Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Meet April W Gardner

Meet April Gardner, Christian Historical Author


Today, I am delighted to visit with April Gardner, an award-winning author of Christian historical romance, children's historical fiction and the best-selling craft book Body Beats to Build On. April is also a child of foreign missionaries and the wife of a retired U.S. airman who has lived half her life in five different countries and has now settled in San Antonio area where she is currently preparing for an empty nest. Let's settle in by the fire, warm mug in hand, and get to know this beautiful sister better. (Be sure to read to the end to find out how you can receive one of April's books for free!)

April: Thanks so much for having me on Diamond Mine blog today! I’m privileged to be your first guest, Michelle. A big, grinny wave to all your readers!

Michelle: They're surely waving right back atcha! 😊Okay, let's dive right in. Do you remember when your love of history began? Your love of language?

April: Ah, history, how I love thee. It all began in the 90s in Spain. As a missionary’s kid, I had little access to books in English, but another missionary had several shelves full. And bless her, she shared them with us. Many of her books were Christian historical fiction, and since I was so desperate for reading material, I took what I could get. Turned out, I loved what I could get. She owned Brock and Bodie Thoene’s entire Zion Chronicles and Zion Covenant series. I ate them up, falling in love with history as I went.

Language and I had a rough start. I’m dyslexic, so it’s safe to say I had a rough start all around. For the first ten years of my life I loathed reading, writing, and— Let’s be honest. I hated school, period. Until the day this “horse girl” picked up a children’s version of Black Beauty. Now, that is a story worth learning to read for. That’s where the love of story and language began.

Michelle: Oh, cool! I love that! For my oldest son it was Pokémon motivating him to learn to read, lol.  Next question: Is it hard for you to come up with story ideas, or do they just come to you? Any interesting anecdotes about storylines just coming to life all at once in your mind?

April: There are many aspects of writing that are difficult for me (dialogue, writing speed, staying on track), but coming up with story ideas isn’t one of them. As for storylines coming to life all at once, yes, that’s pretty close to how it works for me. Although, it’s usually the premise and a few key plot point versus the entire storyline. The longer I go about this, the less I plan.

Michelle: Ooh, how I envy you for that! So, what themes might a new reader expect to find in these "storylines that come to life all at once"? 

April: Like most Christian authors, my books touch on themes like redemption, mercy, and justice, but the one consistent theme throughout (besides salvation in Christ) is that of little-known history brought to life. When readers leave reviews that say things like “I didn’t know that happened!” I give a nerdy little clap.

Michelle: Honestly, that's one of my most favorite things about your stories. Love, love, love it! You've primarily written historicals – both adult and children's – are there any other genres you'd like to explore?

 April: Yes! I’m currently exploring Bible studies and Biblical fiction. Talk about a different world! It’s like learning to walk all over again, but I’m up for the challenge.

 Michelle: I have full confidence in you and can't wait to devour whatever you release next! Now if you don't mind, I thought I'd shift gears a bit and ask you a few non-bookish questions. What are a few things about you that have nothing to do with writing?

  • I’m learning a third language (Italian, was raised on Spanish).
  • A Gardner with bees
    I’m a full-time college student, and I make a stinky English major (not a fan of Shakespeare or poetry—don’t shoot!).
  • I’m a beekeeper. “My favorite thing is me coming to visit you, and then you ask, 'How about a small smackerel of honey?’” – Winnie the Pooh
Michelle: Oh my gosh, I'm so impressed – and a tiny bit terrified, lol. Coffee or tea?

April: Can I pick both? Coffee is my go-to, but I do love tea with splash of milk.

Michelle: I year ya, I hear ya. Okay, night owl or morning lark?

April: Morning lark. Fifteen minutes after getting up (6:45 a.m.), I’m sitting at my desk, my brain running a full steam.

Michelle: Early bird does get the worm! One last question before it's time to POV: You've just typed "The End" and want to celebrate with a treat. What is it?

April: Eating out! I also usually buy myself a little gift, something to remember each book by like a ring or a set of earrings. 

Michelle: Perfect! As a memento-lover myself, I heartily approve this practice. Ah, April, I have so enjoyed our visit and I'm sure the same goes for all our readers. Thank you so much, and I pray for God's blessings on the year ahead.

Be sure to visit April's website and sign up for her newsletter if you'd like to keep in touch! Every new subscriber receives a free copy of her novel Beautiful In His Sight! You can also find her across social media at the links below:


April Gardner said...

Thanks for having me, Michelle!

Unknown said...

Excellent interview and loved reading about my special daughter-in-love! I’ve met thousands and thousands of people throughout my 65 years here on Earth, but I can honestly say that I’ve never met someone more focused and motivated than April. Her self discipline and drive make me feel a bit shameful. Her dedication and perseverance astound me. Not only do I love her, but I love her words and work.

Michelle Massaro said...

Thank you both for visiting and leaving a comment! I love April's work, and agree she is a very focused and motivated woman. It's my great honor to both interview her and call her my friend. :)

Peggy Trotter said...

Oh, I loved this interview! I also read all of Brock and Bodie Thoene's books. Thanks for being with us, April!

April Gardner said...

Love you too, mom! Thanks for belief in me! <3

The Thoene books really are awesome, the kind you re-read. Thanks for having me, Peggy and Michelle