Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Let's Meet Meghann Whistler

I'm excited to have Meghan Whistler join us on Diamond Mine. She authors sweet Christian romance. 

Comment by December 14 for a chance to win a copy of The Baby’s Christmas Blessing (winner’s choice of paperback or ebook)

Let's get started with some of Meghann's favorite things:

What is your favorite?

Coffee or Tea?

Neither! Caffeine makes me jittery, and I don’t like herbal tea 😊

M&Ms or Reece’s Pieces?

Peanut butter M&Ms!

Cat or Dog Person?

Neither! I’m allergic to both!

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

LOL—any season except winter! After living in California and South Texas for 15 years, I can’t take the cold!!! ❄️

Tell us a bit about you:

When you aren’t reading or writing, what do you like to do?

I love playing badminton and rollerblading, although I haven’t had the chance to do either in a while. I also enjoy taking my kids to the trampoline park, walking on the beach with my husband, and playing cards.

What has been the biggest challenge for you on your writing journey?

The biggest challenge for me was a 15-year dry spell! I always knew I wanted to be a writer, and I actually went to graduate school and got an MFA in creative writing. I completed a novel during graduate school that I tried to get published, but it didn’t happen.

After that, I worked a day job as a marketing communications professional. I did a lot of writing—case studies, white papers, ad copy—but none of it was fiction. I would start different creative writing projects, but I never got very far. I was busy working and raising my young kids, but I always had this desire in my heart to get back to doing the kind of writing that I loved: fiction.

I discovered the Christian fiction genre in 2017 and started writing my first Christian romance in 2018. That book, Falling for the Innkeeper, was published in 2020, and it has just been a dream come true to see my books make it into readers’ hands!

I feel like God made me wait to get published until I’d found the genre He wanted me to write.

What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?

I love 2 Corinthians 12:9, which reminds me that I don’t have to be perfect to live a life of meaning or value—I just have to let God work through me.

Tell us about your latest release:

Do you have a new release you'd like to tell us about?

Yes! The Baby’s Christmas Blessing just came out two months ago, and it’s perfect for a December read. 😊

Set in a charming small town on beautiful Cape Cod, this book will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • · ⭐️ A feel-good second-chance romance… at Christmas!!!
  • · 🚹 A strong & caring hero with a shockingly sad (and secret!) backstory
  • · 👦 A snuggly newborn baby who needs a nanny
  • · 💕 A big-hearted heroine with amazing friends
  • · ✝️ An uplifting inspirational message about love, family & forgiveness

I’ve been touched by all the positive feedback the book has gotten so far, but I think my favorite comment has been that the romantic relationship portrayed in The Baby’s Christmas Blessing is the kind of “romance that I would want for my son or daughter.” (C.Y., Goodreads)

Is there a certain Bible passage or verse that goes along with the theme of your book?

This book was inspired by Galatians 5:1, which says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Both of the main characters in this story have some trauma in their past that’s holding them back in the present. They need to learn that God doesn’t want them to live in bondage to the past; He wants them to be free to live and love and do great work for His kingdom.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

One of the scenes in The Baby’s Christmas Blessing is set on the beach on a night when there’s a blood moon, which is a lunar eclipse that makes the moon look red. I have a very vivid childhood memory of being on the beach with my family at night during a blood moon, and my mom actually did comment on that after reading the book!

Just for fun:

If you could travel anywhere without worry about cost, where would you travel?

Greece! I’ve wanted to go there ever since I studied World History in high school. I’d love to see all the ruins, and the beaches don’t look too shabby, either!

More about Meghann:

Meghann Whistler writes sweet Christian romance novels that won't make your grandmother blush.

Her debut novel, Falling for the Innkeeper, was named one of “Six Sensational 2020 Debut Series Romances” by the American Library Association’s Booklist Reader, and was also a finalist for the 2021 Book Buyers Best Award.

Her next book, The Billionaire’s Secret, was a #1 bestseller and #1 Hot New Release across multiple categories on, including Christian Romance, Christian Women’s Fiction, and Contemporary Religious Fiction, among others. It won the 2022 Selah Award for Contemporary Romance, placed second in the romance category of the 2022 Christian Indie Awards, and was a finalist for the 2022 HOLT Medallion.

