Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Interview with Ifueko Ogbomo

I am excited to introduce The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction community to fellow independent author Ifueko Ogbomo! Ifueko took the time to answer some of my questions on her author journey. I am happy to share with you my interview with Ifueko. 

Here is a little bit about Ifueko:

Ifueko Fex Ogbomo is an award-winning novelist, prize-winning poet, performing artist, and sickle cell activist whose life’s mission is InspiroLogos - ‘to inspire with words.' A Nigerian immigrant, the USCIS awarded her permanent residency as an 'Alien of extraordinary ability in the Arts' for her internationally acclaimed work in the performing arts (2017). Ifueko's indie-published debut novel, A Divine Romance, won three American Book Fest awards (2023 & 2024). A bold believer, she enjoys sharing the gospel through the spoken word and storytelling.

Ifueko is proudly neurodivergent, INFJ on the Myers-Briggs scale, and professes poetry to be her "love language." She has visited four out of the world's seven continents and currently resides in Washington, DC.

Let's learn more about Ifueko!

Thank you for spending the time to chat with me Ifueko! I'm curious to know if you read the genre you write in?

Ifueko: Absolutely! Christian historical romances are my favorite read. Ever since I read the original edition of Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers in the late ‘90s, I was hooked! (It’s still my all-time favorite novel, and it was a delight to watch the movie also!)

I love Francine Rivers' stories and I thought they did a great job bringing Redeeming Love to the "Big Screen!" So one thing we know all writer's go through at some point is writer's block. How do you overcome writer’s block?

Ifueko: I spend time worshiping (singing worship songs) and then I ask the Holy Spirit to help me and show me what to write next. Then I wait in silence, listening for His answer. As soon as it drops in my mind, my fingers return to flying across my keyboard. Never fails!

That's so important as Christian authors. When we are writing for the Lord, we need Him to guide our words and the messages we want to share through our works. What has been your favorite part of the publishing journey? 

Ifueko: Winning three awards for my debut novel, A Divine Romance. These have been especially gratifying since the traditional publishing route had left me disappointed, disillusioned, and doubtful about my writing abilities, and I almost gave up on the story. Thankfully, I shared the manuscript with a few Christian fiction authors who gave it glowing endorsements, imbuing me with the courage to indie publish, and the rest is herstory! (Thank you to endorsers: Toni Shiloh, Heidi Chiavaroli, and Jenna Van Mourik).


That's an enormous feat, especially for your debut novel! The independent publishing journey can have its challenges, but I've also found it so rewarding. Especially when you have great advocates by your side! Can you tell us about any key highlights or key challenges you faced when writing A Divine Romance?

Ifueko: A Divine Romance brought me two major highlights: 1. Discovering so many things about Ancient Egypt - fashions, cities, deities, customs and so forth; and, 2. Learning how to write short forms of poetry - haiku, cinquain, nonet, etc. Although I have been a prize-winning performance poet for many years, I had never previously studied any formal styles of poetry. But besides giving me the idea for the novel, the Lord gave me the idea to open each chapter with an original short poem, and it has turned out to be one of the unique things about the award-winning historical romance novel that readers compliment the most.

That's incredible that you've found a way to intertwine poetry into your historical romance novel! So since this is the Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction and we have a lot of readers who are aspiring writers, what advice would you give to someone who wants to be a Christian Fiction writer? 

Ifueko: Study God’s word and let it drive your main character(s) - their lifestyle, choices, and habits - because your novel may be the only “Bible” that unbelievers/non-Christians ever read.

Do you have a favorite Bible verse or life verse that inspires you? 

Ifueko: Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

I have a plaque of that verse in my home! I so enjoyed learning more about you and your writing journey Ifueko! One last question! What do you hope Christian Readers take away from your writing? 

Ifueko: A realization of just how unconditional, unlimited, and undying God’s love for humanity is. He is forever the God that will leave the ninety-nine saved to chase the one lost; the God that sacrificed one Son so that He could win an entire world of sons and daughters. His love for us is THE divine romance - the greatest love story of all time! #GOAT

Amen! Amen! Amen! Thank you for taking the time to share with our Christian readers a little about you and your work Ifueko! 

You can learn more about Ifueko and purchase A Divine Romance, (inspired by the life of Joseph), today on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub or on Ifueko's Website!

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