Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Our own Penny Frost McGinnis Releases New Book!

Check the gift register stat, because we are welcoming yet another new book baby from our own Penny Frost McGinnis!

 OH! And don't 


PT: Oh, Penny! We are all thrilled to welcome in your new addition Home Away from Home. So, tell the readers how you came to write and why you write in your chosen genre.

PFM: Over 25 years ago, I set a goal to write for publication. Along the way, I had a few poems and articles published. I intended to write for children, but God nudged me toward women’s fiction and eventually romance. I learned how to write that genre from conferences, classes, reading inspirational fiction, and how-to books. As I continued to work a full-time job, I honed my skills and started a blog. After I retired, my coworker encouraged me to finish my novel and seek publication.

PT: Many writers have a message they want to convey overall to their readers. What do you want to tell readers through your writing?

PFM: My goal in writing is to share the hope I have in Jesus. When God called me to write, I knew I needed to inject positivity into a negative world. By shining His light, I’m able to spread the joy and hope I’ve found in a relationship with God, and there’s nothing more hopeful than Jesus’ love.

PT: What a great goal to have. How did you come up with the idea for your newest release Home Away from Home?

Book blurb: Home Away from Home

When Marigold Hayes turned fourteen, her mother died, and her father went missing. For forty years, she has searched for her dad and lived a quiet life on Abbott Island, until she met Johnny. As her love for Johnny grows, her sorrow from the relentless search for her father breaks her heart. She begs God to help her move forward with her life before she has no love left to give. Then three mysterious strangers show up who could change her life.

Johnny Papadakis moved to Abbott Island ten years ago. His ex-wife had pushed him away and discouraged him from having a relationship with their daughter. After years of hard work, his restaurant flourishes, so does his relationship with Marigold. As he seeks Marigold's hand in marriage, his daughter shows up on his doorstep, looking for a place to call home.

Can Marigold and Johnny settle the past and move toward the promise of a blessed future?

PFM: Marigold, the main character, appeared in book #1 as a strong, independent woman who ran her own business, and loved her friends well. Since she is 54, I wondered what made her move to an island at 18 and live alone all those years. Her character is influenced by a woman my husband and I met briefly, who ran a kayak business. As an older adult, I knew Marigold carried baggage, lived life, and learned lessons. The story works through loss and grief in a different sense. I can only say, God inspired me to place Marigold in a situation where her father had been missing for many years and she needs to either find him or let go.

Johnny is a great balance for Marigold. He’s had loss in another way and wants to reconcile with his daughter. In the meantime, he hopes he and Marigold will have a happy ending.

PT: I love the name Marigold. I’m a sucker for cute, unusual names. Now, this is a second in the series Abbott Island. Do readers need to read your first release, Home Where She Belongs, or do the books stand alone?

PFM: Readers can read the book as a stand-alone, but I’d love for you to read Home Where She Belongs, too.

PT: Does Home Away from Home have a spiritual thread or is it based on a Bible verse?

PFM: The scripture I chose for Home Away from Home is Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Marigold’s story is all about hope and this verse shores her up when she faces some tough decisions. This is also one of my top ten verses that inspires me. I use it as the theme for my blog, Hope for Today’s Heart.

PT: Give us a peek into how your writing day goes.

PFM: Since I’m retired, I try to write at least 3-5 hours. I eat breakfast, then sip my coffee while I check email, then glance through social media. Once I’ve settled in, I work on something associated with my writing, write or edit the book I’m working on, or create devotions for my blog. I usually have breaks with Rosie May and tea in the afternoon. I’m a slow writer, and I edit my writing several times.

PT: Share with the reader the best thing you enjoy about writing and worst thing you hate about writing.

PFM: I’m thankful to have the opportunity to write. I enjoy the prewriting, research, and sketching out characters and their lives and love to create the setting. I don’t enjoy the final fine-tooth combing at the end where I’m trying to find any errors that may have been missed. It makes me fall asleep 😉.

PT: Do you enjoy any hobbies along the way?

PFM: Probably too many. I’ve been embroidering since I was five and recently started again. I enjoy wool felting, crocheting, paper arts, and growing flowers and herbs in my tiny garden, and of course reading. My husband and I have a golden retriever named after Rosie in Home Where She Belongs and we enjoy spending time with our kids and grands (not sure that’s a hobby 😊 but it’s fun.)

PT: Now for my fav! It's time for my:

(Photo credit: Joe Caione/Unsplash)
about Penny Frost McGinnis that have nothing to do with writing:


  1. I’m fascinated by God’s creation.
  2. Dark chocolate is the best.
  3. I enjoy growing lavender.
  4. Winter is my favorite season.
  5. I’m a Cincinnati Reds fan!
Dedicated Reds Fans!

PT: What’s next for the Abbott Island Series? Another book or a new direction all together?

PFM: I’m currently writing a Christmas novella, set on Abbott Island, that will be part of a collection of Christmas stories set in Ohio, and I’ll be writing Lucy’s story as book #3 in the Abbott Island Series. With her sparkling personality, she’ll be fun to write.

PT: A Christmas Novella! That sounds like a great direction, and I’m sure everyone can’t wait until the next Abbott Island series debuts.

PFM: Thank you for interviewing me, Peggy.

PT: And thanks for sharing your little bundle of joy with us! As always, you can learn more about Penny at her links:

Website/Blog: https://www.pennyfrostmcginnis.com/

Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/PennyFrostMcGinnisAuthor

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/penny-frost-mcginnis

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22233131.Penny_Frost_McGinnis

Oh, and about that BOOK GIVEAWAY...

leave your name on our contact form or 

leave a comment with your email to be entered to win an EBook copy of Penny Frost McGinnis's Home Away from Home!

Penny Frost McGinnis, author of Home Where She Belongs and Home Away from Home, books #1 and #2 of the Abbott Island series, would live in a lighthouse or on an island if she could. Instead, she and her husband are content to live in southwest Ohio and visit Lake Erie every chance they get. She adores her family and dog, indulges in dark chocolate, enjoys fiber arts, and baseball. She pens romance with a dash of mystery and the promise of hope. Her life's goal is to encourage and uplift through her writing. Visit her blog at Hope for Today's Heart, where she brings God's hope to people's lives through the written word.


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Anonymous said...

Loved reading the interview. I’ve read book#1 and I’m so excited to get the second. Penny is a fabulous friend who glorifies God in all aspects of living. She makes me want to be a better person.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to read Penny’s second book. The first one was so enjoyable, that I couldn’t put it down!
Penny’s writings, whether it’s a devo or a story has always been an inspiration ❤️for me. God has blessed her with a very special gift.

Anonymous said...

Munchkin 😊

Peggy Trotter said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by! Spread the word to your friends so they can enter the giveaway, and most importantly learn about a great Christian fiction writer!

Penny Frost McGinnis said...

Thank you all so much for the encouragement. I'm so happy I can use the gift God gave me to uplift others.