RENEE: I’m grateful to the Lord that you recognized the depression and acted upon it with the Church. Our Christian Family if people would simply recognize it, are caring and loving people God places in our lives for much more than Sunday and Wednesday (and simply to be a thorn in our side as so many in this fallen world believe.)
It’s also in the hard or tough times that we take the small things for granted like the Sunday morning person who sits in the pew behind us with the ever-faithful smile for a greeting, that creek-bed we used to fish in as a child and haven’t done so for years, the mountains we see on our drive to work every way but don’t have time to bother take our children for a weekend picnic...
Yeah, it’s times like these that we “count our blessings” and remember the things we have around us not for the first time but have had all the time and have simply taken advantage of or forgotten along the way.
That’s a lesson I learned quite a while ago when I became disabled and unable to work or do much else. Instead of the mountains I loved to run around and play in, I picked up other hobbies like painting and making soy candles!
I don’t have much time or ability to write my books, although I have been researching brainstorming on two new series involving the genres of historical and science fiction. Can you believe that, Kelly? Science fiction! That’s me, eclectic! LOL
You know me, I can’t just wilt into the bed or recliner, my mind is constantly going even if I can’t remember what I’m doing half the time. I have even begun advocating for those with Chronic Pain and Rare Diseases like mine, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or Causalgia. So many of us are not receiving adequate pain management that I couldn’t keep silent any longer and had to say something as an educated medical provider, a pharmacist, and a patient.
So, your turn! What’s happening in your wheelhouse? Any new series, books, or exciting news for us to know about? I know you are a busy woman as well!
KELLY: I’m so proud of you for getting involved and advocating for Chronic Pain and Rare Diseases. I think it’s wonderful that you’re working hard to improve life for yourself and others, some of whom may not be able to advocate on their own behalf.
As for me, I’ve been working on a three-book series set locally in historic Loudoun County, Virginia, where I grew up and which also provides the setting for my debut novel, A Love Restored.

In late November and early December 1864, Union cavalry troops tore through the area burning barns, confiscating crops and livestock, and slaughtering what they couldn’t take with them—anything they thought could be used to aid the enemy whether the civilians were Confederate sympathizers or not.
Writing historical romance requires a lot of research and if the procrastination bug bites, my faithful Welsh corgi, Levi, always manages to herd me toward the computer again.
He helps me keep my website in order though. Oh, and if you and the folks want to learn more about my upcoming releases or follow the ups and downs of my writing journey, you can subscribe to my quarterly newsletter at https://KellyGoshorn.com/mywriting/newsletter.
RENEE: I can see why you love historical if you have things like that spurring you along! Not the bugs, but Levi! He’s a great research buddy to have along. LOL I do have one question for you and may sound a little “controversial” but since I want to write historical and our readers love it as well, I’m going to go for broke!
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Life in the USA Today |
As you know, life isn’t easy for me or many people lately. I could list the things wrong, but one things that’s always been right has been the Lord. He remains my strength and guiding Light.
In today’s environment of “cancel culture” and freedom of eliminating, rewriting, or simply ignoring whatever incidents in the present, or past that we don’t like, how do you see His Light affecting the world and in essence, you?
Sin is consuming this world like it did with Sodom and Gomorra in the Bible. Please tell the fans and readers your opinion of the future of this country amidst the decadence around it and us. Is there reason to retain hope?
KELLY: While I do have serious reservations about the direction our country is headed with the current level of political discord and what I consider a dangerous trend toward curtailing free speech, we need to remember that our hope isn’t found in the latest social or political movement nor is it found in government mandated policies. I think our culture places too much value on the opinions of trending celebrities, political movements, and even men and women in elected office. These things, these people won’t save us. Who are they but sinful human beings, just like us, but most of whom are not connected to the source of truth? The enemy will use anything or anyone to stir up fear, so we turn our eyes, and eventually our hearts, away from God—our only source of lasting peace and joy no matter our circumstances.
Instead, I find hope in the knowledge that God is working behind the scenes for our good and His glory. Nothing that happens takes Him by surprise. And despite the upheaval of the last year, I see that His people are resilient because our lives are built on a firm foundation, one that doesn’t shift and can’t get “canceled” no matter how unpopular our views become in our culture. His Word is that foundation and the only source of peace and truth I know. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5 (NIV)
RENEE: Thank you, Kelly. Even though we know it in our hearts, it’s good to hear someone else say the words aloud. We may not see God working. The enemy’s actions are evident for all to see because he is pompous and arrogant . . . Loves attention and hates God. And oh, yes, our hope does come for the Almighty Lord Jesus. Thank you for the words. I needed to hear them touch my ears.