Before settling down with her rocket scientist husband and raising three rambunctious boys, Meghann earned a B.A. in English from Amherst College and an M.F.A. in creative writing from Emerson College.

She is grateful to be living her dream of writing sweet, hopeful stories that demonstrate the power of love and grace.



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Comment by December 14 for a chance to win a copy of The Baby’s Christmas Blessing (winner’s choice of paperback or ebook)

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Celebrate with our blog hostess, Peggy Trotter, on her new release with giveaway!

By Kathleen L. Maher

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 

Please welcome our blog proprietress, Peggy Trotter, as we celebrate her upcoming release Tattered Blossoms Rise.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful traditional holiday, and one I so-o-o look forward to. Memories of my

mother permeate the occasion with the savory aroma of sage in her stuffing recipe, the warm hint of

nutmeg in her heirloom pies, and even the vintage Pyrex nesting bowls used to prepare and serve the


Peggy, what is your favorite tradition about Thanksgiving?

Getting to see the whole family around the table is my absolute favorite. The wonderful smells of turkey and homemade rolls wreathe our heads and everyone is hungry and thankful for another year together.

Beautiful imagery! Yes. With the busy holiday season officially on now, how does your writing schedule change, or does it?

Well, my writing takes a back seat during family times. Christmas sometimes puts a damper on getting a lot done writing-wise for most of December. But I still sneak in some time to write and edit.

We know writers have to wear many hats—brainstormer, plotter, editor, formatter, cover designer,

marketer…Each is its own beast, aside from the creative exercise and mastering of the writing craft. Do

you have a favorite aspect, or one you particularly dread, hate, despise and loathe? Do you outsource

some of these tasks?

Writing is my absolute favorite. I like to be knee deep with a story I’m so eager to put on the screen with a digital fireplace on the TV, writing dialogue, sometimes crying along with my character, LOL. But I do enjoy dabbling in book covers. My absolute nemesis is marketing. Even formatting (which can drive you bonkers) is a lamb next to that. I’m a big DIY-er so I do a lot on my own, but I absolutely could not do without my editor, Nancy Clark. She finds ALL my mistakes and timing issues. She’s a wonder.

Reaching out to others with our stories is why we do what we do. What has been your most touching

feedback from a reader?

I recently had a woman tell me she so enjoyed my books because it was like getting an enjoyable story

and a devotion at the same time. And she really hit the nail on the head because that is how I want

them to be perceived. I want my books to be enjoyable yet carry a deep gospel message.

Do you have a favorite scripture or other way to stir your writing muse?

Right now the Bible verse that is dear to my heart is Psalm 40:1-2:

I waited patiently for the Lord, I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.

2  He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and

established my goings.

This is the verse I based my series name Up From the Miry Clay. My new book Tattered Blossoms Rise is the first book of the series. I like to sing this verse with an old song I love of Ginny Owens called 40

(From Psalm 40):

There are so many times when we just have to…wait. And in the case of my new series, my heroines

have been brought up out of the miry clay of prostitution. They must navigate life, find love, and serve

the Lord as the new creature God created them to be in a world where they will not always be accepted

and loved. We all know that world very well.

Tell us about your new release! 

My first book’s heroine, Pansy Jo Sutcliff is one of these characters with very strong resilience and will.

Once she decides, it’s done. No fluctuating. So when she accepts Jesus, her entire life changes and her iron will plows her through every rough patch. My hero is more shy and hesitant. 

Here’s the blurb:

Pansy Jo Sutcliff’s reformed and she’s not going back. That’s right. No rendezvousing under the

name “Miss Ruby” ever again. With her rusted shotgun, she’s willing to discourage any man who comes

knocking. Until Wylen Jenks stutters out a wedding proposal. Never in her fondest dreams had she ever

imagined she might be a bride. The man may be desperate with half a dozen kids, yet it’s the best offer

she’s ever received.

Wylen Jenks knows he ain’t worthy to wed such a rare beauty. And as far as sordid backgrounds

go, well, he had his own to wrangle. But when an old customer shows up, roughhousing and itching to

relive the past with his new wife, Wylen must reach deep to defend not only what is his, but to battle off

the lifelong condemnation and shame that troubles his soul.

