Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Stacy Simmons - Finishing her Story

Hello - I’m a new writer here on the Diamond Mine, and this is my first author interview. 

There have been many fabulous authors featured, and I wanted to continue that trend. New and seasoned authors, best-sellers, historical, contemporary, and every genre in between.

As writers of Christian fiction, we carefully craft the full journey of our beloved protagonists. We identify the end goal and what we hope to accomplish, fill in the back story, toss in layers of tension and recognize the power of the obstacles getting in the way. We depict a strong arc where God is always present even in times of turmoil and most of all, we ensure that nothing stands in the way of the happy endings we long to see. 

But in real life, our stories sometimes take a tragic turn and we’re caught completely off guard by the outcome. We no longer have control of our happy endings and are left to pick up the pieces to form a new story.

And that’s exactly where we’ll start today.

Please allow me to introduce you to my dear friend, Stacy Simmons. Stacy and I published our first novels within a few months of each other. We served on one another’s launch teams. We've learned the ropes together, even from a distance, since we first met at an American Christian Fiction Writer’s Conference in Nashville in 2016. Though I’ve only seen Stacy in person a handful of times, she was a constant source of encouragement to me and every other writer I know. 

Stacy was just getting started when we suddenly lost her last October. She had asked her writing friends to pray for an upcoming surgery, and was thrilled to let us know when she was headed home a couple days later. But soon, we were shocked to learn something had gone terribly wrong. We lost her. Suddenly. Tragically. Without warning.

As word spread across the writing community, we found comfort in online posts by Stacy’s husband, Michael. As he worked through his own grief, his words beautifully expressed the depth of his love for Stacy and gave an inside peek into their lives together. Somehow, it helped us feel closer to her as we gathered at his feet to hear more stories. It seemed as if Michael himself was quickly becoming a writer as well. 

Stacy’s writing career was just beginning to blossom, and we wondered what might happen to Book Two and Three of her inaugural Briar Creek series with Celebrate Lit. Book Two in the series, A Journey for Hope had been completed and it was already available for preorder on Amazon. 

So what could possibly happen next?

Enter two new unsuspecting heroes of this story. Michael Simmons and Beth Collins – Stacy’s husband and sister. As they both find themselves battling unexpected battles and obstacles of their own,  they’ve dedicated themselves to making sure Stacy’s stories live on. They’ve taken it upon themselves to learn the ins and outs of book launches, the review process, and press releases.

In the midst of their own polarizing grief, they have become the main characters in a saga they never saw coming.

And today, they let us in on their deep, personal, and vulnerable journey to healing and making sure they finish Stacy's story in a way that will make her proud.  

Me: I'm sure neither of you wanted to be in this position. When did you decide to redirect your grief to spearhead Stacy's book launch?  

Beth: Stacy was an amazing writer, but she was also a very dedicated marketer. Her novella, Christmas in the Cotswolds, was published on October 18th, the day before her surgery. I had flown to Dallas to be with her for the procedure and she asked me to help create and post graphics on social media to support the launch while she recovered. Stacy gave me her passwords and showed me how to post on each of her social media accounts. Before that day, I had never posted on social media! Because God always has a plan, I believe that Stacy gave me access to her accounts and showed me what to do so I could help promote A Journey for Hope on her behalf. 

Michael: At the time of Stacy’s passing I wasn’t sure where she was in the process of launching A Journey for Hope.  For me it was over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays I realized that we are behind and needed to get going, but wasn't sure where to start. Beth was awesome in researching what to do next.

Me: What have you learned about book launches since then?

Michael: Stacy was the Queen of book launches. She was often booked solid with writing, helping someone launch their book, taking care of the family, and working full time. She would tell me "I’m not doing any more book launches, I just don’t have the capacity to do anymore."  Later that week she would look at me and say “guess what, I’m on another launch team”. She couldn’t turn other writers down. I now have genuine respect for what goes into a successful launch.

Beth: Because Stacy was so organized, she left behind files with lists of contacts and instructions for how to conduct a successful book launch. This material was incredibly helpful but I now know that the people helping -- the launch team -- are the most important part of the launch. If you build a great team, you'll have a great launch! Stacy was blessed to have a wonderful group of friends in the Christian fiction community, and their support made all the difference. We were ecstatic that Stacy's book reached number three on the Amazon bestseller list for new releases in Women's Christian Fiction, and we can't thank our launch team enough for their amazing assistance.

Me: Since Stacy wasn't one to brag about herself, what would you like people to know about her? 

