Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Visit with Bestselling, Award-winning Author, Susan Page Davis

Happy Wednesday!

I’m so happy to bring you an interview with a good friend of mine and one of my favorite authors, Susan Page Davis! 

Living about 70 miles apart, Susan and I met when I was invited to join her and Kathy Cretsinger for lunch to discuss starting a writing group, which later became KenTen Writers Group, a mix of published and unpublished authors. We met for over ten years, learning, brainstorming, and critiquing our work, hosting writing retreats, and seeing several new authors (including myself) become published. It was a great learning experience. Susan is always willing to help out fellow writers, and I’ve been proud to work alongside her in some of these ventures! 

Susan is the author of more than one hundred novels and novellas in the mystery, romance, and historical genres. She has won many awards, including the Carol Award, three Will Rogers Medallions, and two Faith, Hope, and Love Readers’ Choice Awards. A Maine native, she now resides in western Kentucky with her husband, Jim.

Keep reading to the end—Susan is generously providing a giveaway of the winner’s choice of either paperback (US only) or eBook (anywhere) of Kate by the Book!

Regina: Hi Susan! Welcome to the Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction! What inspired you to write, initially, and what encouraged you to continue?


Susan: I’ve always loved stories and reimagining them in different ways. And I’ve written stories since I was a child. When I’d written my first novel (not the first published, by the way), I sent it to several publishers. Rejections came back, but enough had encouraging words that I felt I should keep trying. I’ve been writing fiction ever since.


Regina: Sometimes those rejections are the most helpful advice we can get, and if you get someone willing to share their wisdom, all the better! What is one story from real life that you’ve included in one of your books?


Susan: My father was a game warden in Maine, and I’ve actually adapted several tales from his adventures. Once he was called out to tend to a deer that had jumped through a window into a church. In my book Off the Record, I made it just a little more exciting than the real life version. 


Regina: It’s fun to take a real event and spice it up in the name of fiction! I’ve done that at least once in every book I’ve written. What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? 


Susan: It’s hard to choose just one, but I do love John 6:39, “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me but raise it up on the last day.” It reminds me of God’s faithfulness. Things that are out of my control are His to take care of, and He will.


Regina: Amen. I often remind myself that we’re only here temporarily! I’m happy to not be in control! A lot of interviewers ask for your favorite book. That’s just not fair! What has been the most recent book you’ve read that excited you or moved you in some way, and why?

Susan: I recently read and enjoyed The Last Bookshop in London, by Madeline Martin. It takes place in World War II and follows a young woman who moves to the city and soon finds herself amid the blitz and a terrifying time. I love historical novels, and this one touched me.


Regina: I love a book that I keep thinking about long after I’ve finished it—sometimes after I’ve started another book! I’ll have to look that one up! Is there someone, alive or dead, who had a major influence on your writing life, or on your life in general?


Susan: I have three sisters, and they are precious to me.  We try to get together for Sister Week yearly, or when we can. They are creative in other ways, and they always encourage me.


Regina: Sisters are the best! I only have one, but she’s precious to me, too. I like the idea of Sister Week!

Thank you for sharing with us today, Susan! 


Today's featured book:


From Susan: Kate by the Book is one of my newest releases. In it, Kate Pierce, a children’s librarian, meets police officer Charlie Abbot when he comes to conduct a fingerprinting clinic at the library. She is soon drawn to his four-year-old son, Alex, who has a big secret. Charlie’s attracted to Kate, but his job and his family situation make him keep his feelings in check. But a mystery keeps taking him back to the library, where Kate may be in danger. 

In the print version (the paperback and the just-released hardcover from Center Point Large Print), Kate by the Book is paired with my sweet, clean novella, The Mailboat, also set in Central Maine, where I grew up. 


Connect with Susan in the following places:



Twitter @SusanPageDavis





And, here’s how you can purchase Kate by the Book and The Mailboat, as well as the large print volume that contains both books!

Paperback (both titles in one book)

Ebook, Kate by the Book

Ebook, The Mailboat

Large print hardcover (both titles in one book)

Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win either an ebook or paperback of Kate by the Book!



Susan Page Davis said...

Regina, thanks for having me visit!

PrillyCharmin said...

My family loves books by Susan Page Davis! I think we've read most of them. I'm looking forward to the new one coming out soon. Thank you for this personal interview with Susan. It was fun to read a little about her life and writing career.