Please welcome our blog proprietress, Peggy Trotter, as we celebrate her upcoming release Tattered Blossoms Rise.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful traditional holiday, and one I so-o-o look forward to. Memories of my
mother permeate the occasion with the savory aroma of sage in her stuffing recipe, the warm hint of
nutmeg in her heirloom pies, and even the vintage Pyrex nesting bowls used to prepare and serve the
Peggy, what is your favorite tradition about Thanksgiving?
Getting to see the whole family around the table is my absolute favorite. The wonderful smells of turkey and homemade rolls wreathe our heads and everyone is hungry and thankful for another year together.
Beautiful imagery! Yes. With the busy holiday season officially on now, how does your writing schedule change, or does it?
Well, my writing takes a back seat during family times. Christmas sometimes puts a damper on getting a lot done writing-wise for most of December. But I still sneak in some time to write and edit.
We know writers have to wear many hats—brainstormer, plotter, editor, formatter, cover designer,
marketer…Each is its own beast, aside from the creative exercise and mastering of the writing craft. Do
you have a favorite aspect, or one you particularly dread, hate, despise and loathe? Do you outsource
some of these tasks?
Writing is my absolute favorite. I like to be knee deep with a story I’m so eager to put on the screen with a digital fireplace on the TV, writing dialogue, sometimes crying along with my character, LOL. But I do enjoy dabbling in book covers. My absolute nemesis is marketing. Even formatting (which can drive you bonkers) is a lamb next to that. I’m a big DIY-er so I do a lot on my own, but I absolutely could not do without my editor, Nancy Clark. She finds ALL my mistakes and timing issues. She’s a wonder.
Reaching out to others with our stories is why we do what we do. What has been your most touching
feedback from a reader?
I recently had a woman tell me she so enjoyed my books because it was like getting an enjoyable story
and a devotion at the same time. And she really hit the nail on the head because that is how I want
them to be perceived. I want my books to be enjoyable yet carry a deep gospel message.
Do you have a favorite scripture or other way to stir your writing muse?
Right now the Bible verse that is dear to my heart is Psalm 40:1-2:
I waited patiently for the Lord, I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and
established my goings.
This is the verse I based my series name Up From the Miry Clay. My new book Tattered Blossoms Rise is the first book of the series. I like to sing this verse with an old song I love of Ginny Owens called 40
(From Psalm 40): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_pQ7H7Xia4
There are so many times when we just have to…wait. And in the case of my new series, my heroines
have been brought up out of the miry clay of prostitution. They must navigate life, find love, and serve
the Lord as the new creature God created them to be in a world where they will not always be accepted
and loved. We all know that world very well.
Tell us about your new release!
My first book’s heroine, Pansy Jo Sutcliff is one of these characters with very strong resilience and will.
Once she decides, it’s done. No fluctuating. So when she accepts Jesus, her entire life changes and her iron will plows her through every rough patch. My hero is more shy and hesitant.
Here’s the blurb:
Pansy Jo Sutcliff’s reformed and she’s not going back. That’s right. No rendezvousing under thename “Miss Ruby” ever again. With her rusted shotgun, she’s willing to discourage any man who comes
knocking. Until Wylen Jenks stutters out a wedding proposal. Never in her fondest dreams had she ever
imagined she might be a bride. The man may be desperate with half a dozen kids, yet it’s the best offer
she’s ever received.
Wylen Jenks knows he ain’t worthy to wed such a rare beauty. And as far as sordid backgrounds
go, well, he had his own to wrangle. But when an old customer shows up, roughhousing and itching to
relive the past with his new wife, Wylen must reach deep to defend not only what is his, but to battle off
the lifelong condemnation and shame that troubles his soul.
With a bold prayer on each of their lips, Wylen and Pansy Jo charge forth into a new life of
But will their old lives let them go?
Tattered Blossoms Rise releases Dec. 1st . (Insert “It’s my birthday” dance” here.)
link: https://www.amazon.com/Tattered-Blossoms-Rise-Miry-Clay-ebook/dp/B0BLM91D28. And please,
readers, sign up for my newletter @https://www.peggytrotter.com for up-to-date info on new books!
Peggy Trotter is on a continual quest to find one of her many pairs of glasses. Once those readers are parked on her nose, she‘s immersed in a story scene of some sort, always pushing toward that miracle happy ending. On a dusty shelf lies a couple of writing honors like the prestigious ACFW Genesis Award, Novella category, even though she writes full-length historical, contemporary and suspense Christian Fiction.
She has two amazing grown children, two terrific children-in-laws, and four unbelievably fantabulous grandchildren, who deserve way more than the average amount of adjectives and adverbs. Her Batman of 38 years, whose cape is much worn from rescuing his wife from one scrap or another, is the delight of her life. She’s a smoldering pot of determined discombobulation who, by the grace of God, occasionally pulls it together to appear in public as a normal confident woman while privately craving a few hermit hours to woo the printed word.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Peggy_Trotter
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Amazon Author’s Profile Page: amazon.com/author/peggytrotter.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peggy_trotter_author/
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Speaking of Giving Thanks…Thank you so much for spending time with all of us here. You’ve been so
gracious as our blog leader and chief orchestrator of herding cats here on the Diamond Mine of Christian
Fiction. Thank you for all you do! Wishing you and yours a very happy and blessed season.
GIVEAWAY: Peggy has graciously offered an ebook copy of her new release to one lucky blog commenter. You can enter more than once by sharing this blog post and following Peggy on her links above. Just let us know where you shared/followed for one entry each. Good luck and blessings! Winner will be drawn by (random dot org) and announced here next Tuesday. Please don't forget to leave your _email at server dot com_ in the comment so we can notify you!
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