Michael: Stacy was humble to a fault. She would be your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Every morning she would get up, grab her coffee and get on her phone and start reaching out to people via social media. She would use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Text, and Email to connect with other writers offering encouragement and prayers for those who were going through tough times. The morning of her surgery she was checking in with a friend who was having medical issues. Stacy let them know she was praying for them.

Beth: After Stacy was called home, many people wrote touching tributes extolling her kindness, her encouraging nature, and her generous spirit. I would like people to know that Stacy was also very determined and strong. Beneath her gentle exterior, she was tough as nails! Stacy got her way, but she did it by listening to others and treating them kindly. People wanted to do things for Stacy because of who she was -- not because she pressured them. 

Stacy was persistent and never gave up on achieving her dream of becoming a published author. As she often noted, her first "book baby" was ugly, but she kept writing and rewriting it until she got it right. The day Stacy received her three-book contract was one of the happiest days of her life and we were so thrilled for her! We know that if she were still here with us, Stacy would be promoting and posting so we want to honor her memory by publicizing A Journey for Hope.

Me: Of all that's happened since then, what do you think would make her most proud? 

Michael: I never realized the impact that Stacy had on this large universe of writers. Since her passing so many have shared with me how she was such a shining light in their life and how she helped them through some dark days. I always knew she was one of the kindest people, I just didn’t know the breadth of reach she had.

Beth: As she looks down from Heaven, I know that Stacy is incredibly proud of her daughters' resilience. They lost their mother with virtually no warning -- an unspeakable tragedy -- and have adapted amazingly well, given the circumstances. Speaking on behalf of her entire family, we have been bolstered by the prayers of the many people who knew and loved Stacy. We cannot know why God called her home, but we do know that Stacy wants us to stay positive and live Christ-centered lives until that glorious day when we see her again in Heaven.

Me: What happens next, personally and with Stacy's writing? 

Beth: There is still more Briar Creek Love on the horizon. Stacy left behind a half-completed manuscript for the final book in her Briar Creek Love trilogy, A Season for Grace. As she lay on her deathbed, I promised Stacy two things. First, that I would be a substitute mother to her two daughters. And second, that I would finish writing her third book. Fortunately, she also left behind a detailed chapter outline so I know how she wanted the story to progress and end. The members of Stacy's critique group (who attended her Celebration of Life service and have been so supportive) have agreed to help me as I undertake the daunting task of completing my sister's final book. A Season for Grace is scheduled for publication in January 2024 so I will need all the help I can get! 

Michael: Personally, I along with our daughters, Jordan and Madison, are working on healing. Losing your best friend of 35 years is a shock to the system, so taking life one day at a time is what is happening now.

Me: How can we help her story to live on? 

Michael:  Enjoy reading the books.  It’s pretty simple.  Stacy dedicated her available time to writing and improving her skills as a writer. I know if she was here she would enjoy the response so far to the second book launch.

Beth: Stacy's story shows that it is never too late to follow your dreams. You can accomplish anything you want through prayer, hard work, and dedication. In addition to reading her books and letting others know about them, I know Stacy would want everyone to listen to Jesus' urgings and find their purpose and passion. After her first book, A Promise for Faith, was published, Stacy was asked what she hoped her readers would take away from the novel. She replied, "To keep on pursuing what they'd like to accomplish, through faith and tenacity." 

Even amidst the deepest grief, God continues to write the most meaningful and everlasting stories. Stacy would be blown away by the heartfelt comments people used to describe her. She'd be honored that readers appreciate her stories and are willing to spread the word. 

Most of all, she'd be amazed by the selfless love of her sister and husband. This has all the makings of a classic. A bittersweet triumph filled with sacrifice, second chances and overcoming one's grief to learn, grow and move forward when you feel as if half of you is missing. 

Personally, this is one story I will never forget. Raw and true, and still being written before our very eyes. 

May God continue to hold Stacy's family closer than ever. 

To purchase Stacy's books, please visit Amazon

Janet Morris Grimes may not have realized she was a writer at the time, but her earliest childhood memories were spent creating fairy-tale stories of the father she never knew. That desire to connect with the mysterious man in a treasured photograph gave her a deep love for the endless possibilities of a healing and everlasting story.  A wife of one, mother of three, and Tootsie to four, Janet currently writes from her quiet two-acre corner of the world near Elizabethtown, KY. She has spent the last few years preparing to introduce her novels and children’s stories to the world.  Stories that stretch your heartstrings.  An unforgettable combination.
For more information, visit her website at: Janet Morris Grimes

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