With a bold prayer on each of their lips, Wylen and Pansy Jo charge forth into a new life of


But will their old lives let them go?

Tattered Blossoms Rise releases Dec. 1st . (Insert “It’s my birthday” dance” here.) 

link: And please,

readers, sign up for my newletter @ for up-to-date info on new books!

Peggy Trotter is on a continual quest to find one of her many pairs of glasses. Once those readers are parked on her nose, she‘s immersed in a story scene of some sort, always pushing toward that miracle happy ending. On a dusty shelf lies a couple of writing honors like the prestigious ACFW Genesis Award, Novella category, even though she writes full-length historical, contemporary and suspense Christian Fiction.

She has two amazing grown children, two terrific children-in-laws, and four unbelievably fantabulous grandchildren, who deserve way more than the average amount of adjectives and adverbs. Her Batman of 38 years, whose cape is much worn from rescuing his wife from one scrap or another, is the delight of her life. She’s a smoldering pot of determined discombobulation who, by the grace of God, occasionally pulls it together to appear in public as a normal confident woman while privately craving a few hermit hours to woo the printed word.





Amazon Author’s Profile Page:









Speaking of Giving Thanks…Thank you so much for spending time with all of us here. You’ve been so

gracious as our blog leader and chief orchestrator of herding cats here on the Diamond Mine of Christian

Fiction. Thank you for all you do! Wishing you and yours a very happy and blessed season.

GIVEAWAY: Peggy has graciously offered an ebook copy of her new release to one lucky blog commenter. You can enter more than once by sharing this blog post and following Peggy on her links above. Just let us know where you shared/followed for one entry each. Good luck and blessings! Winner will be drawn by (random dot org) and announced here next Tuesday. Please don't forget to  leave your _email at server dot com_ in the comment so we can notify you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

New Release for author Jill Chapman


Hello Diamond Miners! I'm thrilled to announce to you my newest book, Off the Grid. When the first book in The Bomb Squad series was released, I was over the moon with excitement. Book two in the series, Off the Grid, was released in September on the exact date as the first. They share a publication birthday. What an exciting autumn season! Off the Grid finds the boys camping in the woods in their newest adventure. This middle grade chapter book has fans from ages nine to twelve and even older. 

Bryan and his friends in The Bomb Squad begin their camping trip with hopes of exploring the woods behind Josh’s new house. At first, rain keeps them huddled in the tent, but the boys can’t resist the chance for adventure when Josh shows them a mysterious map he discovered in his room. Despite the bad weather, the boys hunt to find things on the map. A flash flood blocks the path for the boys to return to their campsite. Just as their cell phones die, they find themselves off the grid. More trouble strikes when Shorty falls down a cave passage and can’t walk. The boys must pull together to stay safe and return home. Can the Bomb Squad make it back on their own? Will they know what to do if they’re off the grid?

Why did I write this series and who is my inspiration?
Since I have two daughters, it does seem funny to write about four boys. As a former teacher and grandmother, the characters in The Bomb Squad series are patterned after former students and my grandsons. 

The next big question from my young fans "Will there be another book in the series?" 
Yes! Bryan and his friends will head to the beach in Seaside SOS.  While in Florida the Squad once again finds adventure. Will they be able to solve the mystery and stay out of troubled waters? This book is till in the preliminary stages so release date will be determined later.

Why do you write children's books is another question I receive.
My desire is to create stories filled with adventure, friendship, and fun! Meanwhile, showing children they can look to God to help them when they face challenges. Both books in the series highlight what it means to be a friend and neighbor. 

People notice I have a dog on the cover of the books. Do I have an inspiration for him?
Max is named after a loving pet my mother had for many years. His rambunctious spirit is patterned after my own dog, Indy. Both dogs were tremendous inspirations for Bryan's dog, Max. Every boy needs a pet, maybe not one that gets into so much trouble though!

 If you'd like to learn some Woofs of Wisdom from Indy, jump over to my website and check it out at Indy's Ruff Ruff Reality page.

