Wednesday, May 29, 2024

GIVEAWAY and Interview with Jenelle Hovde

I am thrilled to introduce The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction community to author Jenelle Hovde! Jenelle sat down with me and took the time to answer some of my questions on her author journey AND WE'RE DOING A GIVEAWAY. Comment on this post to be entered for a chance to win either a hard cover copy of Jenelle's novel Eve's Story: The First Daughter or A String of Pearls! I am excited to share with you my interview with Jenelle. 

Here is a little bit about Jenelle:

Jenelle writes Biblical historical fiction and historical romance. After years spent in South Dakota, Jenelle and her family moved to the Florida coast. When she isn't scribbling on scraps of paper, you can find her within used bookstores perusing antique romance novels and historical journals. You also might find her at the beach with a favorite read. 

Comment on this post for a chance to win The First Daughter or A String of Pearls!

Thank you for spending the time to chat with me Jenelle! Do you have a favorite author or book that has influenced or inspired you? 

Jenelle: I especially love Laura Frantz’s poetic writing. I remember reading her first novel when I was on bedrest with my first child. I thought, “Wow. Christian fiction reads as beautifully as any secular award-winning historical fiction.” I think Christian fiction often hits the high notes of artistry and depth. It just keeps getting better and better.

I absolutely agree! I can get so lost in a Christian fiction story sometimes I forget it's not "mainstream!" What were the highlights or key challenges you faced when writing your last book? 

Jenelle: I had three novels all at once, including edits. The novels were set in ancient Canaan with giants, Mussolini and the Italian resistance, and Regency England with archeology and secretive societies! I am blessed to have a remarkably supportive family who cooked and cleaned through my deadlines. That said, my Regency novel was a bear to write. Since it’s a newer genre for my readers, I had to wrestle with all the inner angst, along with a nasty bout of flu.

Three novels at once! I can't even imagine! I struggle with just one deadline! I'm interested to know, why did you chose to write Christian Fiction? 

Jenelle: I love a strong faith message in my fiction. I’ve been so encouraged by the characters I read about, especially when I encounter similar situations such as a death in the family or a health diagnosis. Writing really is a wonderful ministry that entertains and uplifts the reader. Great books remind me of God’s faithfulness and bring wisdom! It’s like getting a hug from an author who whispers in your ear, “I’ve been there, too.”

I love that. Writing is absolutely a ministry. What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a Christian Fiction writer? 

Jenelle: Read as much as you can. Write every day, even if one page. And tell yourself, “Why not you?” What if you told yourself you couldn’t get published and then never really tried because of the odds? Writing is also a spiritual journey where we must release our results into God’s hands.

It's so difficult to put your work out there, but there is beauty in allowing yourself to be vulnerable and releasing the results into God's hands. What is your favorite Bible verse or life verse that inspires you? 

Jenelle: Psalm 121:1, 2, the song of ascents. “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” I can’t do anything without His guidance and help. Actually, I find releasing my weakness and leaning into His strength so very encouraging.

Amen! What do you like to do when you’re not writing? 

Jenelle: I paint every day. Currently, I’m working on several Christian historical, YA fantasy, and speculative art projects for authors! I absolutely love translating my authors’ dreams into a painting that might be a book illustration, cover, or a character print for marketing.

I have to admit this was kind of a trick question. I am an ABSOLUTE fan of your artwork and wanted the opportunity for you to share about it (and for me to promote it!!) I'm especially excited that you do YA Fantasy art projects for authors as Fantasy is the genre I like to write in! So what’s next for you? Any current or upcoming projects you’d like to tell us about?

Jenelle: I recently sent in my bluestocking Regency novel to Tyndale House publishers! I’m ridiculously excited to work with my dream publisher and write a romantic story full of adventure. Readers can join my newsletter for exclusive Regency art, giveaways, and lots of sneak peeks into Regency life and books! I’m currently working on book two in the series. 

Jenelle!! That's HUGE NEWS!! CONGRATULATIONS! This is very exciting! One last question! What do you hope Christian Readers take away from your books?

Jenelle: As a pastor’s wife, my goal is always to entertain AND draw others closer to Christ. I hope my books touch hearts no matter the geographical distance. 

Thanks for taking the time to share with our Christian readers a little about you and your work Jenelle!

Sign up for Jenelle's newsletter to receive a copy of her Snow White retelling, Raven’s Heir, here! You can learn more about Jenelle and find links to her books and to her social channels on her website:

Don't forget to comment below for a chance to win one of Jenelle's novels: The First Daughter or A String of Pearls!


Rebecca Bruner said...

I'm so excited to hear about how your writing career is taking off! I'm also thrilled to hear about the way you are using your artistic talents. I don't know how you do it all. You are an inspiration! (I'd love a copy of your First Daughter story) Rebecca Bruner

Jenelle Hovde said...

Thanks for a fun interview!

Jenelle Hovde said...

Thanks so much, Rebecca! Blessings to you :).

Cindy Drake said...

Nice interview, I’d love to receive either of the books offered!

Lisa M. James said...

Hi Cindy! Would you be able to share your email address? Thank you!