Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Meet Judith McNees, Romance Author

I’m excited to welcome Judith McNees to Diamond Mine. I enjoyed reading her Christmas novella, A Christmas Blessing, over the holidays. This sweet story is part of the Tranquil Shores Romance series. Judith is happy to offer an ebook of the winner’s choice of any of her novels or novellas 😊Leave your email address in the comments to enter to win.

Let’s find out a bit about Judith:

What is your favorite?

Coffee or Tea?  Flavored teas

M&Ms or Reece’s Pieces?  Reece’s Pieces

Cat or Dog Person? Dog

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter? Spring or Fall

About the Author:

What genre do you enjoy reading most? I’m a mood reader, so it changes. I usually read contemporary Christian romance (sweet romances are my favorite!) and Christian or clean regency romances.

Your love of romance shines through in your books.

When you aren’t reading or writing, what do you like to do? I travel a lot with my husband. We’re working on visiting all 50 states, and so far, we’ve been to 33. When I became an author, I also discovered I enjoy creating my own graphic designs, so when I have time, I play around on Canva.

Wow! You’ve traveled to a lot of states.

Do you have any upcoming projects, releases, or sales? Right now, I’m working on Book 3 of my Tranquil Shores Romance series, A Heart to Redeem. It will be out sometime in March.

I love the title of the series. Tranquil Shores sounds relaxing.

About Your Books:

Do you find yourself returning to a similar theme in your novels or do you have a new message with each release? My novels each have a different focus, but they always turn readers back to the message of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. The Christian walk is not always easy, and Christians are not perfect. It’s my prayer that, through my characters, people will see that there is no one who is too lost, too damaged, or too far gone to be found by Jesus.

That’s a wonderful message.

Is there a certain Bible passage or verse that goes along with the theme of your book? The Scripture focus for my second novel, A Heart to Trust, is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. I chose this particular passage because the story follows two people who have had their trust broken by people close to them. Through their trials, they have to learn to trust each other and God.

One of my favorites. Trusting can be a real challenge, especially if trust has been broken.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? I include references to things I’ve done in my life and places I’ve traveled (with the names changed). Only my closest friends and family will know which parts are based on real life! 😉

That’s fun!

Just for Fun:

If you could travel anywhere without worry about cost, where would you travel? This is a tough one, because I love traveling so much, and there are so many places I want to see! I would say probably Ireland or Iceland. Can I say a Northern European cruise? Lol

Yes, you can. That sounds like it would hit all the places. Thanks so much for joining us today. Best wishes on your upcoming book.

Author Bio:
Contemporary Christian romance author Judith McNees lives in southwestern Michigan with her husband and four of their seven children, along with their three dogs. Her family loves to travel together, but she still believes that her home state is one of the most beautiful states there is. She is a proud stay-at-home mom, stepmom, foster mom, adoptive mom, and grandma, which gives her plenty of fodder for her writing. She holds a B.A. in English from Western Michigan University and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. You can connect with her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon.

Judith is happy to offer an ebook of the winner’s choice of any of her novels or novellas 😊Leave your email address in the comments to enter to win.


Alicia said...

Judy Kurzhal said...

Penny Frost McGinnis said...

Thanks for stopping by and entering to win a book from Judith.

Anonymous said...

My name is Hannah. My email is

Jeanette Durkin said...

33 states! That's quite an accomplishment!