Visit my page, The Write Place at the Write Time or head straight to my blog, Quips From My Quill.

Both books are available on Amazon, and make great stocking stuffers for children ages 9-12 years.
Click here for The Bomb Squad.
Click here if you'd like book two, Off the Grid.

The holidays seem just around the corner and I can't wait. If you're like me, your shopping list never ends. If you'd like to win a copy of Off the Grid, enter below. 

What do you like to find in your Christmas stocking? Leave me a comment also.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Welcome Susan G. Mathis, author of Rachel's Reunion

It is my joy and honor to introduce you to Susan G Mathis, author of Rachel's Reunion.

Susan is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than twenty-five times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has nine in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, and Peyton’s Promise. Rachel’s Reunion releases October 20, 2022. She just finished writing book ten, Mary’s Moment. Her book awards include two Illumination Book Awards, three American Fiction Awards, two Indie Excellence Book Awards, and two Literary Titan Book Awards. Reagan’s Reward is a Selah Awards finalist. 

Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands. Visit for more.

You can connect with her through:

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads

Now for the fun stuff! I have to admit I am partial to my Fast Five. :-) So settle in as I hit Susan with rapid-fire.

CC: Milk or Dark Chocolate?

SGM: Both, especially with nuts.

CC: Print or E-book?

SGM: Both! Love paper but traveling with my iPad mini is rad.

CC: Cat or Dog Person?

SGM: Dog. I have an 8-pound Maltichon, Lucy.

Morning Person or Night Owl?

SGM: Morning, definitely!

CC: Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

SGM: All four for different reasons, but I guess summer is best.

CC: Each season does have its own merit! Now for a couple of fun personal questions:

What is your favorite BIble verse?

SGM: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I love this promise! All eleven of my books have this as their primary theme. Hope and a Him!

CC: I love that verse, especially when you take into consideration the context of what Israel is going to face. Though difficult times lay ahead, we can rest assured that God's plans are for our good and His glory.

What are you reading right now?

SGM: A wonderful manuscript by Jamie H. Mansfield that will come out next year. Endorsing us a masterpiece is an honor and blessing.

CC: That is so neat to be able to endorse a book.

What do you like to do when you aren't reading or writing?

SMG: Swim, hike, travel, and spend time with family and friends.

CC: Hiking is such a blessing! Getting out in nature is really rejuvenating to the soul.

When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer?

SMG: I’ve been teaching writing, editing, or writing most of my life. But before I jumped into the fiction world, I served as the Founding Editor of Thriving Family magazine and the former Editor/Editorial Director of twelve Focus on the Family publications. My first two published books were nonfiction. Countdown for Couples: Preparing for the Adventure of Marriage with an Indonesian and Spanish version, and The ReMarriage Adventure: Preparing for a Life of Love and Happiness, have helped thousands of couples prepare for marriage. 

I’m also the author of two picture books, Lexie’s Adventure in Kenya and Princess Madison’s Rainbow Adventure. Moreover, I’m published in various book compilations including five Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Ready to Wed, Supporting Families Through Meaningful Ministry, The Christian Leadership Experience, and Spiritual Mentoring of Teens. I’ve also several hundred magazine and newsletter articles. 

But when I started writing fiction… I was hooked! My imagination has become my playground and the characters my friends. I love the challenge, the freedom, the fun of creating with the Creator. But…I only tell that to those who love fiction—or they might lock me up as a crazy person. Smiles.

CC: Authors really are the only people that can say they hear voices in their heads and not be locked up. LOL

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

SMG: I love writing with a cup of tea and a warm, scented candle nearby.

CC: I'm a pot of tea girl myself, and candles create a wonderful ambiance.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

SMG: Since I'm a morning person, I generally spend three to five hours plugging away, depending upon the project, deadlines, etc. I spend the first few minutes answering emails, checking on my social media pages, and planning my day. But then I buckle down and write, write, write! When I’ve exhausted my creativity, I take a break and move on to the editorial aspects of writing.

CC: That's a great way to schedule your day. I admit mine is a little more chaotic than that at this point in my life.

What has been the biggest challenge for you on your writing journey?

