Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Meet Jessie Mattis

 Summer is here, and so is author Jessie Mattis. Her interview was filled with fun tidbits for me. Especially, her "writing shed". That had me filled with excitement. Let's find out more about her and her work. Jesse's middle grade fiction novel, Power Up, won second place the 2020 Selah Award, and also first place in the 2020 Christian Indie Awards. She's also written in other genres. Since my interest began with middle grade fiction and has moved to adult fiction, I couldn't wait to learn more in our interview. So first things first, lets get to know her by learning more about what inspires her. 

Hello Jessie. Can you tell our Diamond Miners a little about yourself?

Sure. I'm married to my best friend Chip, and we have three kids ages 14, 12, and 10. We love being together and spending time with extended family too. I love black coffee in the morning, mid-morning, and afternoon. It makes life possible...with Jesus, of course.

I know a lot of coffee drinkers. They seem to be like you! Do you have any pets to round out your crew?

Yes, we have a two-year-old labradoodle (or labradoofus, as my husband affectionately calls him) named Guster. He has the curliest hair of any dog on the planet, and keeping him groomed is a nightmare, but he's loveable and my kids adore him. We also have eight chickens, but I'm not sure I would call them pets, haha.

I'd love to hear about your writing. What is your reason for writing?

I'm always inspired to write things that will draw people closer to God. My first book, a middle grade novel called Power-Up, was written because I craved good fiction that would show mychildren how to listen to and lean into the Holy Spirit's guidance, and I found little to nothing available. I wrote it to fill the gap in what my family needed, and pary it meets that need for someone else too.

I've always heard if you're looking for a certain kind of story, and don't find it, you should write it. You did it! That's really amazing. It won the Selah Award also. What a great encouragement. What are some other things you've worked on?

Last year I contributed a short story in a book called Christmas from the Heart: A collection of Christmas Romances. My story, titled Almost Christmas Again, was inspired by a mash-up of friends and family's experiences, imagination, and a delightful vacation we once took to Colorado.

What is your current WIP, Work in Progress? Is it another middle-grade novel?

No, these days I'm working on historical fiction, and my writing is very much inspired by my own family history. For example, I'll think of a situation my grandmother faced and think, "What if...?" The story takes off from there. Always, the ultimate goal is to inspire others in their walk with God.

Have you considered writing in any other genres? You've covered a few so far!

Yes I have. Christian fiction is my broad genre, including middle grade, contemporary, and historical. I have considered non-fiction, but will probably only jump into that if I feel strongly called.

Who would you say has been the biggest influence in your writing?

Francine Rivers is the author who first made me truly love Christian fiction. Her books are truly works of art, and as a writer, it's fun to read them and study her technique.

What is the hardest part of writing a book for you?

The hardest part of writing is finding the time! :) As a homeschooling mom of three, my days are full, so I have to get creative to make space for writing. It is also difficult to make sure I'm somewhat following the writing "formula" for successful fiction. I see why it's important to do so, but I don't always like it.

As a former homeschool mom, I can relate to how hard it would be to find time to write. I didn't begin writing fiction until many years after my girls left home. Do you have a favorite spot to write?

Two years ago, my sweet husband, dad, brother-in-law, and friend transformed our run-down garden shed into a writing shed, complete with mini fridge and coffee bar. It's one of my favorite places in the world, and it's the easiest place for me to focus and get my work done.

A writing shed?! I'm so jealous. Well, I guess I shouldn't say jealous but how exciting for you to have such a great spot! So, are you a night owl or an early bird out in your writing shed?

Night owl! My head is clearest when the entire family is in bed and I only have one thing to focus on.

Tell us about your all time favorite book.

Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry by Mildred D. Taylor is one of those childhood books that really stuck with me, so I'll always call that one a favorite. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin is probably my all-time favorite, which is funny because I generally have a hard time getting into books from that period.

Let's change direction for a minute and talk turkey, or whatever else you like to cook. Do you like to cook? Tell us some of your favorites.

I don't love to cook, but I do it! I'd rather be doing something else. I prefer simple, tasty things, like throwing a roast in the crock-pot with carrots and potatoes. Baking is a different story; I much prefer baking to cooking. It can be difficult because I try to limit sweets so I'm constantly making substitutions...but all bets are off in December. :) I have also developed my cake-decorating skills over the years, and that's a lot of fun for me. 

Thanks Jessie for a wonderful chat. I look forward to reading your next novel, whatever the genre might be.

For a chance to win Jessie's book, Power Up, enter the rafflecopter below.

To connect with Jessie, check out her website. She also has a free e-book available there!



Jessie Mattis said...

Thank you for a fun interview, Jill! :)

Library Lady said...

My Favorite Genre is

I volunteer in the Church Library and
have for 43 years.
We have books, books on cd, and dvd's.

Bless you for entering me in the giveaway.
Janet Estridge.