy bass fishing, cheering on Indiana
University sports teams and the Chicago Cubbies, and all things leopard print.
I know you've done ghostwriting, devotionals, children's books, and adult literature. Be honest: which is more fun?
That's an easy one-writing for children is WAY more fun.
Truly, my heart beats so fast when I start thinking about a new children's book
idea and begin researching the topic and exploring the best way to tell that
story. I love writing both fiction and nonfiction for kids. In all honestly, I
have never truly "grown up." Most of my favorite people are children.
I love looking at the world through their eyes. Writing for children is the
best job ever!
Writers usually have a love for writing at a young age. When
did you begin writing?
When I was in first grade, Mrs. True made an announcement
that would forever change my life. "We're having a poetry contest this
week," she said, "so use today and tomorrow to come up with your best
We had just studied the various types of poems, and I
decided I really liked the ones that rhymed. In fact, I had checked out every
book of rhyming poetry I could find from our school library, and I'd read them
As my classmates wrote about their parents, grandparents,
aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, I carefully crafted the words to my
poem: "I Love Penny." Penny was my 7-year-old wiener dog and my best
friend in the whole world. My poem went a little something like this:
"Penny is my very best friend. I'll love her to the very end. She's a very
special wiener dog. I love her though she smells like a hog..."
OK so I wasn't exactly a first grade Dr. Seuss, but my poem
was good enough to earn first prize. (I guess the other first grade poets
must've been really bad.) At any rate, I won a few sparkly pencils and the
honor of going first in the lunch line that afternoon. Mrs. True also displayed
my poem in the front of the room for all to see. I stared at my winning poem
all afternoon, and in my mind, I was already coming up with a follow-up rhyme.
That's the day I became a writer. I wanted to write all the
time, and so I did. I wrote during recess while other kids played tag and
climbed n the monkey bars. I completely fell in love with words.
What makes writing your passion?
Creating stories for children--stories that teach,
entertain, encourage and inspire--it's a noble calling. It's a calling I don't
take for granted. I truly love what I do.
What's the story behind your choice of characters?
For my book, "Dachshund Through the Snow"...
I've been a dog lover for as long as I can remember. So,
after writing and publishing more than 100 books, it only makes sense that I'd
finally write a story about my favorite breed of dog--the dachshund. (I grew up
with a shorthaired red miniature doxie named Penny. And since then, I've loved
Max, Maddie, Anne, Freckles, Miller, and our current cutie Mollie Mae.)
But, "Dachshund Through the Snow" was inspired by
Miller, our longhaired miniature dachshund who loved to dig and dig and dig! He
is in heaven but his memory lives on through Crosby in my book, "Dachshund
Through the Snow."
Do you connect with your readers? Do you mind having a chat
with them or you prefer to express yourself through your writing?
I know a lot of writers are introverts, but I may be the
exception. I am an extrovert in every way! I love to connect with my readers at
book events, book signings, writers conferences, etc. I also love speaking to
children in school convocations and encouraging them to follow their dreams.
When COVID hit and closed all of those opportunities, it was so hard for
writers to connect with their readers in a tangible way.
I started doing Facebook Live events and chatting with
readers via comments. I also started "Storytime with Michelle" and
brought my stories to the kids at home. I think, as writers, we need to make
every effort to connect with our readers through story, through social media,
at events--in every way. It means so much to them, and it's so encouraging and
enlightening to us! We can learn from our readers. I do every day!
What's your writing ritual?
I am at my laptop computer every single day--whether I'm
working on an article for a magazine or coming up with a new children's story
or working on a non-fiction book. I
write every single day. I love it so much that it doesn't even feel like a job,
but it is my full-time job. I am a full-time freelance writer, so I can't
afford to have "writer's block" very often.
We're coming to the end of the fall season, what is your favorite fall family activity?
Fall is my very favorite season. It's so beautiful here in
Southern Indiana in the Fall--lots of yellow, orange, and red bursts of color
dot the highways and backroads. So pretty! It's hard to narrow it down to just
one favorite activity but I'd say going to a nearby Fall Festival that features
corn mazes, petting zoos, and hayrides, and eating lots of yummy fall food like
pumpkin pie and persimmon pudding. It's also fun to carve pumpkins with the
fam. My son-in-law Wes is amazing at it! Last year, he carved my pumpkin to look
like a dachshund! It was impressive.
A dachshund?! That is so fitting for you!
Here is a link to Michelle's newest book. This is an adorable story with a special message for children! Just a few more questions and we'll let you get back to work! With the holiday season right around the corner, what are some of your favorite traditions?
It's all about family this time of year, isn't it? I have such amazing memories of past Christmas Eves. Every December 24, we used to head to my parents' house and spend the night, along with my brother and his family, and, my sister and her family.
We'd eat lots of fattening foods such as fudge, buckeyes, my mom's famous chocolate oatmeal cookies, reindeer mix, and more.
And, we'd play Euchre (a card game popular in the Midwest) for hours until one team proved victorious over all other duos. Usually, my sister Martie and I won, and when we had beaten every other team, we'd break into the "Sisters" song from the movie, White Christmas. Of course, no one else found this nearly as funny as the two of us, but we continued singing just the same. Sometimes, we'd even perform the accompanying choreography...yes, we were obnoxious.
What fun! Precious memories for sure. What do you do now for Christmas Eve?
Our Christmas Eves are a little different now that my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are married and have families of their own, but December 24 is still wonderful. Now, we all go to my sister's house and spend the night. Fudge, buckeyes, reindeer mix, and my mom's famous chocolate oatmeal cookies are still part of our food extravaganza.
What about the Euchre game? Do you still play?
Martie and I still dominate in Euchre and we still open one gift that night, unless we can talk my sister into two gifts--she is the matriarch now.
The age old question, real or artificial tree?
Artificial trees, and I put up five. I love decorating for Christmas. I have a pencil tree that was my mom's which features all of the sentimental ornaments, including her favorite plush Grinch ornament. 😊 That one always has a place of prominence. I love Christmas so much!
Thanks so much Michelle for sharing a little bit about yourself today. It's been a pleasure!
For a chance to win Michelle's latest children's book, Dachshund Through the Snow, enter the rafflecopter. Leave a comment with some of your favorite Christmas traditions!