SMG: Between the subplots of early 1900s photography and meeting the famous people who actually stayed at the New Frontenac, there was a lot of research. But hey, I love to research, so it was fun.

CC: Research can sure be a pain, and that seems like a good segway into talking about your newest release, Rachel's Reunion.

Summer 1904

Rachel Kelly serves the most elite patrons at the famed New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island. She has wondered about her old beau, Mitch, for nearly two years, ever since he toyed with her affections while on Calumet Island, then left for the high seas and taken her heart with him. Now he’s back, opening the wound she thought was healed. 

Mitch O’Keefe returns to claim his bride but finds it more difficult than he thought. Returning to work at the very place he hated, he becomes captain of a New Frontenac Hotel touring yacht, just to be near Rachel. But his attempts to win her back are thwarted, especially when a wealthy patron seeks her attention. Who will Rachel choose?

Purchase it here.

CC: So let's talk about Rachel's Reunion. What kind of research did you do for it?

SMG: I grew up just twenty minutes from the Thousand Islands—the setting for all my stories—in upstate New York. Actually, half of the 1,864 islands are in NY and the other half in Ontario, Canada. So, I spent every summer and more exploring the beautiful region. I’ve stayed on several of the islands and camped and rented cottages there. So, after I wrote my debut novel about the largest island, Wolfe Island, I was hooked. 

There are so many fascinating stories to tell. Now, I take an annual Thousand Islands Book Tour to the islands where I meet with fans, friends, and family. I’ve stayed in Singer Castle, Casa Blanca, and other places that are the settings of my book. I’ve talked with the owners of the islands, local historians, and researched in the Thousand Islands archives. 

All my novels are based on a specific place in the Thousand Islands and are the true stories of the owners of that island. So, my plot is generally true. Then I overlay the storyline of the fictional servants to create the story. This makes my stories a bit more challenging, but I love a good challenge.

CC: That is really fascinating. It helps when you are able to visit where your stories take place. What was some of your favorite research for it?

SMG: I enjoyed learning about the Kodak Brownie Camera and all the amazing folks who visited the Frontenac Hotel on Round Island including William Howard Taft and the Belmonts.

CC: In Cincinnati, we have the Taft Museum where I believe it was a relative, not actually him, who ended up turning their house into essentially an art museum. I bet it really was interesting to see the ritzy aspect of the Gilded Age.

Which character was the most fun to create? What makes them fun?

SMG: I love Rachel and Mitch. My characters become so real to me; they become friends. Smiles.

CC: Our characters really do become real in our heads.

How did this story affect you as you wrote it? Did God teach you anything through the writing?

SMG: Every book I write is a journey of healing and hope, and this one was no different. My faith walk is reflected in each of my stories to one degree or another. Rachel’s Reunion also explores forgiveness for someone who hurt you.

CC: Forgiveness is definitely one of the harder things we are called as Christians to do. What do you hope readers will take away from your story?

SMG: All eleven of my Thousand Islands’ stories have hope as the central theme. Hope for a better future. Hope for love. Hope for healing. Rachel’s Reunion also focuses on healing broken hearts and forgiving those who hurt you.

CC: That is a much needed message for sure. Thank you so much for joining me today. As my final question, I have my usual "Fun Question".

If you could travel anywhere without worry about cost, where would you travel?

SMG: Ahhh...every New Year I update my bucket list. At the moment that includes, Holland, Tahiti, a Scandinavian cruise, and maybe a European river cruise. I've been to 40 countries so far and love exploring the world.

CC: Wow! That is exciting. I've only been to Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico--all before passports were required to visit them. One day I hope to travel more extensively.

Readers, thank you for joining us for this interview. I hope you'll take a few minutes to go check out Rachel's Reunion.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Interview with author Kathleen Neely!!

Today we welcome author Kathleen Neely to the Diamond Mine, and are featuring her book, Though the Mountains Be Shaken. 
Let's take a look!

They put every vow to the test.

Kate Dunbar puts 100% into everything she does--a career as a literary agent, a mom of preschool twins, and the wife of Ryan Dunbar, a criminal defense attorney.
She appears to have the perfect life, until it begins to crumble piece by piece--her marriage, her health, and her job.
Kate blames emotional stress for her fatigue, stiffness and tremors. As symptoms begin to increase, Kate finds herself unable to control her body's erratic movements. At the same time that she and Ryan separate, she receives a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Determined not to tell her estranged husband of her diagnosis, Kate faces an unknown future and the possibility that she'll face it as a single mother.

