Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Texan Carlene Havel: :"God Called Me to Write."

            Hello Miners!  I'm Gay N. Lewis, and my guest today is Carlene Havel.             

I am happy to introduce you to a fellow Texan, Carlene Havel. Carlene lives in San Antonio, and I’m in the Houston area. We’ve been friends for about twelve years, but we’ve yet to meet face to face. We visit on the phone, email and social media. Carlene Havel writes Christian-themed romances and historical novels, often with a co-author. She has lived in Turkey, Republic of the Philippines, and numerous US states. Before becoming an author, she worked in human resources and software development. The Havels make their home in Texas, surrounded by their extended family.

                     Carlene, along with Sharon Faucheux, write historical Christain Fiction.

 Gay: “Carlene, please tell our readers when you became a Christian.”

Carlene: “Thanks, Gay. I love that question. I grew up in a Christian home and did my best to follow “the rules”. Inside, however, I never really got it. Later in life, I finally came to know a loving Savior. Jesus changed my life when I finally gave my heart to Him. That’s when I started writing.”

Gay: “I know you’ve been through painful situations. What was the hardest.”

Carlene: “One thing I’ve learned is that a broken arm hurts a lot less than a broken heart (and, yes, I’ve experienced both). My most difficult trials are those that go on and on, sometimes for years. For example, my father had Alzheimer’s for the last six or eight years of his life. It was hard to see Dad suffering, and equally difficult to watch my mother shed buckets of tears for him.”

Gay: “I understand the Alzheimer’s trial.  Our daughter has it.  On a lighter note, what is the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?”

Carlene:  At a family gathering, I was pleased by the number of people who told me how good I looked. Then someone called me Billie, and I realized it was a case of mistaken identity. I suppose I was in pretty good shape for a woman my mother’s age! I shouldn’t have been surprised. Strangers routinely took Mom and me for sisters. One of her doctors even asked if we were twins. It’s no wonder I laugh when I hear someone say, “I’m becoming my mother,” because I’m already there.

Gay:  I’d love to hear how you came to write your first book.

Carlene: I was concentrating on the pastor’s sermon, when it was interrupted by an unexpected message. There was no sound, but I clearly “heard”, I want you to write a book. I resisted, offering the excuse that I didn’t know how to write anything but a lighthearted romance. Nevertheless, the understanding that I had an assignment persisted. So, I went home from church that day, sat down at my computer and began A Hero’s Homecoming, a Christian romance, my first published book.

Gay: I loved that book. You set your characters in Texas, and the hero was a military man with a huge problem. What is the hardest thing about writing?

Carlene: I used to say marketing was the hardest thing about writing. Now that I’ve (somewhat) unraveled that mystery, my biggest challenge is time management. Too often, after doing the “must” chores, there’s no time left over to get immersed in the story I’m working on. I lke to write a few hours in the morning and again for another hour before bedtime, but way too often there are competing priorities that cut into my planned schedule.

Gay: “Did you ever feel you should give up writing, and if so, what changed your mind?”

Carlene: I was diagnosed with breast cancer during the COVID pandemic. In late 2021, after surgery, radiation, and a year of chemo, my energy level was at an all-time low. My publisher made a series of business decisions that made no sense to me, and sales of my books were dismal. I felt discouraged and defeated as an author. I wondered if writing was something I was supposed to do only for a season, which had ended. After a lot of prayer, with the encouragement of friends, I found the strength to self-publish my backlist and start writing again.

Gay:  I know readers are happy to hear you create books again. Are you self-published?

Carlene: “Yes, happily so. I enjoy the freedom of having control over pricing, book covers, and the timing of special sales.”

Gay: I love your Remarkable Women of the Bible Series. You and your writing partner, Sharon Faucheux must have spent hours researching details.

Gay: Tell us about your latest book. 

Carlene: The latest from Sharon and me is “Journey of the Shepherd Woman”. Although it’s a sequel to “Song of the Shepherd Woman”, either book can be read as a standalone. Here’s the blurb for Journey:

Saul of Tarsus instigates persecution against followers of the Way, forcing shepherds from Bethlehem to run for their lives. Taking only a few provisions, Channah and her family escape to the seaport of Joppa. From there, they hope to make their way to Ephesus where Channah’s husband grew up. However, travel is difficult and sometimes treacherous. When disaster strikes, Channah relies on the mercy of a kind woman named Dorcas. Through many trials, the little family cherishes their goal of finding a place where they can freely worship Jesus.

Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-Shepherd-Woman-Remarkable-Women-ebook/dp/B0C8FNWN8P 

Thank you Carlene Havel for visiting with us. You are an interesting author.

You are invited to connect with Carlene through her Face Book author page, https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCarleneHavel

Follow her on BookBub:


And follow her on Amazon:




1 comment:

Carlene said...

Thank you for featuring me on the Diamond Mine!