Before we go, is there something you would like to say to the Mine about you and your life? Writing? After all, you are an awesome Christian author and don’t want anyone to miss out on the chance to become a fan, Kelly!
KELLY: I’d sum up my life as a work in progress. Although I’ve been a Believer for over 40 years, I’m still learning whatit means to walk with God faithfully, to fully submit my desires to His will. As God reveals those areas of my life that I need to surrender to Him, I’ve often found that my personal journey unfolds in my books.
In fact, that is the very idea behind the working title for the series I mentioned above, Surrendered Hearts. Through themes of surrender and sacrifice, I examine what happens when God calls us to lay down those things we hold most dear—our dreams and ambitions, our pride, a relationship, and ultimately our hearts as God recklessly pursues each of us.
My characters discover, just like I have, that this journey with God that we call life has the potential to transform us and to restore our relationship with othersand with Him if we are brave enough to submit our stubborn will to His.
My deepest hope is that God will carve a similar path for those readers who take the journey with me in the pages of my stories.
RENEE: Kelly, it has been a true pleasure interviewing you for the Diamond Mine and I pray that your new book and series is a success. Thank you for all that you are and do for Christian Fiction. Once again, you show the world what having a relationship with Jesus Christ means.
KELLY: Thanks so much for chatting with me today. Perhaps those who are interested in entering the giveaway for a paperback copy of A Love Restored, could share a verse that has been a comfort to them during the past year.
§§§ GIVEAWAY §§§
Kelly asks that you enter this contest
by sharing a verse that has given you particular comfort
during the last year of the Pandemic’s isolation and trial.
(All entries must include a valid email address and name
to facilitate contact if it is drawn as the winner
seven days from 03/17/2021 by random selection.)
Giveaway Ends 03/24/2021
About the Author, Kelly Goshorn:
Kelly Goshorn weaves her affinity for history and her passion for God into uplifting stories of love, faith, and family set in nineteenth century America. Her debut novel, A
Love Restored, won the Director’s Choice Award for Adult/YA fiction at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference in 2019 and earned recognition as both a Selah Award finalist in the Historical Romance category and as a Maggie Award Finalist for Inspirational Fiction.
Kelly earned her B.A. in Social Studies Education from Messiah College and her M.Ed. in History from The Pennsylvania State University. She has been enjoying her own happily-ever-after with her husband and best friend, Mike, for 31 years. When she is not writing, Kelly enjoys spending time with her young adult children, binge-watching BBC period dramas, board gaming with her husband, and spoiling her Welsh corgi, Levi.
Purchase on Amazon https://amzn.to/2Zx8Vg5
You can connect with Kelly on:
Her website: http://kellygoshorn.com/
Newsletter: https://kellygoshorn.com/my-writing/newsletter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelly.j.goshorn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KellyGoshorn
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18023325.Kelly_J_Goshorn
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kelly-goshorn
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/KellyGoshorn/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellyjgoshorn/
About the Miner, Renee Blare, RPh
Best-selling author Renee Blare has hung her hat in several states but only calls home to one . . . Wyoming. A bookworm by nature, she began her
writing journey late in life, but her first book, Beast of Stratton became a semi-finalist in the 2015 ACFW Genesis Contest before publication and after publication, a best-seller on Amazon. Her second and third books joined it with the same high ranks.
With five books now in publication and all best-sellers, Renee is known as an inspirational writer who paints the page with words, pictures, and real life.
A pharmacist of over twenty-four years, she has served veterans, Native Americans as well as well as those who lived around her every day. Now disabled with the most painful disease known to man, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Type 2 or Causalgia, Renee survives excruciating pain and advocates for those with her same plight and that of her husband— Chronic Pain and Rare Disease in a world insensitive to both.
To relax and find what joy she can from life, she’s a die-hard fisherman (woman), hunter, and loves to explore the history of her country and family. When she’s able to does all of the above and teaches herself to paint, learn new crafts such as making soy candles, and learning to diamond paint. Renee also enjoys to learn new and exciting skills which don’t invite pain but knows life without pain is unavoidable. Even picking away on her old classical guitar is not without a twinge or two.
Discover what life with this special person, living with the pain of life, and disability produces at her website and blog, Inyan Kara Studio. You may even want to take a piece home with you.
Inyan Kara Studio Website: https://www.InyanKaraStudio.com/
The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction: https://DiamondsinFiction.blogspot.com/
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5 (NIV)
Hi Renee,
Thanks so much for hosting me today.
Hi Kelly and Renee. What a great interview. You make such a good point about reaching out to those in isolation. I'm finding older church members are feeling sad and longing for companionship. We've upped out game for reaching out.
Thank you Barbara! I’m very grateful to hear that! It’s hard to do when you are isolated yourself! You are a terrific person and great soul.
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