As glimmers of hope for a restored marriage begin to surface, more upheavals await them. A case that Ryan is defending endangers his family and his career. 
Kate and Ryan both harbor secrets that threaten their marriage. Can they mend their broken family? How will Parkinson's affect their future? For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others. Every vow they spoke eight years ago is being tested. Can they survive the storm?

Sounds like a great story, Kathleen. How did you get your idea for it?

Nancy, thank you for the chance to share my story with your readers. Though the Mountains be Shaken is a contemporary setting that mirrors many stressed and busy families today. Kate Dunbar juggles a full-time job as a literary agent, preschool twins, and a troubled marriage to attorney Ryan Dunbar. Everything she's balancing falls apart when her husband leaves her and then she's diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Kate decides not to tell him until their marriage heals without pity.
Ever since I was diagnosed with Parkinson's ten years ago, I have wanted to write a story about a character with PD. Kate's journey with this neuro-degenerative disease mirrors mine, though hers progressed more rapidly. Like Kate, I initially dismissed the impact that it would have on my life; and like Kate, truth came like a punch in the gut.
Readers will encounter a few twists and some courtroom scenes as Ryan's career intersects with his private life, putting his family in danger. Both Ryan and Kate hold secrets that threaten the health of the marriage. My dilemma as an author was how to arrive at a satisfactory ending without diminishing the seriousness of Parkinson's. I hope I accomplished that.

I'm sure you did! Chronic disease is something that is difficult to understand for people who haven't faced it, and stories like yours are important and needful. Thank you for tackling a challenging subject. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Yes. I worked for years as a teacher and a school administrator. When Parkinson's led me to retirement a little earlier than planned, I pulled out my long-neglected half-written manuscript that eventually became a novel. That novel, The Least of These, won first place in the Fresh Voices category in a writing contest through Almost an Author. 

That's wonderful that you got recognized so early on! I'm always curious about a writer's work habits. Do you write out your ideas in an outline, or just write spontaneously?

I'm often asked where I get my ideas. I think being an avid reader spurs a natural tendency to create stories; to live out scenes in my mind. I don't outline, but always know the beginning and the ending. The details emerge as the story takes shape, and the characters carve out its path, often surprising me.

I love the way that happens! So many writers have told me that they also experience those times of surprise with their characters.
Do your books have a central theme?

My work is categorized as Christian fiction, but I don't write fiction with an agenda to proselytize. A forced agenda can weaken a story. Instead, I attempt to weave a message of faith where it naturally fits. Above all, I want my words to honor Christ.

That's a beautiful motivation, Kathleen. I'm glad the world has authors like you! What are you working on now?

I'm currently working on a novel involving an art heist and three Southern ladies running a craft shop consignment store in South Carolina's low country. How in the world does an authentic Monet end up in their display? 
Subscribe to my website at, where you can read about my novels and hear updates about sales and releases, and also find out how that Monet ended up in the craft shop!

Sounds great!! Kathleen, thanks so much for the interview! I loved it!
Readers, here is a bit more about Kathleen, along with her social and purchase links!

Kathleen Neely is a retired elementary principle, and enjoys time with family, visiting her two grandsons, traveling, and reading.
she is the author of The Street Singer, Beauty for Ashes, The Least of These, Arms of Freedom, and In Search of True North.
Kathleen won second place in a short story contest through ACFW-VA for her short story "The Missing Piece"and an honorable mention for her story "The Dance". Both were published in a Christmas Anthology. Her novel, The Least of These, was awarded first place in the 2015 Fresh Voices contest through Almost an Author. She has numerous devotions published through Christian Devotions.
Kathleen continues to speak to students about writing and publication processes. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.
Order your copy of Though the Mountains be Shaken:

And here are Kathleen's links:

Website –

Facebook –

Twitter -

Instagram –

Goodreads -

BookBub -- Kathleen Neely Books - BookBub